Member since Oct '11

Working languages:
Korean to English

Leo Olivas
MA in Interpretation and Translation K-E

Sheridan, Indiana, United States
Local time: 10:50 EST (GMT-5)

Native in: English Native in English
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Work History in English listed Below (한국어를 보시려면 하단에 참조하십시오.) KakaoTalk_20171110_165146984 Interpretation Experience

Interpretation Experience

March 31, 2017 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding certain aspects of the Korea cosmetics industry.

March 28, 2017 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding about certain aspects of the Korea cosmetics industry.

March 23, 2017 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding about certain aspects of the water manufacturing space market in Korea.

March 8, 2017 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding about certain aspects of the online shopping market in Korea.

February 2, 2017 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding about certain aspects of the car air conditioning market in Korea.

February 1, 2017 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding about certain aspects of the car air conditioning market in Korea.

January 23, 2017 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding about certain aspects of the fashion industry in Korea.

January 19, 2017 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding certain aspects of the luxury sneakers market in Korea.

December 17-18, 2016 – 1 Full Day Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
IEM (Intel Extreme Masters)
Provided interpretation for foreign visitors at the Intel Extreme Masters gaming competition held in Ilsan, Korea.

December 9, 2016 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped an American businessman with a call for qualifying a textile supplier in Korea.

October 11, 2016 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding certain aspects of valve purchasing in Korea.

September 26, 2016 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Incheon-India Buyer’s Invitational
Helped facilitate communication between Indian and Korean businessmen.

September 22, 2016 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding certain aspects of the television drama production industry in Korea.

September 5, 2016 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding certain aspects of the E-commerce industry in Korea.

September 1, 2016 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding certain aspects of the online search advertising industry in Korea.

August 29, 2016 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding certain aspects of the water purifier industry in Korea.

August 23, 2016 - 1 hour Conference call Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Cadence (interpretation services company)
Helped facilitate a call between an investor and a Korean expert regarding certain aspects of the pharmaceuticals industry in Korea.

July 8, 2016 - 1 Full Day Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Korea Freedom Federation
Memorial Service for the 66th Anniversary of the Battle of Cheonan, Cheonan Korea
Provided English interpretation for the more than 50 US troops and officers from Camp Humphrey’s Army Garrison Pyeongtaek who attended the memorial service for the historic battle.
Translated material from Korean into English for the printing of booklets and pamphlets

May 25, 2016 - 1 Full Day Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Bella-Vista, KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)
Global Project Plaza 2016 Buyer Consultation, COEX Intercontinental Hotel, Seoul Korea
Provided interpretation to enhance the communication between foreign buyers and the employees of Korean companies to help the foreign buyer secure a Korean company that can provide the construction of large-scale civil engineering projects

May 11, 2016 - 1 Full Day Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Bella-Vista, KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)
Power Tech 2016 Trade Show, COEX Mall, Seoul Korea
Provided technical interpretation to enhance the communication between foreign buyers and the employees of Korean companies to help facilitate win-win opportunities for the parties involved.

April 17-18, 2015 - 2 Full Days Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Aroma Tools (
COEX Mall, Seoul, Korea
• Personal Interpreter for the president of Aroma Tools to facilitate communication at exhibition

October 23 - 24 2014 2 Full Days of Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
MarketingPro Italy
Helped Italian employee of market research company who was on a business trip to Korea gather price quotations for aftermarket BMW parts. As interpreter I helped the client to persuade many operators to provide quotes.

August 18-21, 2014 4 Full Days of English  Korean Consecutive Interpretation
SAB Miller
Seoul, Korea
Provided consecutive translation for a corporate psychologist who came to interview local psychologists, perform assessments on some managers and conduct one training session for Korean speaking employees.

4 hours of Korean  English Simultaneous Interpretation
Global Robot Camp
Songdo, Global Campus, Korea
Provided simultaneous interpretation for the opening and closing ceremonies of global robot camp.

July 15 - 16, 2014 6-hour conference call interpretation Korean  English Simultaneous Interpretation
Sense Worldwide
• Provided simultaneous interpretation over the phone for a medical related survey conducted in Korean. The call was between patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and a person conducting the phone survey.

June 10, 2014 - 1 Full Day Korean  English Interpretation
Digitas LBi
Seoul, Korea
• Provided interpretation between Digtas LBi and stakeholders of Aramco Asia to facilitate the collection of opinions by stakeholders to help Digitas LBi create an analysis-based website.

May 16, 2014 - 1 Hour Phone Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Sense Worldwide
London, England
• Provided interpretation between Sense Worldwide and the Korean artist ‘Novo.’

January 25-26, 2014 - 2 Full Days Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Aroma Tools (
COEX Mall, Seoul, Korea
• Personal Interpreter for the president of Aroma Tools to facilitate communication at exhibition

January 28, 2014 - 1 Full Day Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Aroma Tools (
Anseong, Gyeonggi Province, Seoul
• Personal Interpreter for the president of Aroma Tools on fact-finding mission for quotations for warehousing.

October 6, 2013 - 1 Full Day Korean  English Consecutive Interpretation
Roswin ( and Motorola ( Buyer Conference
Cheonan, South Chungcheong Province
• Provided technical interpretation when Motorola engineers visited Roswin to evaluate the company as a potential supplier.


In-house Translator/Proofreader March 2015 - Present
KMW LED Lighting Company
Giheung, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do
Visited the KMW Lighting company 9 hours a week and performed translations and proofreading for their marketing team. At present I perform these tasks on a freelance basis.

Book: (Presently translating) How to Read the Landscapes
(ISBN: 9781408123621)
Subject: Geology
English to Korean, 256 pages

Please view my Proz profile to view details about past translation works.

Lecturing Adjunct Professor of English March 2015 – February 2016
Namseoul University, Cheonan, South Chungcheon Province
• Teaching Academic Reading and Writing course for college credit for students transferring to Texas A&M Commerce in the United States.

Adjunct Professor of English March 2013 – February 2015
Cheonan Yeonnam College, Cheonan, South Chungcheong Province
• Taught 1st and 2nd year students English conversation.
• Constantly favorable student evaluations after each semester.
Average 4.1 out of 5.0

Elementary School 4th Grade English Teacher, March 2012 – February 2013
Tangjeong Elementary School, Asan, South Chungcheong Province
• Taught 4th grade students English as a Foreign Language
• Afterschool program students showed significant improvements and jumped 2 levels after 4 months

English Language Adjunct Professor, March 2011 – December 2012
Suwon Women’s College, Suwon, Gyeonggi Province
• Taught English Conversation to second year students.
• Wrote curriculum and course syllabus

In-house English Language Instructor/Translator Nov. 2007 – January 2012
Korea Fuel Tech Corporation, Anseong, Gyeonggi Province

• Taught beginner, intermediate and advanced classes to more than 70 company employees
• Designed entire course curriculum for all classes
• Organized and oversaw year-end English Speech Contest attended by executives and all company employees
• Translated documents from Korean to English ranging from correspondence to technical manuals
• Contracted to work 10 hours a week November 2007-November 2008.
• Contracted to work 25 hours a week December 2008 – January 2012

Corporate English Language Instructor March 2007 – January 2009
International Park Language School, Seoul

• Traveled to 4 different companies, teaching intermediate English classes
• Designed entire course curriculum for all classes

Account Representative March 2006 – February 2007
Independent Capital Management
Phoenix, Arizona

Account representative February 2006 – February 2006
Management Recruiters of Scottsdale
Scottsdale, Arizona

Freelance English Teaching
May 2005 – February 2006
Seoul, Korea

English Language Instructor April 2004 – May 2005
Brian Allgood Hospital (formerly 121 Hospital) Yongsan U.S. Army Garrison, Seoul, Korea
Used a needs-based approach to improve the English of Korean Nationals employees

Broadcasting Experience

Internet News Anchor April 2007 – April 2010
G-News Plus (Gyeonggi Provincial Office Broadcast) Suwon, Gyeonggi Province
• Translated the weekly news segment from Korean in to English
• Read the weekly news onto a video camera using a teleprompter
Various voice recording, acting assignments April 2002 – October 2005
• Logged more than 1000 hours of voice work for various recording studios
• Played a minor role in the major Korean television mini-series ‘Firebird’, ‘Lovers in Paris.’

Volunteer Work

Korean – English Interpreter May 2010 – September 2010
International Youth Exchange Center, Ilsan, Gyeonggi Province

• Provided simultaneous and consecutive interpretation for foreign students taking part in a youth exchange program
• Translated administrative documents into English
• Gave tips to foreign students about living in Korea

Native English speaker, Fluent Korean, basic Spanish, some Greek, little Japanese, learning Chinese

I exercise regularly and am in good physical shape.


2016. 2 ~ 현재 중앙대 통번역대학원 한영과 재학중(2018. 2 졸업 예정)
2013. 미국 프레이밍햄 주립대학교(Framingham State University) 교육 대학원 영문교육 석사
2005. 미국 매릴랜드 주립대학교(University of Maryland) 영문학과 졸업
2000 선문대학교 한국어 교육원 정규반 수료

해외체재 경험

1979-1999 미국 거주
1999-2005 한국 거주
2006 미국 거주
2007 – 현재 한국 거주


2015. 3 - 2016. 2 남서울대학교 영어교수
텍사스 A&M대학교 복수학위 영문작성 강의 담당
Global Honor’s Program (미국대학 진학을 위한 교육과정)
2013.11 – 2014.11 한국공정위원회 규제모니터링 전문가
한국자료를 영문으로 요약
2013. 2 - 현재 통역번역전문회사 서포트포유 영어 원어민감수자
관광, 문화, 음식, 의료, 산업 등 전분야
2013. 3 – 2015. 2 천안연암대학 영어교수(영어회화 강의)
2012. 3 – 2013. 2 탕정초등학교 영어 협동교사
2011. 3 – 2012.12 수원여자대학 영어강사
2007.11 – 2012. 1 코리아에프티 자동차 부품회사 사내 영어강사 겸 번역사
2007. 9 – 2010. 4 경기도청 방송 G-뉴스 플러스 인터넷 뉴스 앵커 겸 번역사
2007. 4 – 2009. 1 IPLS 외국어교육원 기업체 출강 영어 강사
2002. 4 – 2005.10 성우녹음, 영어 강의, 번역, 연기 프리랜서
성우녹음 1000시간 이상, 한국드라마 ‘불새’ 단역
경제협력개발기구, 용산 미군사령부, 기업체 등에서 영어강의 및 한영번역

2016. 7 제66회 천안 7.8 전투전몰미군용사 추모식 순차통역
2016. 6 Global Project Plaza 2016 토목관련 회사 순차통역
2016. 5 2016 Power Tech 전시회 순차통역
2014. 4 Aroma Tools 상담통역
2014.10 마케팅프로의 한국내 BMW 부품관련 시장조사 수행통역
2014. 8 사브 밀러맥주의 심리측정검사 및 관리자용 교육 순차통역
2014. 8 글로벌 로봇캠프 개막식 및 폐막식 동시통역
2014. 8 일본 유니온하이치 투자설명회 영어MC 겸 순차통역
2014. 6 Digitas LBi와 아람코 아시아 회의 순차통역
2014. 1 영국 Sense Worldwide와 한국예술가의 전화회의 순차통역
2014. 1 Aroma Tools 미국사장 수행통역 및 바이어 상담 통역
2013.10 로스윈(Roswin)과 미국 모토롤라 상담통역


2016. 7 천안 7.8전투전몰미군용사 추모식 관련 팸플렛 등 한영번역
2015. 3 – 2015. 7 KMW 사내자료 한영번역 및 영어 원어민 감수
2014. 3 – 2015. 2 How to Read the Landscape(지질학 관련) 영한 번역


2010. 5 – 2010. 9 국제청소년교류센터 통역 및 번역
2014. 5 – 2014. 8 개정초등학교 영어강의

기타(자격사항 등)
한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 5급 합격

기타 언어

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그리스 (초급)
일본어 (초급)
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Total pts earned: 63
PRO-level pts: 51

Language (PRO)
Korean to English51
Top general fields (PRO)
Social Sciences8
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Construction / Civil Engineering10
Education / Pedagogy8
Engineering (general)5
Finance (general)4
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters4
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright4
Law (general)4
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Keywords: Automotive, business, communications, entertainment, gaming, journalism, medical, research, tourism, thesis. See more.Automotive, business, communications, entertainment, gaming, journalism, medical, research, tourism, thesis, poetry, literature, Korean, English, voice recording, news, welfare, music, marketing, Korean to English, Korean translator, proofreading, proofreader, editing, Korean interpreter, Seoul translator, Korean interpreter, Cheonan Interpreter, Incheon Interpreter, Cheonan translator, Incheon translator, cars, geology, mountains. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 15

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