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14 years of translation and editing/proofreading in Arts/Literary, Marketing, Contracts/Legal, Automotive, and Finance.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter
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French to English: Technical Translation of a Bid Offer General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - French Finition extérieure de l’articulation
L'extérieur de l'articulation doit être revêtu d'un soufflet dont la couleur est au choix de l’acheteur parmi la gamme offerte par le manufacturier, étanche et lavable dans un lave-autobus mécanisé, résistant aux produits chimiques énoncés à l'article 3.4.2 ainsi qu'aux émanations de gaz d'échappement, et être conçu pour la vie utile de l’autobus. Il doit être constitué du matériau le plus résistant et le plus durable offert par le manufacturier de l’articulation.
Translation - English Exterior finish of the joint
The exterior of the joint should be coated with a bellows in which color is chosen by the buyer within the range provided by the manufacturer, waterproof and washable in a washing buses mechanized, chemical-resistant set forth in Article 3.4.2 and the exhaust fumes, and be designed for the life of the bus. It must be made of material more resistant and more durable offered by the manufacturer of the joint.
French to English: Exerpt from feature article in Concordia University Magazine about new buildings General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Architecture
Source text - French Bon an, mal an, Concordia a poursuivi
son expansion de telle sorte que les
locaux ont fini par ne plus répondre
aux besoins criants des facultés. Les
étudiants de l’ancienne Faculté de
commerce et d’administration étaient
obligés de s’entasser dans des salles
vétustes qui ne faisaient vraiment
pas… l’affaire. Les problèmes étaient
tout aussi aigus du côté de la Faculté
des beaux-arts, les ateliers et studios
se retrouvant pêle-mêle sur les deux
Translation - English The history of the Sir George Williams
Campus’s expansion dates back to its
days as Sir George Williams University.
As student enrolment rose from the
1960s right through the 1990s, classes
spread into new buildings farther
away from the needs of the faculties
they served. As a result, John Molson
School of Business (JMSB) students
sometimes were required to sit in
less-than-adequate classrooms. The
problem was as pronounced for the
Faculty of Fine Arts, with classrooms
and workshops located helter-skelter on
both campuses.
French to English: AD for new Condos in Montreal General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - French L’INSPIRATION DU FLEUVE
Un souffle d’air pur dans le Vieux-Montréal : des condos, des lofts, des penthouses et des maisons de ville d’une superfi cie de 663 à 2 809 pieds carrés et offrant une vue magnifi que sur la ville et le fl euve.
- Lounge et gymnase sur le toit
- Piscine extérieure avec terrasse
- Piscine intérieure, sauna, spa et
jardin central
Une nouvelle façon de vivre la ville :
la vie sur une île.
Translation - English Live Young in Old Montreal
Enjoy the best of island life. Take in the magnificent cityscape and historic river view in a revamped and exclusive part of the old city.
Condos, lofts, penthouses and townhouses now available:
- 663 to 2,809 square feet
- Rooftop lounge and fitness centre
- Outdoor pool and terrace
- Indoor pool, sauna and spa
- Roman-style inner garden
French to English: Automotive test sample General field: Tech/Engineering
Source text - French 1.1. Changement de l’huile de la pompe à vide
Chaque fois que le message "Changer huile de pompe" s’affiche au démarrage de l’équipement, l’huile de la pompe à vide doit être changée.
Le changement de l’huile est absolument nécessaire également lorsque des substances contaminantes la rendent trouble. Une huile contaminée ne permet pas à la pompe d’atteindre les valeurs de vidange acceptables et endommage ses parties mécaniques.
Toutes les opérations de vidange puis recharge doivent être effectuées avec la pompe à l’arrêt.
Pour éviter de ralentir l’efficacité de la pompe et maintenir les mêmes performances dans les mêmes délais, n’utiliser qu’une huile de type K1L pour l’entretien.
• Avant de vidanger l’huile, activer la pompe pendant au moins 10 minutes avec les vannes de HAUTE et BASSSE pression fermées.
• Eteindre le système de récupération en réglant le bouton en position 0 et en débranchant le câble d’alimentation électrique, toujours en respectant strictement l’ordre des opérations
• Retirer le panneau à l’arrière de l’équipement
• Dévisser le bouchon de purge situé à l’arrière de la pompe (ref. 12)
• Vidanger toute l’huile
• Resserrer le bouchon de purge (ref. 12)
• Dévisser l’évent situé en haut de la pompe (ref. 10)
• Verser lentement l’huile jusqu’à mi-chemin de l’indicateur situé sur le côté de la pompe (ref. 11)
Translation - English 1.1 Oil Change with a Vacuum Pump
Each time the “Change Oil” message is illuminated upon ignition of the engine, the empty oil pump must be changed.
The oil change is also absolutely necessary because contaminants will cause further problems. Contaminated oil does not allow the pump to be drained at an acceptable value, and damages other mechanical parts.
All oil change operations must be done with the pump at the “off” position.
To avoid pump efficiency diminution and to maintain performance at the same levels, only use K1L type oil for maintenance.
- Before changing the oil, activate the pump for at least ten minutes with the HI and LOW pressure valves off.
- Turn off the recovery system by moving the button to position “0” and by unplugging the electrical cable, always following the order of operations.
- Take off the panel on the back of the equipment
- Unscrew the purge cap situated on the back of the pump (ref. 12)
- Empty all the oil
- Replace and fasten the purge cap (ref. 12)
- Unscrew the vent situated above of the pump (ref. 10)
- Slowly pour the oil until it reaches the indicator level situated at the middle of the side of the pump (ref. 11)
French to English: Historical description of French prisoners General field: Other Detailed field: History
Source text - French Les Français dans les prisons allemandes ont été nombreux. Il y eut d’abord des Résistants, déportés en fonction du décret Nacht et Nebel signé par Keitel le 7 décembre 1941. Il y eut aussi les travailleurs volontaires, partis dès 1940 travailler dans le Reich et dont le nombre d’arrestations ne cesse de croître à partir du 20 mai 1942 avec la prolongation obligatoire des contrats et plus de 3 000 arrestations à l’été 1942 .
Translation - English The French were numerous in German prisons, mostly members of the Résistance deported due to the Nacht and Nebel treaty signed by Keitel on December 7, 1941. There were also volunteer workers who had started working in the Reich since the 1940, and were being arrested in increasing numbers since May 20, 1942, because of extended contract obligations and with over 3,000 arrests in the summer of 1942.
Spanish to English: Environmental Spill Cleanup Instructions General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Spanish En caso de que la contaminación fuera por vertido incotrolado, se identificará en la medida de lo posible la fuente de la contaminación, investigando la aparición del punto exacto del vertido, tipo de vertido e industria o sector causante de la contaminación. Se delimitará la zona afectada y se tomarán muestras cunsultando previamente al laboratorio para la determinación del tipo de envases, volumen, y forma de muestreo.
Translation - English In case of an uncontrolled outside spill, the source of contamination must be identified by investigating the exact point of provenance and the type of spill as much as possible, as well as the source industry or sector of the contamination. A perimeter around the affected area is created thereafter and samples are taken after consulting with the laboratory to determine the type of containers and the volume and type of samples to be collected.
French to English: Travel Getaway General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Paris les pieds dans l'eau et dans le sable
Larguez les amarres au départ de l’escale Batobus des Champs-Elysées et découvrez la Seine qui vous dévoilera les plus beaux secrets de la Ville Lumière. La vedette italienne en acajou vernis vous fera vivre un voyage où le temps sera suspendu. Dans le confort de votre embarcation privée, profitez d'un salon au confort incomparable et d'une vue sur la plus belle avenue du monde : la Seine.
Paris by land and river:
Cast off on the Batobus des Champs-Élysées and discover the most beautiful secrets of the City of Lights along the Seine River. Time will stand still as you cruise on this famous mahogany-finish Italian boat. Lounge inside the salon as you enjoy the view of the most beautiful avenue in the world, the Seine, within the comfort of your private accommodations.
French to English (Editor's Association of Canada) French to English (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario) French to English (university of toronto, verified)
Indesign, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Word, systran, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Over 14 years of translation, writing, communication and proofreading experience in various fields. Translation is a profession and a passion.. I care about each project and am ready and willing to work with you toward a satisfactory end product.
Specializations: Automotive Engineering, RFP/RFQ, Contracts, Legal, Marketing, Publicity, Copywriting, Arts & Literature, Film & Cinema, Architecture, Business/Commerce and Investment, Finance and general documents.
My day job involves being an in-house translator and bilingual representative for an international automotive company, with an emphasis on transportation and engineering. Companies I have worked with: Daimler Buses North America, UNIFEM, Greenpeace International, Wal-mart, Nissan, Chrysler, STAPLES/Business Depot, Alliance Atlantis, SonyPicturesClassics (Mongrel Media), EgoFilmArts, Concordia University Magazine, Banro Int'l Mining, Rotating Planet Productions, National Film Board of Canada, TV5 Quebec, SUNTV Toronto, etc.
Education:Bachelor of Arts-Translation Studies, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Certifications, affiliations, and ongoing learning: Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (candidate as of 2012), Ordre de traducteurs, terminoloque, interprètes du Québec (former member), Editor's Association of Canada (Qualified Member), Canadian Securities Institute (Investment Representative certification), Professional Organizer's of Canada (former member), Certificate in Fundamentals of Journalism, Commercial Vehicle License
Languages:ENGLISH (native speaker, high standard, qualified member of national editor's guild)
FRENCH (degree from bilingual university, francophile and fluent)
SPANISH (speak, read, write, translate only into English)
ARMENIAN (by heritage; fluent)
Portuguese, Italian, German, Mandarin, Turkish (intermediate knowlege; continuous learning)