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Danish to English: The Brøndby Model: Athletics General field: Other
Source text - Danish Brøndby-modellen: Idræt
På Brøndby Gymnasium har vi organiseret undervisningen, så særligt idrætsaktive elever kan gennemføre studentereksamen på 3 år, med et tilfredsstillende resultat og en fuld gymnasieoplevelse. Brøndby-modellen er et gennemarbejdet tilbud til de særligt idrætsaktive elever. Det er en velafprøvet model, som vi har næsten 5 års erfaring med.
Det centrale i Brøndby-modellen er:
et fleksibelt skema
indlagt træning i skemaet
planlagt fravær
forum for idrætselever
digital undervisningsplatform
virtuel undervisning
sund frokost og frugt hver dag
Brøndby-modellen gælder alle klasser på alle årgange.
Det fleksible skema er bygget op omkring 90 minutters lektioner og maximalt 4 lektioner dagligt. Eleverne er senest færdig med undervisningen kl. 15.15 dagligt. Der tilbydes lektieværksted i eftermiddagstimerne, så elever, der først skal træne sidst på eftermiddagen har mulighed for at blive på skolen og lave lektier med lærervejledning.
Vi har indbygget hele og halve virtuelle dage, hvor eleverne ikke skal være fysisk tilstede på skolen.
Tirsdag- og torsdag morgen er der afsat tid i skemaet til morgentræning for alle idrætsaktive elever.
Indlagt træning er et tilbud til alle de særligt idrætsaktive elever om at kunne træne i morgentimerne to gange om ugen. Til fodboldspillerne, håndboldspillerne og danserne har vi særlige træningstilbud med topprofessionelle trænere, bl.a. fra BIF. På fodboldlinjen sker der efter screening en inddeling efter niveau, men princippet for al træning er, at alle udøvere skal flytte sig opefter ift. det individuelle udgangspunkt.
Planlagt fravær giver særligt idrætsaktive elever mulighed for at være lovligt fraværende, hvis de i god tid orienterer skolen om fraværet. Fraværet skal skyldes en aktivitet ifm. idrætsudøvelse, det kan være turnering eller træningskamp. I de tilfælde tilbyder vi undervisning over nettet, således at eleven kan lave sine lektier og kommunikere online med lærere og klassekammerater.
Idrætskoordinatoren er idrætselevernes bindeled til lærerne, studievejledningen og klubben. Det er idrætskoordinatoren, der holder sig ajour med idrætselevernes trivsel og særlige udfordringer. Og det er idrætskoordinatoren der sørger for at koordinere evt. ekstra undervisning.
Idrætskoordinatoren lytter til eleverne og holder i samarbejde med eleverne lærer og ledelse orienteret om perioder, hvor eleverne har brug for at tildele deres idræt fuld opmærksomhed. Det er idrætskoordinatoren, der er kontaktpersonen til klubberne og TeamDanmark. Ligesom idrætskoordinatoren organiserer Forum for idrætselever.
Forum for idrætselever er møder en gang månedligt eller oftere, hvor de særligt idrætsaktive elever mødes og diskutere udvalgte emner. Det kan være trivsel i klassen, planlægning af lektielæsningen, deltagelse i studierejser, trænerpres, lærerpres, gode råd mm. Møderne er en slags ventil og tjener som åndehuller for udveksling af erfaringer og tvivl.
Digital undervisningsplatform blev udviklet som undervisningsmetode for at imødekomme de særligt aktive idrætselevers behov for fleksibilitet i forberedelsen og undervisningen. Principielt var skoletasken pakket, når blot pc’en var med, idet undervisningsmaterialet skulle være elektronisk og ligge på computeren, som f.eks. e-books.
Med pod-cast kan lærerne lave små enkle anvisninger i f.eks. løsning af matematiske opgaver og skærmbilleder fra Smartboardet kan downloades og gengive undervisningen, når eleven har tid.
Virtuel undervisning giver alle elever mulighed for at arbejde uden at skulle være fysisk tilstede på skolen. Det giver nogle frirum, hvor man selv kan bestemme hvornår på dagen, der arbejdes. Dermed kan træning lægges fleksibelt ind på det tidspunkt i løbet af dagen, der er træningsmæssigt optimal.
Sund frokost og frugt er helt nødvendigt for den daglige form, trivsel og optimal restitution. Vi serverer hver dag en lun ret med forskellige salater og brød samt frugtbar. Det er vigtigt med et solidt måltid midt på dagen, som eleverne kan trække på frem til træningen. Samtidig er frokosten en god social event, der samler eleverne i kantinen.
Sundhed og idræt:
I skoleåret 2009-10 startede vi en særlig studieretning, Sundhed og idræt, som blev et tilløbsstykke. Alle fagene forpligter sig på det overordnede tema: sundhed og idræt, således at elever på denne retning kan kombinere kompetencer fra deres individuelle idrætsaktiviteter med den faglige viden fra undervisningen. Studieretningen giver adgang til en bred vifte af videreuddannelsesmuligheder indenfor sundheds- og idrætsområdet og appellerer derfor til mange særligt idrætsaktive elevers karriereønsker – evt. efter endt elitesportskarriere.
Udfordringer, man møder som særligt aktiv idrætselev:
Sammen med vores idrætskoordinator har eleverne udformet en række gode råd til hinanden, som de kan bruge som hjælp og støtte og som også kan bruges af lærerne som guidelines for de udfordringer, de særligt idrætsaktive elever møder.
Vi har listet nogle af de mange gode råd:
1. Hold en god linje for hvornår det er lektie/skoletid og hvornår der skal være fokus på træning/privatliv. Det fremmer både trivsel, motivation og præstation at være fokuseret på den opgave, man aktuelt skal løse. Derfor er det vigtigt, at de særligt idrætsaktive elever lærer, hvornår der skal være fokus på skolen, og hvornår der skal være fokus på idrætten.
2. Læs lektier umiddelbart efter træning – lad være med at udskyde det. Mange er tilbøjelige til at spise aftensmåltidet umiddelbart efter hjemkomst fra træning, hvilket er godt. Men efterfølgende vælger næsten lige så mange at tage sig en lur med fjernbetjeningen i hånden. Det viser sig at være en god ide at læse sine lektier, inden blosukkeret daler og trætheden fra dagens træning for alvor sætter sig igennem.
3. Hvis man har glemt at lave lektier, så sørg for at høre godt efter i timen. Ideen bunder i realisme og selverkendelse. Det sker ind imellem, at idrætten fylder så meget, at man ikke når alle lektier til en given skoledag. Det er vigtigt, at man kan acceptere dette og laver en målsætning om at få så meget ud af det som muligt under de givne omstændigheder, frem for at gå til den uforberedte time med en indstilling om, at det ikke nytter noget, når man ikke har fået forberedt sig.
4. Husk at tage en slapper en gang imellem. Restitution er ikke kun vigtigt i forhold til kroppens fysik men desuden på det psykosociale område. Eleverne skal lære at finde rum, hvor de kan være sig selv og slappe af. Mange elever er på farten en hel dag, når der både er træning og skolegang. Derfor kan bus, tog eller en sofa på skolen eller til træning være det middel, der kan være med til at tanke batterierne op såvel fysisk som mentalt.
Translation - English The Brøndby Model: Athletics
At Brøndby Gymnasium we have organized instruction so that students who are particularly active in athletics can complete their studies here and earn their diplomas with a satisfactory result and a full gymnasium experience in three years. The Brøndby model is a carefully prepared option for students who are particularly active in athletics. It is a thoroughly tested model with which we have almost five years’ experience.
The core aspects of the Brøndby model are:
• a flexible schedule
• athletic training that is integrated into students’ class schedules
• planned absences
• an athletics coordinator
• a forum for students who participate in competitive sports
• a digital instruction platform
• virtual instruction
• a healthy lunch and fruit every day
The Brøndby model is used for all classes at all levels.
The flexible schedule is constructed using 90-minute class periods and a maximum of four class periods per day. Students are always finished with instruction by 3:15 P.M. at the latest. Homework workshops are offered in the afternoons so that students who do not have training until late in the afternoon have an opportunity to stay at school and be helped with their homework by teachers.
We have built in virtual whole days and half-days where students are not expected to be physically present at the school.
On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, time has been set aside in the schedule for morning training for all students who are particularly active in athletics.
Integrated athletic training is an opportunity for all students who are particularly active in athletics to train in the mornings twice weekly. There are special training options for soccer players, handball players, and dancers with highly qualified professional trainers, for example from Brøndby IF. Soccer players are divided into groups according to level, but the basic principle underlying all training is that all athletes should move up from their respective starting points.
Planned absences give students who are particularly active in athletics the opportunity to be absent from instruction without repercussions if they inform the school well in advance. Such absences must be due to an event in connection with athletics; such an event could be a training camp or a game. In such cases we offer instruction via the Internet so that the student can do her or his homework and communicate with teachers and classmates.
For students who are competitive athletes, the athletic coordinator is the connection to the teachers, the advisors, and the team. The athletic coordinator keeps herself or himself informed with regard to these students’ well-being and with regard to the special challenges the students face, and it is the athletic coordinator whose responsibility it is to coordinate any special instruction.
The athletic coordinator listens to the students and, in cooperation with the students, keeps the teachers and administration informed with regard to periods during which a particular student needs to devote all of her or his attention to athletics. It is the athletic coordinator who is the contact person to the teams and to Team Danmark and who organizes the “Forum for Students Who Are Competitive Athletes.”
The “Forum for Students Who Are Competitive Athletes” consists of meetings, held once a month or more frequently, at which students who are particularly active athletes meet and discuss selected topics. These could be the students’ well-being in class, planning of homework reading, participation in class trips, pressure from trainers, pressure from teachers, good advice, etc. The meetings are a kind of safety valve and serve as a kind of breathing room in which experiences and doubts may be exchanged.
The digital instruction platform was developed as an instructional method to accommodate the need of students who are particularly active athletes to have flexibility with regard to preparation and instruction. In principle a student’s school bag was assumed to be packed if it contained the student’s computer alone, since instructional materials were supposed to be in electronic form and be stored on the computer, for example as e-books.
Teachers can create small simple instructional podcasts, for example detailing the solving of mathematical problems, and screenshots from SMART boards can be downloaded to reproduce instruction when the student has time.
Virtual instruction gives all students the opportunity to work without being physically present at the school. This creates some flexible periods during which one can decide for oneself at what point during the day one will complete schoolwork. This allows one flexibility with regard to scheduling training at the time of day that is optimal from a training standpoint.
A healthy lunch and fruit are a basic necessity if students are to maintain good physical condition and general well-being and secure optimal restitution from day to day. Every day we serve a hot dish with various salads and bread and also offer a fruit bar. It is important for students to eat a solid meal in the middle of the day that they can draw on through their afternoon training. Lunch is also a good social event that gathers the students together in the cafeteria.
Health and athletics:
In the 2009-10 school year we started a special field of study, Health and Athletics, which was chosen by a large number of students. All school subjects are committed to the overarching theme of Health and Athletics, so that students who have chosen this field of study can combine skills from their individual athletic activities with academic knowledge from their school instruction. This field of study gives students access to a wide range of possibilities with regard to further education within the area of health and athletics and is therefore attractive to many students who are particularly active in athletics, not least because such students can create career options for after their careers in elite athletics have ended.
Challenges faced by students who are particularly active in athletics:
Together with our athletic coordinator the students have compiled a list of tips for each other which can serve to help and support them and which can also be used by teachers to gain a sense of the challenges that are faced by students who are particularly active in athletics.
We have listed some of the many good tips:
1. Maintain firm boundaries between homework/school time and time devoted to training or to one’s personal life. Being focused on the task at hand increases one’s well-being and motivation and improves one’s performance. It is therefore important that students who are particularly active in athletics learn when they should be focused on school and when they should be focused on athletics.
2. Do homework immediately after training—avoid putting it off. Many students have a tendency to eat their evening meals immediately after they come home from training, which is good, but afterwards almost as many students choose to take a rest with remote controls in their hands. It is a good idea to do one’s homework before one’s blood sugar level sinks and the tiredness from the day’s training makes itself felt.
3. If one has forgotten to do one’s homework, one should be sure to listen well in class. This is a notion based on realism and self-knowledge. It sometimes happens that athletics takes up so much time that one does not get all of the homework done for a given school day. It is important that one be able to accept this and make it a goal to get as much as possible out of the school day in question under the circumstances rather than going to a class for which one has not prepared with the attitude that being there is of no use if one has not done one’s homework.
4. Remember to take it easy once in a while. It is important not only to make possible restitution of the physical body but also to ensure psychological health and good social relations. The students should learn to find spaces where they can be themselves and relax. Many students are away from home all day when they have both school and training. Under these circumstances a bus or train or a sofa at the school can be a place to recharge one’s batteries both physically and mentally.
German to English: chronic industrial manganese poisoning General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - German Mangan-Vergiftung, chronische gewerbliche
Ich habe im Laufe der letzten Jahre Gelegenheit gehabt, 14 Fälle von chronischer Manganvergiftung bei Arbeitern der Thüringer Braunsteinmühlen in Arnstadt und Gerberg klinisch zu untersuchen. Von diesen Fällen waren zwei über 20 Jahre alt. Bei den übrigen lag die Intoxikation einige Monate bis 10 Jahre zurück. Die ersten Krankeitssymptome waren aufgetreten nach 3 monatiger bis 8 jähriger Tätigkeit der Erkrankten als Manganmüller. Über die Vorbedingungen für das Auftreten toxischer Erscheinungen ist noch nichts Sicheres bekannt. Zweifellos nehmen die giftigen Manganverbindungen ihren Weg über die Lungen ins Blut.
Der Kranke bot damit ein typisches Bild chronischer Manganvergiftung, das viel Ähnlichkeit mit dem Metenzephalitis hat. Ungewöhnlich war das gänzliche Verschwinden des anfänglich vorhanden gewesenen Zitterns. Bei anderen Fällen wurden ausser den geschilderten Symptomen noch beobachtet: Schluckstörungen, Torticollis spastica, plötzlicher Tonusverlust wie bei der Narkolepsie und verhältnismässig häufig Pyramidensymptome. Psychische Veränderingen waren bei den übrigen Fällen nicht beobachtet worden (im Gegensatz zu den Berichten amerikanischer Autoren [Gayle]).
Translation - English Manganese poisoning, chronic industrial
In the last few years I have had the opportunity clinically to investigate 14 cases of chronic manganese poisoning in employees of the Thuringian manganese ore mills in Arnstadt and Gerberg. Two of these cases were more than 20 years old. In the others poisoning had taken place from a few months to ten years previously. The first symptoms of illness had occurred after the individuals affected had worked as manganese ore millers for a period ranging from three months to eight years. Nothing certain is yet known regarding the preconditions for the appearance of toxic symptoms. The poisonous manganese compounds undoubtedly enter the blood via the lungs.
The patient thus presented a typical picture of chronic manganese poisoning, which bears a strong resemblance to metencephalitis. An unusual aspect was the complete disappearance of the trembling that had been present in the beginning. In other cases the following symptoms were observed in addition to those already mentioned: swallowing disorders, torticollis spastica, sudden loss of tone as in the case of narcolepsy, and fairly frequently pyramid symptoms. Psychological changes were not observed in the remaining cases (in contrast to the reports of American authors [Gayle]).
Danish to English: contract of sale General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Danish VILKÅR:
I overdragelsen medfølger samtlige de på det nævnte areal opførte bygninger, med disses grund-, mur- og nagelfaste tilbehør, herunder varmeanlæg, toilet-, bade- og sanitetsindretninser, alle ledninger og tekniske installationer, alle hegn, samt alt andet ejendommens rette tilliggende og tilhørende, således som nærmere beskrevet i civilingeniør af Esbjerg, Erling Dyekjærs beskrivelse og vurdering af den 18/12 1978.
Endvidere medfølger driftsmidler og driftsinventar af enhver art, således som nærmere beskrevet i fornævnte vurdering.
Endelig medfølger emballage og hjælpestoffer, hvorom også henvises til fornævnte vurdering med tillægsvurdering af den 11/1 1979.
Overtagelsen finder sted straks, når køberens nedennævnte betingelser om tilsagn om statsgaranti for driftslån er bevilget, og det købte henligger fra denne dato for køberens regning og risiko i enhver henseende, herunder med ret til eventuelle assurancesummer til anordningsmæssig anvendelse i tilfælde af assureret uheld.
Med overtagelsesdagen som skæringsdag, eller hvis denne kommer til at ligge den 15/2 1979 eller tidligere med den 1/2 1979 som skæringsdato, udfærdiges der mellem parterne sædvanlig refusionsopgørelse til fordeling af skatter, renteudgifter, areallejer, forsikringspræmier m.v.
Refusionsopgørelsens saldo reguleres kontant.
Translation - English CONDITIONS:
The transfer includes all of the buildings constructed within the area in question, with immovable assets fixed to the ground or walls with or without nails, including heating equipment; toilet, bathing and sanitary facilities; all wiring and technical installations; all fences; and all of the property's other curtilage and rightful accompanying items, as described in greater detail in the description and appraisal undertaken by civil engineer Erling Dyekjær of Esbjerg on 18 December 1978.
In addition, all operating equipment and inventory of every description, as specified in the above-mentioned appraisal, is included.
Finally, packaging and auxiliary materials are included; see the above-mentioned appraisal and the supplemental appraisal of 11 January 1979.
The transfer will take place immediately when the buyer's conditions regarding a government guarantee for an operating loan, which are set forth below, have been approved, and the purchased items will from that point onward be the responsibility of the buyer, who assumes all risks and rights associated with the purchase, including the right to any insurance payments in the case of accidents covered by insurance.
The usual completion statement will be completed covering the division of taxes, interest expenditures, land rents, insurance premiums, etc., with the date of transfer as the cut-off date or if the date of transfer is 15 February 1979 or earlier with 1 February 1979 as the cut-off date.
The amount due identified in the completion statement will be paid in cash.
Swedish to English: hard drive installation instructions General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - Swedish Steg 1
Kontrollera att din dator kräver en IDE/ATA hårddisk.
Notera den breda 40-poliga IDE-kontakten)
Steg 2
Kontrollera med datortillverkaren, eller i manualen för moderkortet, att moderkortet kan hantera den diskstorlek du tänker installera.
Datorer som är tillverkade runt år 1999-2001 eller är äldre kan ha problem att korrekt känna igen hårddiskar större än 40, 80 eller 200 GB.
Det finns lösningar på sådana problem. Dessa är de två vanligaste:
1) Uppgradera moderkortets BIOS-mjukvara. Sådana uppgraderingar finner du på moderkorttillverkarens hemsida. Du kan också fråga din datorleverantör.
2) Använda en så kallad ”overlay”-mjukvara från tillverkaren av den nya hårddisken. Denna mjukvara laddas före operativsystemet och skriver över BIOS-inställningarna som talar om för t.ex. Windows hur stor hårddisken är. Nackdelen med denna metod är att prestanda kan bli lidande, använd den därför endast som sista utväg.
Steg 3
Ditt moderkort har antagligen 1 eller 2 portar för IDE-kablage (40-poliga).
På varje sådan port kan man sätta en kabel med maximalt två diskar.
Det betyder totalt fyra hårddiskar och/eller optiska läsare i ett system med två IDE-portar.
För att ”tala om” för hårddiskarna och de optiska läsarna hur de skall kommunicera med varandra, och för att datorn skall kunna hitta rätt hårddisk, måste man göra en del ändringar på diskarna och/eller de optiska läsarna så att datorn adresserar dem rätt.
Detta kallas Master- respektive Slave-bygling.
Den första enheten på en IDE-kabel (från moderkortet sett) skall vara Master och den andra/sista enheten skall sättas som Slave, oavsett om första/sista disken är en hårddisk eller en optisk läsare (t.ex. en DVD-brännare).
Man ändrar Master/Slave-inställning genom att flytta en liten bygel (vanligtvis svart, grön eller röd) till rätt position.
På de flesta hårddiskar finns en liten klisterlapp fäst på ovansidan av disken där man kan utläsa i vilket läge bygeln skall sitta för att fungera som Master- respektive Slave-enhet.
En ensam enhet på en IDE-kabel skall byglas som ”Single”
Hårddiskar bör sitta först på kedjorna och optiska läsare sist, detta är mest fördelaktigt för prestandan.
Hårddisken som du startar upp från bör vara byglad som Master på första IDE-porten (detta är standard, men kan ställas om i datorns BIOS-inställningar).
Translation - English Step 1
Check that your computer requires an IDE/ATA hard drive.
(Check for the wide 40-pin IDE plug.)
Step 2
Check with the computer manufacturer or in the manual for the motherboard that the motherboard can handle the hard drive size you plan to install.
Computers that were manufactured around the years 1999-2001 or are older may have problems recognizing hard drives larger than 40, 80, or 200 GB.
There are solutions to such problems. These are the two most common ones:
1) Upgrade the motherboard's BIOS software. Such upgrades may be found on the motherboard manufacturer's website. You can also ask your computer supplier.
2) Use so-called overlay software from the manufacturer of the new hard drive. This software is loaded before the operating system and overwrites the BIOS settings that tell Windows, for example, how large the hard drive is. The disadvantage of this method is that it can cause performance to suffer. It should therefore be used only as a last resort.
Step 3
Master/slave settings.
Your motherboard probably has one or two ports for IDE cabling (40-pin).
A cable with a maximum of two drives can be attached to each such port.
This means a total of four hard drives and/or optical readers in a system with two IDE ports.
To “tell” the hard drives and the optical readers how they are to communicate with each other, and so that the computer will be able to find the right hard drive, one must make a number of changes to the hard drives and/or optical readers so that the computer addresses them correctly.
This is called master and slave jumpering.
The first unit on an IDE cable (seen from the motherboard) should be master and the second/last unit should be slave, regardless of whether the first/last disk is a hard drive or an optical reader (for example a DVD burner).
The master/slave setting is changed by moving a small jumper (usually black, green, or red) to the correct position.
On most hard drives there is a small sticker on the top side of the drive where one can see which position the jumper should be in to function as a master or slave unit respectively.
A single unit on an IDE cable should be jumpered as a “single.”
Hard drives should be positioned first in the chains and optical readers last; this optimizes performance.
The hard drive from which you start up should be jumpered as the master on the first IDE port (this is standard, but can be changed in the computers BIOS settings).
Danish to English: Customer Online Management System General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Danish Introduktion
Customer Online Management System (COMS) er et internetbaseret program, der bruges til at overvåge GE Commercial Finance's Commercial Distribution Finance (CDF) kontoinformation og lave papirløse betalinger på varelager, renter, forsikring, og gebyrer. COMS kombinerer funktionerne fra vore tidligere online programmer og er designet til både Kommissionskunder (Pay As Sold) så vel som Tidsbestemte betalinger eller Tidsbestemte afviklingskunder.
COMS funktioner:
• Se konti for at opgøre udestående balance, disponibel kredit, afbetalingsbeløb og
• Se og betal varelager og omkostninger.
• Se tidligere betalinger for en periode på op til seks måneder efter betalingsdatoen.
• Se totalvolumen for nuværende måned, foregående måned og indeværende år.
• Se, print og eksporter rapporter med detaljeret kontoinformation i et letlæseligt format.
• Se, print og eksporter transaktionsoversigter, regninger og andre dokumenter fra
Online Dokument Center.
• Kontakt din Kontochef.
Denne brugermanual giver dig den basale information om oprettelse og brug af en COMS konto. Dog har hver COMS konto et unikt sæt tilladelser. I mange tilfælde er nogen menuvalg og/eller sideelementer ikke tilgængelige baseret på din kontos behov.
Translation - English Introduction
Customer Online Management System (COMS) is an internet-based program that is used to monitor GE Commercial Finance's Commercial Distribution Finance (CDF) account information and make paperless payments on stocks of goods, interest, insurance, and fees. COMS combines the functions from our previous online programs and is designed for both commission customers (pay as sold) and time-scheduled payments or settlement clients.
COMS functions:
• View accounts to determine outstanding balance, available credit, installment payment amounts, and approval information.
• View and pay for stocks of goods and costs.
• View previous payments for a period up to six months after the payment date.
• View the total volume for the current month, the previous month, and the current year.
• View, print, and export reports with detailed account information in an easy-to-read format.
• View, print, and export overviews of transactions, bills, and other documents from the Online Document Center.
• Contact your account manager.
This user's manual gives you basic information regarding the establishment and use of a COMS account. However, each COMS account has a unique set of permissions. In many cases some menu choices and/or side elements are not available, based on the needs associated with your account.
Danish to English: The global mindset General field: Other
Source text - Danish Det globale mindset
Hvis verdens beslutningstagere skal have bugt med de syv forbundne megakriser og hindre, at de løber løbsk i de kommende år, skal der udvikles et nyt globalt lederskab. Det kræver et farvel til forestillingen, at nationalstaten er i stand til at forsvare sig mod krisernes konsekvenser. Der er brug for et nyt globalt mindset. De enkelte nationalstater må engagere sig i et tættere og mere forpligtende internationalt samarbejde og acceptere. Snævre kortsigtede nationale interesser skal nedtones og engagement i globale løsninger er forudsætningen for at inddæmme de globale megakriser. NGO-bevægelser og virksomheder har en række værdifulde erfaringer og ideer, som statsledere kan hente inspiration fra. Derfor bør der etableres nye globale alliancer og partnerskaber mellem regeringer, virksomheder og NGO-bevægelser om løsning af de største globale udfordringer.
Lederskabets historiske udfordring
Ingen nationalstat, uanset dens styrke, er i stand til at løse de syv forbundne kriser på egen hånd. Selv de største og stærkeste stormagter har brug for at opbygge partnerskaber på tværs af landegrænserne for at kunne løse finanskrisen, klimakrisen og de andre forbundne kriser. Jo før denne erkendelse breder sig blandt verdens ledere, desto hurtigere kan man finde effektive løsninger, der kan stoppe den kædereaktion af ondartede sideeffekter, som kriserne har sat i gang. Jo mere nationerne samarbejder på tværs og opbygger stærke globale institutioner og nye regelsæt til at tackle kriserne, desto bedre vilkår bliver der skabt for innovative virksomheder og nye forretninger.
Det 21. århundredes største udfordringer er globale af natur, og de største og mest komplekse kriser overskrider i dag nationalstatens grænser. Der er tale om et helt nyt risikolandskab, som nationalstaten og de politiske og økonomiske ledere skal navigere i. De nationale økonomier har vist sig sårbare som aldrig før. Det globale finanssystem har i 2007 og 2008 oplevet en hurtig nedsmeltning og sendt verdensøkonomien i recession. Nationerne tvinges også til at samarbejde, når fugleinfluenza og nye epidemier transporteres over landegrænserne i løbet af få timer, eller når forurenet mad sendes ud i den globale fødekæde. I de kommende år vil de globale klimaforandringer accelerere og sætte de nationale lederskaber på gigantiske nye udfordringer, som kun kan løses gennem effektiv globale handling, klimaaftaler og nye bæredygtige forretningsideer.
Translation - English The global mindset
If the decision makers of the world are to get the seven interconnected megacrises under control and prevent them from running amok in the coming years, new global leadership must be developed. This means saying farewell to the notion that a nation-state is able to defend itself against the consequences of the crises. There is a need for a new global mindset. The individual nation-states must accept and become committed to closer and more binding international cooperation. Narrow, short-term national interests must be toned down, and engagement in global solutions is the prerequisite for containing the global megacrises. NGO movements and companies have a great deal of valuable experience and many ideas from which national leaders can draw inspiration. For this reason new global alliances and partnerships between governments, companies, and NGO movements must be formed with the goal of solving the biggest global problems.
The historic challenge for leadership
No nation-state, regardless of its strength, is able to resolve the seven interconnected crises on its own. Even the largest and strongest major powers need to build partnerships across national borders to resolve the financial crisis, the climate crisis, and the other interconnected crises. The sooner this insight becomes common among the leaders of the world, the faster it will be possible to find effective solutions that can stop the chain reaction of malignant side effects that the crises have precipitated. The more nations cooperate across borders and build strong global institutions and new sets of rules for tackling the crises, the better the conditons will be that are created for innovative companies and new businesses.
The 21st century's greatest challenges are of a global nature, and the biggest and most complex crises today cross national boundaries. There is an entirely new landscape of risk through which the nation-state and the political and economic leaders must navigate. The national economies have shown themselves to be vulnerable as never before. The global financial system experienced a rapid meltdown in 2007 and 2008 and sent the world economy into a recession. The nations are also forced to cooperate when avian influenza and new epidemics are transported across national borders in the course of a few hours or when contaminated food is sent out into the global food chain. In the coming years the global climate changes will accelerate and present gigantic new challenges for national leadership that can only be met through effective global action, climate treaties, and new sustainable business ideas.
English to German: English to German automotive general samples General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - English WARNING: Remember to connect a charge maintainer before beginning control unit diagnosis.
This procedure will last
Select the number of procedure repetitions
Horizontal MAP sensor [Short circuit to supply or Open circuit]
Ignition relay [Open circuit]
Vertical MAP sensor [Short circuit to supply or Open circuit]
Horizontal MAP sensor [Short circuit to ground]
Engine temperature sensor [Short circuit to supply or Open circuit]
Vertical MAP sensor [Short circuit to ground]
Error-related parameter reading (snapshot)
Vertical cylinder electronic throttle valve relay (ETV V relay)
Vertical cylinder electronic throttle valve motor (ETV V motor) [Short circuit to 14V or Short circuit to ground]
Vertical cylinder electronic throttle valve motor (ETV V motor) [Feedback error (Open circuit)]
Ohlins Performance suspension software inspection
VIN stored in the E-lock
Control unit internal time (hh:mm)
Reprogramme E-Lock
External Flash Software release
External Flash Boot Release
VIN stored in the ECU
VIN stored in the dashboard
VIN stored in the BBS
Micro reprogramming date
Last Micro programming author
Micro software Release
Micro Boot Release
Horizontal cylinder electronic throttle valve relay (ETV H relay)
Horizontal cylinder electronic throttle valve motor (ETV H motor) [Short circuit to 14V or Short circuit to ground]
Horizontal cylinder electronic throttle valve motor (ETV H motor) [Feedback error (Open circuit)]
Vertical cylinder throttle position sensor (TPS V) [Supply incorrect]
Accelerator position sensor (APS) [Implausible signal]
Translation - German WARNUNG: Vergessen Sie nicht, einen Ladung-Maintainer anzuschließen, bevor Sie mit der Diagnose des Steuergeräts beginnen.
Diese Prozedur wird _ dauern
Wählen Sie die Anzahl der Prozedurwiederholungen
Horizontaler MAP-Sensor [Kurzschluss in der Versorgung oder unterbrochener Stromkreis]
Zündungsrelais [unterbrochener Stromkreis]
Vertikaler MAP-Sensor [Kurzschluss in der Versorgung oder unterbrochener Stromkreis]
Horizontaler MAP-Sensor [Kurzschluss gegen Masse]
Motor-Temperatursensor [Kurzschluss in der Versorgung oder unterbrochener Stromkreis]
Vertikaler MAP-Sensor [Kurzschluss gegen Masse]
Fehlerbezogener Parameter-Messwert (Schnappschuss)
Vertikaler Zylinder elektronische Drosselklappe Relais (ETV-V-Relais)
Vertikaler Zylinder elektronische Drosselklappe Motor (ETV-V-Motor) [Kurzschluss gegen 14V oder Kurzschluss gegen Masse]
Vertikaler Zylinder elektronische Drosselklappe Motor (ETV-V-Motor) [Feedback-Fehler (unterbrochener Stromkreis)]
Ohlins Performance Federung Software Inspektion
FIN im E-Schloss gespeichert
Interne Zeit Steuergerät (hh:mm)
E-Schloss reprogrammieren
Externe Flash-Software-Version
Externe Flash-Boot-Version
FIN in der ECU gespeichert
FIN im Armaturenbrett gespeichert
FIN im BBS gespeichert
Datum für Mikro-Umprogrammierung
Letzte/r Mikro-Programmierungsautor/in
Horizontaler Zylinder elektronische Drosselklappe Relais (ETV-H-Relais)
Horizontaler Zylinder elektronische Drosselklappe Motor (ETV-H-Motor) [Kurzschluss gegen 14V oder Kurzschluss gegen Masse]
Horizontaler Zylinder elektronische Drosselklappe Motor (ETV-H-Motor) [Feedback-Fehler (unterbrochener Stromkreis)]
Vertikaler Zylinder Drosselklappen-Positionssensor (TPS V) [Versorgung unrichtig]
Accelerator Position Sensor (APS) [unplausibles Signal]
German to English: German to English automotive general samples General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - German Positionssensor Drosselklappe vertikaler Zylinder Zündspule [Kurzschluss in der Versorgung oder Kurzschluss gegen Masse oder Schaltkreis unterbrochen]
Positionssensor Drosselklappe vertikaler Zylinder (TPS V) [Unwahrscheinliches Signal]
Verlauf ABS-Auslösung
Führen Sie den dritten Schlüssel in den Zündschalter ein
DTC-Test aktivieren
Schlüsselspeicherung in Bearbeitung
Führen Sie den Hauptschlüssel in den Zündschalter ein
Führen Sie den zweiten Schlüssel in den Zündschalter ein
Lambdasonde horizontaler Zylinder
Geschwindigkeitssensor Vorderrad (Version ohne ABS) [Erkannte Geschwindigkeit zu hoch]
Lambdasonde vertikaler Zylinder
DQS [Schalter funktioniert nicht]
Sensor Seitenständer [Kurzschluss in der Versorgung oder Kurzschluss gegen Masse]
Geschwindigkeitssensor Vorderrad (Version ohne ABS) [Kurzschluss gegen Masse oder Schaltkreis unterbrochen]
Geschwindigkeitssensor Vorderrad (Version ohne ABS) [Kurzschluss in der Versorgung]
BBS PTA-Tabelle
Datum erneute Programmierung externer Flash
Ausbau Hinterradaufhängung
Gehört keiner der angezeigten FIN-Codes zum untersuchten Fahrzeug, kontaktieren Sie den Ducati-Service. Andernfalls wiederholen Sie die Anpassung
Drücken Sie BESTÄTIGEN, um fortzufahren, ABBRECHEN, um den Vorgang zu verlassen, ohne die Änderungen zu speichern
Bedenken Sie, dass der Code nicht mehr geändert werden kann, sobald er gespeichert wurde
Drücken Sie BESTÄTIGEN, wenn der oben angezeigte FIN-Code dem Code auf dem Fahrgestell entspricht. Wenn nicht, drücken Sie ABBRECHEN
Um den FIN-Code ändern zu können, müssen Sie das Passwort eingeben
Drücken Sie BESTÄTIGEN, um den FIN-Code einzugeben, ABBRECHEN, um den Vorgang zu verlassen
Erforderlicher Zustandstest
Verfahren vom Nutzer abgebrochen
Wählen Sie die korrekte FIN aus:
Horizontaler Zylinder Zündspule [Kurzschluss in der Versorgung oder Kurzschluss gegen Masse oder Schaltkreis unterbrochen]
Translation - English Throttle position sensor vertical cylinder ignition coil [short circuit in the power supply or short to ground or circuit interrupted]
Throttle position sensor vertical cylinder (TPS V) [improbable signal]
ABS-release process
Insert the third key into the ignition switch
Enable DTC test
Key Storage in progress
Insert the master key into the ignition switch
Insert the second key into the ignition switch
Lambda probe horizontal cylinder
Front wheel speed sensor (non-ABS version) [Detected speed too high]
Lambda probe vertical cylinder
DQS [switch does not work]
Sensor sidestand [short circuit in the power supply or short to ground]
Front wheel speed sensor (non-ABS version) [Short circuit to ground or circuit is interrupted]
Front wheel speed sensor (non-ABS version) [short-circuit in the supply]
BBS PTA table
Date of re-programming of external flash
Extension rear suspension
If none of the displayed VIN codes is associated with the vehicle being examined, contact the Ducati service. Otherwise, repeat the adjustments.
Press CONFIRM to proceed, ABORT to leave the process without saving the changes
Keep in mind that the code can no longer be changed once it has been saved
Press CONFIRM if the VIN code displayed above is identical to the code displayed on the chassis. If it is not, press ABORT
In order to be able to change the VIN code you must enter the password
Press CONFIRM to enter the VIN code, ABORT to leave the process
Required condition test
Process aborted by user
Please select the correct VIN:
Horizontal cylinder ignition coil [short circuit in the power supply or short to ground or circuit interrupted]
German to English: promotional text for investment service General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Investment / Securities
Source text - German Die globalen Finanzmärkte werden immer komplexer und schnelllebiger. Unsere Portfoliomanager, Analysten und Research-Spezialisten stellen sich diesen Herausforderungen täglich aufs Neue. Aus der grossen Menge der Informationen und Unternehmensanalysen filtern wir die besten Anlagemöglichkeiten für Sie heraus. Mit unserer modernen Infrastruktur und dem gezielten Beizug ausgewählter Spezialisten können wir rasch auf wechselnde Rahmenbedingungen reagieren. Im Hinblick auf Ihr Risikoprofil prüfen wir Ihr Depot täglich.
Translation - English The global finance markets are becoming ever more complex and fast-moving. Our portfolio managers, analysts, and research specialists confront these challenges anew every day. We filter out the best investment opportunities for you from the huge amounts of information and company analyses. With our modern infrastructure and the targeted use of selected specialists, we are able to react quickly to changing conditions. We analyze your investment portfolio daily with your risk profile in mind.
Translation education
PhD - University of California at Berkeley
Years of experience: 30. Registered at Oct 2011.
Master of Arts in German literature, University of California at Berkeley, 1999
Master of Arts in Scandinavian literature, University of California at Berkeley, 1998
Fil. mag. in Literature, Uppsala University, 1995
Bachelor of Arts in English, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1984
Relevant experiences
I am an American/German dual national and grew up in the United States in a bilingual household, visiting Germany frequently. Owing to this background, I am a native speaker of English with a very high level of fluency in written and spoken German.
As an adult I have lived in Germany for several years (1984-88, 1993, and 2003-04).
I have completed extensive coursework at the University of Freiburg (Breisgau) in the fields of medieval and modern German literature and Volkskunde. I have also lived in Uppsala, Sweden for several years during the periods 1988-93 and 1994-95. At Uppsala University, I completed coursework at the Department of Scandinavian Languages (including not only courses for non-Swedes but also courses for native speakers of Swedish, e.g. in Old Norse) and the Department of Literature.
Subsequently I completed a Master of Arts degree in Scandinavian literature and Master of Arts and Ph.D. degrees in German literature at the University of California at Berkeley. In the course of my studies at the University of California I completed a graduate-level course in translation with Professor Winfried Kudszus of the Department of German for which I translated part of Ernst Jünger's memoir Das Wäldchen 125 into English and received a grade of A+, the highest American grade.
I came to Berlin in 2003, when I was at an advanced stage in the writing of my dissertation, as a Fulbright Graduate Fellow; I was matriculated for an academic year at the Freie Universität and worked with Professor Ingrid Kasten there.
I was the recipient of a Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Education for study in Copenhagen, Denmark, during the 2004-2005 academic year. Since 2004 I have lived in Copenhagen.
While at the University of California I taught Swedish to undergraduates and German to undergraduates and graduate students and also co-taught an intensive summer German course which was enrolled in by individuals from the Berkeley area who were not necessarily degree-seeking students at the university.
I have also worked with one-on-one language tutoring in English in Germany and in Swedish in California.
During the period 2005-2011 I was employed teaching upper-secondary-level English to teenagers and adults at Danish gymnasia and adult education centers (details are in the resume that can be downloaded from this page).
I have been tested and approved for translation and other linguistic services by various major translation agencies, including Linguistic Systems, Inc., of Cambridge, Massachusetts (Swedish to English, German to English, and Danish to English), Lingo24 of Aberdeen, Scotland (Swedish to English), Lingtech of Copenhagen (Danish to English), and SDL (German-English machine translation post-editing).
I am a frequent participant in continuing professional development activities. I participated in the 2013 International Translation Day symposium at the British Library, the workshop in support of Danish-to-English literary translation at University College London on 4 November 2013 (for which I received financial support from the Danish Agency for Culture), and the three literary translation master classes at the offices of the London Review Bookshop in March 2014.
I tutored Dr. Thomas Kaeding, a recipient of a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California at Berkeley, in Swedish.
I tutored Darlene Hobie, a San Francisco resident, in Swedish.
I tutored a Berkeley resident in German.
Examples of my translation work during the period 1995-2010
I translated from German to English a study analyzing the effects of various measures, such as roadway narrowing, intended to reduce driving speeds and increase safety in populated areas.
I translated Tarthang Tulku's book Skillful Means: Patterns for Success from English into Swedish for Dharma Publishing of Berkeley, California.
I translated DROPS knitting pattern magazines from Scandinavian languages into English for a retailer client in California.
I translated extensive tape-recorded interviews with welfare workers in Bremen, Germany and Malmö, Sweden for Christopher J. Jewell. These interviews laid the groundwork for his book Agents of the Welfare State: How Caseworkers Respond to Need in the United States, Germany, and Sweden (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).
I translated the user interface of the program Project KickStart from English into Danish for Experience in Software.
I translated the promotional brochure for Brøndby Gymnasium, a private school in Brøndby, Denmark, from Danish into English for hard-copy and web use by the school.
Linguistic services clients and projects during the period 2011-2015
My agency clients during the period 2011-2013 have included Linguistic Systems, Inc.; Day Translations, Inc.; Transenter; Crimson Life Sciences; Educomm Communications; Right Translators; Alter Eco Translations; SEVA Translation Services; High Quality Translations; Alchemy Translations; EstEnter Translations; Globale-Kommunikation; Compass Languages; Transcription Global (now Language Insight); SDL; Lingo24; Baxter Downs Business Language Solutions; Wolfestone Translation;; Ecrivus International; and Stealth Translations.
Projects during 2011 and 2012 have included
translation of a 2000-word technical (automotive) text from German to Danish;
proofreading and correction of a sales representation contract translated from German into English;
translation of a workplace survey from Danish to English (back translation) and subsequently commenting on the relationship between the Danish text and its English source text;
translation of audio interviews from German to English (optical field);
translation of newspaper articles from German to English;
monolingual transcription of German-language video advertisements for shoe-care products and shoe inserts;
translation of user interface menu text for smartphones from English to German and Danish;
translation of a secrecy agreement from German into English;
translation of a technology company's annual report from German into English;
proofreading a translation from English to Danish of assembly instructions for a weightlifting machine;
translation of an article on a new treatment for keratoconus from German to English (ophthalmology, 3695 words in source text);
translation of user interface menu text for a workout application for Mac iOS from English to Danish;
Truth transcription of audio files in Danish;
translation of the website of a vacation apartment in Berlin from German into Danish and Swedish;
translation of an extradition request from English into German;
translation of instructions for laboratory work in the field of semiconductors from German to English;
translation of a text on software architecture produced by a company in the packaging sector from German into English;
post-editing machine translation from German into English;
translation of bacon recipes from Danish into German;
translation of railway franchise details from German into English;
translation of a text on procedures to evaluate the functioning of thermal energy metering from Danish into English;
proofreading of a translation from German to English of materials promoting packaging solutions for the storage and retail display of various food products;
translation of the Swiss university diploma and university transcript of a veterinarian from German to English;
translation of a dealer contract for electricity meters from German into English;
translation of promotional materials for floor treatment products from Danish to English;
proofreading the translation of a contract for medical services from German into English;
translation of recipes from German into English;
translation of a marriage certificate from Swedish into English;
transcription and translation from German to English of audio files related to a safety investigation following an aircraft mishap;
proofreading a translation from German to English of promotional materials for a company engaged in pipeline construction;
translation of a divorce decree from German into English;
translation of documents related to the sale of a used mobile crane from German, Norwegian, and Dutch into English;
translation of forms for reporting various types of workplace mishaps from English into German;
translation of a letter from a lawyer regarding a restitution claim presented to the German Entschädigungsbehörde (Restitution Authority) from German into English;
translation of a legal document related to the collection of an unpaid business debt from English into German;
translation of text from a school transcript from the UAE from English into German;
translation of a German business school diploma from German to English;
translation of a cease-and-desist letter from an employees' organization from German into English;
transcription and translation into English of a Swedish television news report;
translation of terms for a custom dictionary of terms to be used in workplace (factory) incident reports from German into English;
proofreading a translation of a patent application for a wheelchair seat shell from German into English;
translation of the curriculum vitae of a robotics specialist from German into English;
proofreading of a translation of website commands for an E-Learning environment from English into Danish;
translation of a right-of-use agreement and a purchase contract for land and buildings from Swedish into English;
translation of text from a customer survey regarding a customer service department from Swedish into English;
translation of the annual reports of the chemicals company Permascand AB for 2009 and 2011 from Swedish into English;
editing a translation from Danish into English of notes detailing the palliative care given to a patient suffering from a brain tumor;
editing a translation from Danish into English of notes detailing the care given to a terminal lung cancer patient by the oncology department of a Danish hospital;
proofreading a translation from English into Danish of letters concerning a telephone customer satisfaction survey used by an automobile leasing company, and proofreading of the translation from English to Danish of the survey itself;
translation of a birth certificate from German to English;
a final linguistic inspection of translations from English into Danish, German, Norwegian, and Swedish of 20 sets of instructions for use for medical devices;
translation from German to English of technical documentation related to Citrix server farms;
translation from Danish to English of promotional materials detailing two Arctic cruises (two projects comprising over 4000 words each);
translation from English to Danish of reseller terms for printer supplies;
translation of message templates related to the repair of Samsung electronic devices from English into Danish and German;
translation of operating instructions for a laser cabin from German to English;
editing a translation of a letter from the Danish Data Protection concerning new Danish data privacy legislation from Danish to English;
translation of a patent application in the biochemical field from German to English;
translation of comments on a draft stock purchase agreement from Danish to English;
translation of a letter from the Swedish Central Ethical Review Board from Swedish into English;
translation of customer feedback to an automobile-leasing company from Danish to English;
proofreading of a translation from German to English of biochemical patent claims;
translation of American divorce and custody court papers from English into German;
translation of an employment contract with an accompanying secrecy agreement from German into English;
translation of terms and conditions for an online payment gateway from English to German;
translation of text in operating instructions for a laser for a rotary indexing table from German into English;
translation of beef jerky recipes from German to Danish;
translation of text in operating instructions for a marking machine for a hydraulic accumulator from German to English;
translation of a certificate from the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf documenting the awarding of the Magister degree;
translation of notes from an inventory inspection from Danish into English;
translation of text related to customer self-repair of Hewlett-Packard devices from English to Danish;
translation of sales restrictions applicable to printer parts from English to Danish;
translation of Swedish responses to a customer questionnaire used by a company that produces doors and door automation technology from Swedish to English and translation of Danish responses to this survey from Danish to English; and
translation of documents submitted to a German court of law in connection with a dispute related to a corporate takeover (27747 target words).
This year I edited a Ph.D. dissertation in English in the field of sociology written for Copenhagen Business School. This dissertation included three articles to be published in peer-reviewed journals; one of these articles has already been published, in Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies.
From February to May 2012 I translated a website for those who have bought or are interesting in buying home solar energy systems from German into Danish and Swedish on an ongoing basis.
In addition to the above projects, I have done "backediting" of translations of instruction manuals for medical devices and other documents related to such devices into Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, and German (backediting is the term used for a proprietary process used by Crimson Life Sciences that involves checking translations to determine whether they are accurate and free of syntactical and punctuation errors and whether anything has been added or omitted). To date I have carried out over eighty such backediting projects, the largest of which comprised over thirty thousand words. I have often worked with several target languages for a single project.
I have answered linguistic questions as a component of QA for translations of the medical-device-related texts mentioned in the last item above.