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English to Croatian: introduction to Zohar General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Philosophy
Source text - English The Zohar is above all else a holy book. It is not meant to be regarded in the way we regard other books, because it is unlike any book that has ever been or ever will be. Its origin is Light; its purpose is to bring Light; its nature and substance are Light, so much so that the mere possession of the Zohar—even if it is never opened—can keep darkness from seeping into a house, so much so that the mere scanning of its words—without any comprehension of their meaning—will surround the walls and the occupants with an aura of merciful protection.
For these words are the words of the Creator. Just the thought of what these pages contain could, in different times and places, send many a holy sage into a state of divine rapture, weeping tears of joy in a sleepless ecstasy that would sometimes last for weeks. Others gave their lives or submitted to unspeakable tortures rather than betray or deny the truth of what you now hold in your hands. Still others used their last breath to declare that this text contains everything worth knowing and experiencing in this world.
In simplest terms, the Zohar is a commentary on the Bible, structured as conversations among friends, scholars, and spiritual masters. Zohar is a Hebrew word meaning "splendor." As the kabbalists explain, when we scan the pages in the original language, a deep connection to the Creator's Light comes into being. As we gain understanding of and intimacy with the Zohar, our consciousness deepens and expands. Spiritually, we grow and evolve. We can become who we need to be to gain the joy and fulfillment that God intends for us. This takes place in every area of our lives, including our relationships, our spiritual work, even our businesses and careers.
Translation - Croatian Zohar je iznad svega sveta knjiga. Spram nje se ne treba odnositi kao spram drugih knjiga, budući da ona nije poput bilo koje knjige koja je ikad postojala niti će ikada postojati. Njen izvor je Svjetlost; svrha joj je donijeti Svjetlo; narav i bit su joj Svjetlost, u toj mjeri da i samo posjedovanje Zohar-a—čak i ako nikad nije niti otvoren—može spriječiti prodor tame u kuću, toliko da će obično pregledavanje njenih riječi—bez ikakvog razumijevanja njihova značenja—obviti zidove i ukućane aurom milosrdne zaštite.
Jer ove riječi, riječi su Stvoritelja. Sama pomisao na sadržaj ovih stranica mogla bi, u različitim vremenima i mjestima, poslati mnogima svetu mudrost koja vodi u stanje božanskog zanosa , lijuće suze radosnice besane ekstaze koja će ponekad trajati tjednima. Drugi dadoše svoje živote i bijahu podvrgnuti neopisivim mukama radije nego da izdaju ili poreknu istinu koju sada držite u rukama. A neki posljednjim dahom svojim objaviše kako ovaj tekst sadrži sve znanje i iskustvo vrijedno na ovom svijetu.
Najjednostavnije rečeno, Zohar je komentar Biblije, ustrojen u vidu razgovora među prijateljima, poznavateljima i duhovnim učiteljima. Zohar je a hebrejska riječ za „sjaj.“ Kako kabalisti tumače, pregledavanjem stranica na izvornom jeziku, stvara se duboka povezanost sa Stvoriteljevom Svjetlošću. Kako stječemo razumijevanje Zohar-a i prisnost s njime, naša spoznaja produbljuje se i širi. Duhovno, rastemo i razvijamo se. Možemo postati kakvi trebamo biti da bismo dosegli radost i ispunjenje koje nam Bog namjenjuje. Ovo se odražava na svakom području naših života, uključujući naše odnose, naš duhovni rad ,čak i na naše poslove i karijere.
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Oct 2011.
English to Croatian (UN, NATO, Canadian Defense Ministry, verified) Croatian to English (UN, NATO, Canadian Defense Ministry, verified) English to Bosnian (UN, NATO, Canadian Defense Ministry, verified) Bosnian to English (UN, NATO, Canadian Defense Ministry, verified)
Whether you are looking for highly technical, legal, medical or other type of translation at reasonable prices, you are at the right place!
It is important to say that being a full-time freelancer I can easily process more than 5000 words a day.
Although my education and most narrow expertise are in technical field, over 25 years of experience in translations allow me to easily accept almost any type of material. In rare cases where I don't feel competent for the job, I will kindly decline your offer. Quality is my first concern.
As references, I'd like to highlight here some of my globally known end clients:
-United Nations
-European Union
-Canadian Army
-Israeli Army
-Government of The Republic of Croatia
-Government of The Federative Republic of Brazil
-Croatian National Bank
-Coca Cola
-Kawasaki motors
-Tesla motors
and many more....
I have spent more than 20 consecutive years in an international environment, first 14 of which serving Canadian Military Contingent (as a part of UN and NATO), both as an employee and later on as the CEO of company which had above mentioned organizations for key accounts.
During this time, managing key accounts was the core of my duties and for performance and results achieved I received three consecutive business excellence awards for years 2001, 2002 and 2003 by The Croatian Institute for Business Researches.
Working with Canadians, I had an unique opportunity to work closely with native English speakers as technical interpreter and purchasing manager which enabled me to enrich my verbal skills as well as my vocabulary, the latter mostly in the purchasing part of work, where I had ever-going communication with customer service about items and services which were very often of a very specific technical kind such as all sorts of special parts and tools, automotive parts, computer and office equipment, fuel and lubricants, technical gas etc.
I was also involved a lot in translation of legal related documents in communication between my employer and local authorities, mostly considering special employer’s privileges on the market such as tax and custom duty exemption and similar. Field interpreting, naturally, became an area of my particular expertise, as well as technical translations.
On numerous occasions I led high level official meetings and negotiations with local authorities and vendors where I acted as an official interpreter and negotiator.
Last five years I have spent in The Embassy of Brazil in Croatia, working closely with The Ambassador as a HE's personal assistant, whose recommendation letter I can provide, as well as numerous recommendations given by the Canadian Army officials.
My language skills have been confirmed at level IV++ (highest possible for non-native English speakers) by NATO and UN standards. I studied on faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at Zagreb's University and graduated as IT specialist at CUO V.M. Kurt Sisak, so my computer skills come purported.
Given the jobs successfully performed in my career so far, skills acquired, educational background, extensive and wide experience, I can promise a professional work done within agreed time frame.
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