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English to Indonesian: Hypertension General field: Medical
Source text - English Hypertension occurs in approximately 8–10% of pregnancies.Most women with hypertension in pregnancy have preexisting primary hypertension. High blood pressure in pregnancy may be the first sign of pre-eclampsia, a serious condition of the second half of pregnancy, and in the few weeks after delivery. A diagnosis of pre-eclampsia includes increased blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine.Pre-eclampsia occurs in about 5% of pregnancies and is responsible for approximately 16% of all maternal deaths globally. Pre-eclampsia also doubles the risk of death of the baby. Usually there are no symptoms in pre-eclampsia and it is detected by routine screening. When symptoms of pre-eclampsia occur, the most common are headache, visual disturbance (often "flashing lights"), vomiting, epigastric pain, and edema (swelling). Pre-eclampsia can occasionally progress to a life-threatening condition called eclampsia. Eclampsia is a hypertensive emergency and has several serious complications. These complications include loss of one’s sight, swelling of the brain, tonic-clonic seizures|seizures or convulsions, renal failure, pulmonary edema, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (a blood clotting disorder).
Translation - Indonesian Hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi muncul dalam sekitar 8-10% kehamilan. Kebanyakan wanita hamil yang mengalami hipertensi memiliki kondisi hipertensi primer yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Tekanan darah tinggi dalam kehamilan mungkin tanda pertama dari pre-eklampsia, suatu kondisi serius yang muncul setelah memasuki pertengahan masa kehamilan, dan beberapa minggu setelah melahirkan. Diagnosa preeklamsia termasuk peningkatan tekanan darah dan adanya protein di dalam urin. Preeklampsia muncul dalam sekitar 5% kehamilan dan bertanggungjawab atas sekitar 16% dari semua kematian ibu secara global. Preeklampsia juga melipatgandakan risiko kematian bayi. Biasanya tidak ada gejala-gejala dalam preeklampsia dan penyakit ini dideteksi dengan pemeriksaan rutin. Bila preeklampsia muncul, gejala-gejala yang paling umum adalah sakit kepala, gangguan penglihatan (sering “cahaya berkilat”), muntah, nyeri epigastrium, dan edema (bengkak). Preeklampsia kadang-kadang bisa berkembang menjadi kondisi yang mengancam kehidupan yang disebut eklampsia. Eklampsia adalah suatu hipertensi darurat dan menyebabkan beberapa komplikasi serius, seperti hilangnya penglihatan, pembengkakan otak, kejang|kejang tonik-klonik atau konvulsi, gagal ginjal, pembengkakan paru-paru, dan koagulasi intravaskular diseminata (gangguan pembekuan darah).
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Queensland
Years of experience: 32. Registered at Nov 2011.
I am an Indonesian residing in Australia. I hold a Master Degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Queensland - Australia and a Bachelor Degree in English Teaching from Sanata Dharma University – Indonesia. I am a freelance interpreter, translator, editor and subtitler, and have worked for more than 15 years in various projects in Indonesia and Australia. When I was still in Indonesia, I worked for the Indonesia Australia Language Foundation as a language teacher and translator. I also used to be a subtitler for SCTV, a private TV station in Indonesia.