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English to Dutch: Covenant Counseling General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Religion
Source text - English In de cognitieve therapie worden 5 gevoelens als 5 B’s benoemd: Boos, Bedroefd, Beschaamd, Blij, Bang. Omdat deze alle 5 positieve en negatieve gevolgen kunnen hebben, zouden we eenvoudig tot de conclusie kunnen komen dat er positieve en negatieve emoties/gevoelens zijn.
Translation - Dutch In cognitive therapy five different feelings are mentioned: Anger, sadness, shame, joy, fear. As all five can have positive and negative results, we could easily come to the conclusion that there are positive and negative emotions or feelings.
English to Dutch: Shape Interviewer training General field: Other Detailed field: Religion
Source text - English The Bible does not lock us into tight restrictions as to the number of spiritual gifts, or even their definitions. The four major lists of gifts are found in Romans 12:3-8, 1 Cor. 12:1-11, 27 -31, Eph. 4:11-12, and 1 Peter 4:9-11 but there are other passages that mention or illustrate gifts not included in these lists. Remember one person can have many gifts.
Translation - Dutch De Bijbel hanteert geen strakke beperkingen ten opzichte van het aantal of de definitie van de geestesgaven die er zijn. De belangrijkste vier gavenlijsten worden gevonden in Romeinen 12:3-8, 1 Kor. 12:1-11, 27-31, Ef. 4:11-12 en 1 Petrus 4:9-11, maar er zijn andere tekstgedeelten die gaven noemen of beschrijven die niet in deze lijsten staan. Bedenk dat één persoon meerdere gaven kan hebben.
English to Dutch: International banking General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Is the transaction's purpose related to financing assets or operations in an area that allegedly violates human rights, health & safety or severely damages the environment?
Translation - Dutch Is het doel van de transactie gerelateerd aan de financiering van bezittingen of activiteiten in een gebied waar mogelijk mensenrechten worden geschonden of ernstige schade aan gezondheid, veiligheid of milieu wordt toegebracht?
Dutch to English: Letter of recommendation General field: Other Detailed field: Religion
Source text - Dutch Hierbij wil ik X van harte bij u aanbevelen. Mijn vrouw en ik hebben X en Y 20 jaar geleden leren kennen. Wij waren werkzaam als jeugd-pastors in een evangelische gemeente te Z. Vele keren heb ik beroep op X gedaan ten behoeve van jeugdpastoraat en ondersteuning bij dringende pastorale kwesties. Keer op keer hebben X en Y ons bijgestaan met adequate raad en professioneel advies. Mede X' fijngevoeligheid op geestelijk gebied hebben ons telkens weer op het goede spoor gezet bij lastige vragen vanuit het jeugdwerk. Ook X' trouw en toewijding zijn altijd buitengewoon geweest. Zowel Y als X hebben bewezen een trouwe partner in Gods koninkrijk te zijn. Wij hebben 6 jaar als jeugdpastors gefunktioneerd met Y en X als raad en steun aan onze zijde in de gemeente.
Translation - English Herewith I warmly recommend X to you. My wife and I met X and Y 20 years ago. We were working as youth pastors in an Evangelical Church in Z. Many times I made an appeal to X concerning youth counselling and asked for assistance in urgent counselling matters. Time after time, X and Y have assisted us with proper council and professional advice. Partly due to X' spiritual sensitivity, we have been put back on the right track each time we dealt with difficult issues in youth counselling. Withal X' loyalty and dedication have always been exceptional. Both Y and X have proven to be loyal partners in God's Kingdom. For 6 years we worked as youth pastors with Y and X as our counsellors and supporters in Church.
English (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, verified) German (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, verified) Dutch (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, verified) French (Hogeschool van Amsterdam, verified)
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On 1 November 2010 I established my company from a deeply cherished desire to operate from an independent position to do the things as I think they ought to be done: accurate and with an excellent intuition for the customer’s needs. In the foundation of Wolff International my personality is fully expressed – passion for languages combined with independence, perseverance, and quality.
It is my aim to bring you closer to your target group with the aid of language. This is certainly not an easy task. There are many people, and they all have their own wishes, ideas, opinions, agendas and so on.
I aim to use my competences to bring people together and align them. The most important means to this end is communication. Language is my strength and for this reason I apply it to help you reach your entire target group. On the one hand for me the challenge in translating is to keep the reader unaware of the fact that the text is originally from another language. On the other hand the challenge is to make sure that the content is untouched.
In Amsterdam I have studied International Business & Languages and have thus chosen for a combination of Economics and Languages. A part of my studies I have done in Germany and France, which was a very rich experience for me. I have lived, worked and studied there and just because I completely melted in the daily life my language skills had increased enormously. Through all my experiences until now, I am specialized in IT, Finances and Religion.
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