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Spanish to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR per word / 21 - 25 EUR per hour English to Spanish - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR per word / 21 - 26 EUR per hour French to Spanish - Rates: 0.08 - 0.09 EUR per word / 25 - 27 EUR per hour
English to Spanish: Nuclear Power and the World's Energy Requirements General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - English Modern conventional nuclear reactors (advanced gas reactors and pressurised water reactors) use enriched uranium fuel as a heat source.
This is made from natural uranium ore which typically contains about 0.7% uranium 235U , enriched to between two and three per cent, depending on the requirements of the particular reactor. This leaves a large amount of uranium 238U with a reduced concentration of uranium 235U; this is classed as ‘medium level’ radioactive waste. The enriched fuel is then compacted into fuel rods as UO2, ready for use in a reactor core. When exposed to ‘thermalised’ neutrons, the uranium 235U undergoes stimulated fission, leading to the production of a great variety of radioactive by-products, stored in the fuel rods. Once the concentration of uranium 235U drops below 0.9%, the fuel rod is classed as ‘spent’ and a new rod replaces it. The ‘used’ fuel rods produce a considerable amount of heat due to their high level of radioactivity and are stored typically in ten metre deep water pools for at least twelve months. This storage is to allow them to cool and for their radioactivity to decrease to a safer level.
Translation - Spanish Los reactores nucleares convencionales modernos (reactores de gas avanzado y reactores de agua a presión) utilizan combustible de uranio enriquecido como fuente de calor.
Este se elabora a partir de mineral de uranio natural que contiene típicamente alrededor de un 0,7% de uranio 235U, enriquecido entre un dos y un tres por ciento, dependiendo de los requisitos del reactor concreto.
Generándose una gran cantidad de uranio 238U con una concentración reducida de uranio 235U; esto se clasifica como basura radioactiva de "nivel medio”.
A continuación, este combustible enriquecido se compacta como UO2 en vainas de combustible, listos para su utilización en un núcleo de reactor.
Cuando se expone a neutrones "térmicos", el uranio 235U se somete a fisión estimulada, generando la producción de una gran variedad de subproductos radioactivos, almacenados en vainas de combustible.
Una vez que la concentración de uranio 235U decae por debajo del 0,9%, la vaina de combustible se clasifica como "gastada" y una nueva vaina la sustituye.
Las vainas de combustible "usadas" producen una cantidad de calor importante debido a su elevado nivel de radioactividad y son tradicionalmente almacenadas en piscinas de agua de diez metros de profundidad durante al menos doce meses.
Este almacenamiento permite que se refrigere y que su radioactividad decrezca a niveles más seguros.
English to Spanish: Brief Sudan's History General field: Other Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - English As Sudan prepared to gain independence from joint British and Egyptian rule in 1956, southern leaders accused the new authorities in Khartoum of backing out of promises to create a federal system, and of trying to impose an Islamic and Arabic identity.
In 1955, southern army officers mutinied, sparking off a civil war between the south, led by the Anya Nya guerrilla movement, and the Sudanese government.
The yes vote in the 2011 referendum on independence sparked scenes of jubilation
The conflict only ended when the Addis Ababa peace agreement of 1972 accorded the south a measure of autonomy.
But, in 1983, the south, led by the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) and its armed wing, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), again rose in rebellion when the Sudanese government cancelled the autonomy arrangements.
At least 1.5 million people are thought to have lost their lives and more than four million were displaced in the ensuing 22 years of guerrilla warfare. Large numbers of South Sudanese fled the fighting, either to the north or to neighbouring countries, where many remain.
The conflict finally ended with the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, under which the south was granted regional autonomy along with guaranteed representation in a national power-sharing government.
Translation - Spanish Mientras Sudán se preparaba para conseguir la independencia del mandato británico y egipcio en 1956, líderes del Sur acusaron a las nuevas autoridades de Jartum de respaldar las promesas para crear un sistema federal, y de intentar imponer una identidad islámica y árabe.
En 1955, oficiales del ejército del Sur se amotinaron, desatando una guerra civil entre el Sur, liderado por la guerrilla Anya Nya, y el gobierno sudanés.
El conflicto sólo terminó cuando el acuerdo de paz de Addis-Abeba de 1972 otorgó al Sur una medida de autonomía.
Pero, en 1983, el Sur, liderado por el Movimiento de Liberación de los Pueblos del Sudán (MLPS) y su brazo armado, el Ejercito de Liberación de los Pueblos del Sudán (ELPS), de nuevo se rebeló cuando el gobierno sudanés canceló las disposiciones de autonomía.
Se estima que al menos 1,5 millones de personas han perdido sus vidas y más de cuatro millones fueron desplazadas en los siguientes 22 años de enfretamientos entre guerrillas. Un gran número de sudaneses del Sur huyeron de los combates, bien hacia el norte o a países vecinos, donde muchos permanecen.
El conflicto finalmento llegó a su fin con el Acuerdo General de Paz de 2005, bajo el cual el Sur vió asegurada su autonomía regional junto con la representación garantizada en un gobierno nacional de poderes compartidos.
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Nov 2011.
I am a freelance proofreader and translator with a combined degree in Physics and Engineering with a specialization in Medical Physics and Biochemistry - Biotechnology at PhD level.
I have completed postgraduate degrees in Development and Project Management and I have large experience in bilingual tasks.
After several years working in the industry, I have worked in: Medical : Clinical Patient Facing (Informed Consent Forms (ICFs), IVR Script, Patient Brochures, Package Insert, Patient Cards, Patient Information Leaflet, Patient Recruitment Material) Clinical Technical (Batch Records, Biochemistry - Drug Composition, Case Review Form, Changes for Protocol Summary, Clinical Research Protocol, Clinical Study Report, Customer Response Letter, Discharge Summary, Ethics Committee Letter, Investigational Medicinal Product Dossier (IMPD), Investigator Meeting, Lab Manual, Label, Local EC Submission Documents, Patient/Medical Report, Product Characteristics Summary, Regulatory Submission Letter, Serious Adverse Event Form) Clinical Outcome Assessments (Clinical Interview Guides, Clinical Reported Outcome, Observer Reported Outcome, Patient Diary, Patient Reported Outcome, Questionnaire) Non-clinical Patient Facing (General Life Science, Health Questionnaire, Healthcare Marketing, Public Health Information) Non-clinical Technical (e-Learning, Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP), Scientific Journal/Articles, Standard Operating Procedures, Training) Other assignments:
- Environmental Impact Reports
- Research Project on Water and Wastewater management in Liberia
- Diverse documentation translated for Architectural Ateliers (Brochures, Catalogues, Product Description)
- International Development (Project Proposals, Budgets, Timelines, Official Letters and General Documentation)
Simultaneously I am a Quality Assurance Inspector for the official exams of Trinity College London in Spain.
I am very used to work with deadlines and love researching the literature to find the right terminology.