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Source text - English 53 billion illegal cigarettes consumed in the European Union last year
New KMPG report finds that governments lose up to EUR 11.3 billion in revenues
Non-EU contraband and counterfeit increased to 88%
London, June 8, 2016
53 billion illegal cigarettes were consumed in the European Union (EU) in 2015, which exceeds the legal market volume of Spain, according to a new report published today by KPMG. Accounting for 1 in every 10 cigarettes consumed, this criminal activity costs EU governments up to EUR 11.3 billion in lost tax revenues. This annual study investigates the levels and drivers of counterfeit, contraband and Illicit Whites in the 28 EU countries, as well as Switzerland and Norway. While the illegal cigarette market in the EU accounts for around 10% of total consumption, this volume has declined marginally compared to 2014 as a result of several factors including increased activities to fight illegal trade and improved economic conditions.
Translation - Slovenian 53 milijard nezakonitih cigaret pokajenih lani v Evropski uniji
Novo poročilo KPMG ugotavlja, da vlade izgubijo do 11,3 milijarde evrov prihodkov.
Tihotapljenje in ponarejanje zunaj EU se je povečalo na 88 %.
London, 8. junij, 2016
53 milijard nezakonitih cigaret je bilo porabljenih v Evropski uniji (EU) v letu 2015, kar presega obseg zakonitega trga v Španiji, razkriva novo, danes objavljeno poročilo revizijske in svetovalne hiše KPMG. S stroškom ene pokajene cigarete na vsakih 10 prinaša ta kriminalna dejavnost vladam EU izgubo do 11,3 milijarde evrov davčnih prihodkov. Omenjena letna študija raziskuje ravni in gonilne sile ponarejanja, tihotapljenja in prodaje neregistriranih cigaret (»Illicit Whites«) v 28 državah EU, kakor tudi v Švici in na Norveškem. Medtem ko trg nezakonitih cigaret v EU predstavlja približno 10 % celotne porabe, se je njegov obseg nekoliko zmanjšal v primerjavi z letom 2014. To je posledica različnih dejavnikov, med drugim povečanih aktivnosti za boj proti nezakoniti trgovini in izboljšanih gospodarskih razmer.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Arts
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Mar 2011.
I was born in Jesenice, Slovenia, where I finished elementary school. I continued my education at the Technical High School, as part of Kranj School Centre for Technical Sciences. In 2012, I graduated from Interlingual communication at the Department of translation (Faculty of Arts, University in Ljubljana).
Language is the mirror of society and culture, the essence of community, and the individual. As the main means of communication, it is a bridge between cultures and this is where my expertise as a language mediator I come in handy.
I am a suitable candidate to collaborate with a variety of companies, public and government offices, and cultural institutions that have a lot of contacts with foreign countries and international clientele. I am also qualified to work in different institutions of the European Union, which has a great need for such personnel.
I believe that in the time of technological development, it is very important for linguists and translators to have excellent Internet knowledge and are efficient in the use of electronic dictionaries and translation tools. I have great versatile knowledge in various technical fields.