Working languages:
English to Russian Russian to English Czech to Russian Russian to Czech Czech to English English to Czech
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Native in : Russian
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization Specializes in: Linguistics Advertising / Public Relations Business/Commerce (general) Environment & Ecology Tourism & Travel
Also works in: Cooking / Culinary Government / Politics Folklore Law (general) Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting Poetry & Literature Esoteric practices Cosmetics, Beauty Food & Drink General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Law: Contract(s) Marketing Computers (general)
Bachelor's degree - Charles University in Prague Years of experience: 21. Registered at Mar 2011. N/A Czech to Russian (Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Lan) Russian to Czech (Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Lan) N/A N/A CV available upon request
Keywords: russian, czech, english, languages, translations, proof-reading, freelance, translator, interpreter, reviser. See more . russian, czech, english, languages, translations, proof-reading, freelance, translator, interpreter, reviser, czech republic, russia, personal translator, personal guide, general, social, technical affairs, environment, advertisement, travel and tourism, literature, language assistance, business trips, visits, contracts, legal, technical, ecological framework, localization, tlumočení, konsekutivní tlumočení, překládaní, obchod, reklama, katalogy, literatura, korektury, ekologie, životní prostředí, literatura, bezpečnost práce, turismus, technická dokumentace, audity, smlouvy, jazykový doprovod, obchodní korespondence, ruština, čeština, angličtina, ruský jazyk, anglický jazyk, český jazyk, переводы, устный перевод, английский язык, чешский язык, русский язык, реклама, туризм, маркетинг, экология, промышленность, переводы и корректуры, деловая корреспонденция, техническая документация, аудиторские заключения и отчеты, торговые договора, многолетняя практика, рекламные тексты, каталоги, художественная литература, публицистика, услуги индивидуального переводчика, деловые визиты, поездки, встречи, чехия, чешская республика, прага, языковое сопровождение, организация, телефонные переговоры. See less . Profile last updated Mar 28, 2011