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Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Arabic: Biometric Solutions General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - English
Biometric Solutions
In an era of heightened security, more government agencies, and companies are concluding that traditional protective measures, such as identification badges and the like, may not be enough to keep their facilities safe.
Implementation of physical access systems today are not viewed as isolated stand alone projects but as part of an enterprise level identity and access management strategy. This integrated approach has a host of benefits that have not been traditionally considered like central point for incident investigation, better risk management, a consolidated reporting mechanism and strengthening overall security.
Where the problem lies?
Governments and industrial establishments have recognized the limitations of traditional security measures. The problem with using ID badges or proximity cards is that they provide single-factor authentication. Security guards or card readers might recognize that a person’s ID is valid, but they couldn’t verify that this ID actually belongs to this user. Someone could have stolen a card or a badge from its actual owner.
Translation - Arabic
حلول تحقيق الهوية الحيوية
في عصر يسيطر عليه هاجس الأمن، خلصت العديد من الإدارات الحكومية والشركات إلى أن إجراءات الوقاية التقليدية، كبطاقات الهوية وما شابه، قد لا تكون كافية للحفاظ على أمن مرافقها.
ولا ينظر اليوم إلى تطبيق أنظمة مراقبة دخول الأفراد إلى المنشآت كمشروعات منفصلة قائمة بذاتها بل كجزء من إستراتيجية متكاملة لإدارة إجراءات التحقق من الهوية والاتصال على مستوى المشروع. ولهذا المنهج المتكامل فوائد متعددة لم تكن مطروحة من قبل، كوجود نقطة مركزية للتحقيق في الحوادث، والإدارة الأمثل للأزمات، وتوافر آلية موحدة لإعداد التقارير وتدعيم الأمن بشكل عام.
أين تكمن المشكلة؟
أدركت الحكومات والمؤسسات الصناعية أوجه القصور في الضوابط الأمنية التقليدية. فالمشكلة التي تواجه استخدام بطاقات الهوية أو بطاقات التعرف عن بعد تكمن في كونها توفر جانباً واحداً من جوانب التحقق من الهوية. فبإمكان حراس الأمن أو أجهزة قراءة بطاقات المرور التعرف على صلاحية هوية شخص، بيد أنهم لا يمكنهم التأكد من أن تلك الهوية تخص هذا الشخص دون غيره. فقد يكون هذا الشخص قد سرق بطاقة أو شارة من صاحبها الفعلي.
Arabic to English: Legal Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Arabic
إتفاقية تقديم خدمات/حلول
1- التعريفات
ستعني الكلمات والعبارات الواردة بهذه الاتفاقية المعاني التالية المحددة لها أدناه، مالم يتطلب السياق غير ذلك:
1-1 الاتفاقية: تعني الاتفاقية الخاصة بقيام المقاول بالمساعدة في تنفيذ مشروع هيكلة إجراءات عمل إدارة المالية لدى شركة س.ص.ع والتي ستتضمن الملاحق والجداول المرفقة، والتي تعد جزءاً لا يتجزأ من هذه الاتفاقية. تمثل المستندات التالية جزءا من هذه الاتفاقية؛
1-2 تاريخ البدء: سيبدأ المشروع في 3 يوليو 2007م؛
1-3 الاستشاريون: تعني موظفي المقاول أو مقاولي الباطن الذين سيقومون بتقديم الخدمات؛
1-4 حقوق الملكية الفكرية: تعني جميع براءات الاختراع، حقوق النشر، حقوق التصميم، الماركات التجارية، ماركات الخدمات، الأسرار التجارية، حقوق قواعد البيانات، حقوق الملكية الفعلية (سواء المسجلة أو غير المسجلة) وجميع التطبيقات ذات الصلة في أي مكان في العالم؛
1-5 الخدمات: تعني الخدمات التي سيتولى المقاول تنفيذها كما تم تحديدها بالملحق 1: بيان الأعمال؛
1-6 الحلول: تعني المعلومات، التصميمات، المواصفات، التعليمات، البرامج، الأجهزة، البيانات والخدمات التي يقوم المقاول ومقاولي الباطن التابعين له بتقديمها إلى شركة س.ص.ع وفقاً لنطاق العمل المحدد؛
1-7 مقاولي الباطن: تعني الأفراد، المنشآت والمؤسسات الذين سيقوم المقاول باستخدامهم لتقديم جزء من الخدمات المطلوبة؛
2- الأتعاب وطريقة السداد
2-1 تتكون أتعاب الاتفاقية من إجمالي أتعاب الحلول المهنية وكافة الخدمات والأعمال الأخرى، باستثناء المصاريف المتعلقة بتسليم الحلول إلى شركة س.ص.ع كما هو متفق عليه في بيان الأعمال؛
2-3 في حال عدم قيام شركة س.ص.ع بدفع الأتعاب خلال (60) يوماً من استحقاقها، سيحق للمقاول (دون الإخلال بأي من حقوقه وتعويضاته الأخرى) تعليق تقديم الحلول وأداء الخدمات بعد منح شركة س.ص.ع إخطاراً كتابياً مدته (30) ثلاثون يوماً حتى تمام السداد الكامل للأتعاب.
3- التزامات المقاول تجاه الاتفاقية
3-1 سيكون المقاول مسئولاً عن تقديم الخدمات المفصلة بالملحق 1: بيان الأعمال؛
3-2 سيقوم المقاول بتطوير المتطلبات المحددة لشركة س.ص.ع والمتعلقة بعمل الحلول. وقد تم تفصيل عملية التطوير في الملحق 1: بيان الأعمال. وستحتفظ شركة س.ص.ع بحقوق الملكية الفكرية لهذه الآلية الجديدة المطورة؛
3-3 سيقوم المقاول بإعداد تقارير شهرية خاصة بكل مرحلة من مراحل تنفيذ الاتفاقية.
4- إلتزامات شركة س.ص.ع تجاه الاتفاقية
لمساعدة المقاول في أداء التزاماته الواردة في هذه الاتفاقية ونطاق العمل، ستلتزم شركة س.ص.ع دون مقابل بما يلي:
4-1 إمداد المقاول بكافة المعلومات، الدعم، التعاون اللازم من أجل تقديم الحلول؛
4-2 تقديم كافة الخدمات والأنشطة الأخرى والالتزامات وفقا للجداول الزمنية المحددة والواردة في نطاق العمل من أجل مساعدة المقاول في تنفيذ وأداء الأنشطة التي تم تغطيتها بهذه الاتفاقية؛
4-3 التأكد من تعاون موظفيها ومستشاريها الآخرين أو الأطراف الثالثة بشكل كامل مع المقاول فيما يتعلق بتنفيذ وأداء الخدمات محل الاتفاقية؛
4-4 تزويد المقاول بالمعلومات والمستندات المملوكة لشركة س.ص.ع والتي يتم طلبها من أجل تنفيذ وأداء المقاول لالتزاماته الواردة بالاتفاقية والمتعلقة بنطاق العمل؛
4-5 تكوين فريق عمل مؤهل من أجل تنفيذ التزاماتها الواردة بهذه الاتفاقية؛
4-7 توفير المكاتب المناسبة للمقاول داخل المباني التابعة لشركة س.ص.ع، وكذلك خدمات الهاتف والمرافق الأخرى والتي تتضمن الدخول إلى الحواسب الآلية والأنظمة ذات الصلة في لشركة شركة س.ص.ع والسماح بالدخول إلى المناطق التي سيتم تنفيذ الحلول فيها، شريطة عدم إلزام شركة س.ص.ع بتوفير هذه الإمكانيات بمعايير تفوق ما توفره لموظفي المشروع التابعين لها؛
4-8 اتخاذ كافة الخطوات المناسبة للتأكد من توافر كافة عوامل السلامة والصحة لموظفي المقاول خلال تواجدهم بمواقع تأدية الخدمات المتفق عليها؛
4-9 توفير كل العون المناسب والمطلوب من قبل المقاول من أجل أداء الخدمات محل هذه الاتفاقية؛
4-10 ستقوم شركة س.ص.ع بدفع أتعاب الاتفاقية للمقاول وفقا لما هو منصوص عليه في ملحق 1: بيان الأعمال فيما يختص بتقديم الحلول وفقا لهذه الاتفاقية والملاحق التابعة لها.
Translation - English
In this Agreement, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them below, except where the context otherwise requires:
1.1 Agreement: means this Agreement for A.B.C Company’s assistance in the Implementation of Business Process Re-engineering Project for X.Y.Z Company’s Finance Department and shall include its Annexes and attached schedules, which are considered as integral parts of the Agreement. The following documents constitute an integral part of this Agreement;
1.2 Commencement Date: project will commence on July 26th, 2007;
1.3 Consultants: means those employees of the Contractor or the Sub-Contractors who will provide the Services.
1.4 Intellectual Property Rights: means all patents, copyrights, design rights, trade marks, service marks, trade secrets, database rights, actual property rights (whether registered or unregistered) and all applications for the same anywhere in the world;
1.5 Services: means the services to be performed by the Contractor as set out in Annex 1: Statement of Work;
1.6 Solutions: means the information, design, specification, instruction, Software, Hardware, data, and Services furnished to the X.Y.Z Company by the Contractor and its Sub-Contractors in accordance with the defined scope of work;
1.7 Sub-Contractors: means individuals, institutions, corporations, or local and foreign vendors that the Contractor will use to provide part of the required Services;
2.2 The Agreement Price comprises the price for the entire Solution and includes all Services and any other works, except for expenses related to the delivery of the Solution to the X.Y.Z Company, as agreed in the Statement of Work;
2.3 If payments by X.Y.Z Company are not made within sixty (60) days of the due date, the Contractor shall be entitled (without prejudice to its other rights and remedies) to suspend provision of the Solution and performance of the Services after giving X.Y.Z Company 30 days written notice period until full payment has been received.
3.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for providing services as defined in Annex 1: Statement of Work.
3.2 The Contractor shall develop for the X.Y.Z Company the specific requirements pertaining to the functionality of the Solutions. This development is described in Annex 1: Statement of Work. The X.Y.Z Company shall retain all Intellectual Property Rights of this new developed functionality.
3.3 The Contractor shall produce monthly reports related to each stage of performance of the Agreement.
In order to enable the Contractor to comply with its obligations under this Agreement, and Scope of Work, X.Y.Z Company will, at no charge:
4.1 Provide the Contractor with all necessary information, support and cooperation to provide the Solutions;
4.2 Provide in a timely and efficient manner facilities, services and other activities and obligations as defined within the Scope of Work to assist the Contractor in performance of the activities covered by this Agreement;
4.3 Ensure that its employees and other independent consultants or third parties cooperate fully with the Contractor in relation to the provisions of Solutions;
4.4 Furnish the Contractor promptly with such information and documents in X.Y.Z Company’s possession as may reasonably be requested for the proper performance of the Contractor's obligations under this Agreement and Scope of Work;
4.5 Establish a team of qualified personnel to perform its obligations under this Agreement;
4.7 Provide to the Contractor adequate office accommodation at X.Y.Z Company’s premises, a secure workspace, telephone services, and other facilities including access to relevant computers and systems of the X.Y.Z Company and allow appropriate access to the areas in which the Solutions are to be performed, provided, however, that the X.Y.Z Company shall not be obliged to provide any such contributions at standards that are higher than those provided by the X.Y.Z Company for its own project staff;
4.8 Take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of the Contractor’s employees while they are at the agreed upon delivery sites;
4.9 Provide all cooperation reasonably requested by the Contractor for the performance of the subject matter of this Agreement;
4.10 The X.Y.Z Company shall pay to the Contractor the Agreement Price as stipulated in Annex 1: Statement of Work in consideration for rendering the Solution in accordance with this Agreement and Annexes.
Arabic <> English translator and Editor with 20 years of experience.Professional Experience:
I had the chance to translate different types of documents as follows:
Financial Translations:
• Translation of financial statements
• Translation of feasibility studies
• Translation of initial public offerings
• Translation of internal control reports
• Translation of corporate finance reports
• Translation of tax reports
• Translation of Zakat assessments
• Translation of articles of associations
• Translation of reports for the Saudi Capital Market Authority
• Translation of policies and procedures
IT Translations:
• Localization (Arabization) of software applications
• Translation of user guide manuals
• Translation of on-line help systems
• Translation of training courses of software applications
Legal Translations:
• Translation of articles of associations
• Translation of engagement letters
• Translation of contracts
• Translation of powers of attorney
• Translation of conveyance agreements
• Translation of certificates of acknowledgment
• Translation of court judgments
• Translation of leasing agreements
Technical Translations:
I have translated the user guide manuals and brochures of the following companies:
Hewlett Packard
o All-in-one (Printer/Copier/Scanner) laser-jet printers
o Translation of laptops manuals
o Translation of digital cameras manuals
o Translation of ink-jet printers manuals
o Translation of fax machines manuals
o Translation of copiers manuals
o Translation of scanners manuals
o Translation of Mobile phones manuals
o Translation of printers manuals
o Translation of camcorders manuals
o Translation of LCD monitors
Major Translation Projects:
I have been responsible for translation and localization of the following big projects:
• SAP ERP System for the Saudi Arabian Airlines
• SADAD e-Payment System for the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency: (localization of interface & translation of user manuals)
• SAP ERP System for the Saudi Electricity Company: (localization of interface, translation of user manuals and on-line help)
• Oracle ERP System for the Saudi National Guards
• Al-Shamil e-Commerce Suite: (localization of interface, translation of user manuals and on-line help)
• Al-Shamil Millennium Suite: (localization of interface & translation of user manuals and on-line help)
• Brain Waves Health Care Management System: (localization of interface & translation of user manuals and on-line help)
• Sakhr Computer Aided Translation (CAT) System: (lexical and linguistic research)
• NetOp School Program: (an educational application produced for the Saudi Ministry of Education by Danware Data A/S Company, Copenhagen, Denmark)
• IBM Global Business Services
• Saudi Business Machines Ltd
• KPMG Saudi Arabia
• Hewlett Packard Company
• Atos Origin Company
• King Khalid Eye Specialist Hospital
• New Era Technology Company
• Brain Waves Advanced System
• Sakhr Software Company
• Professional Management Expertise Centre
• Nortel Corporate
• Emaar Properties Co.
• Samsung
• SAP Arabia Company
• Nesma Company (KSA)
• New Era Technology Company (KSA)
• Hafel Transportation Company (KSA)
• Brain Waves Advanced Systems (Egypt)
• Danware Data Company (Denmark)
• Saudi e-Government Portal (KSA)
• Saudi Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals
• Department of Zakat and Income Tax (KSA)
• Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
• Saudi National Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment Portal:
• Saudi Electricity Co.
• Saudi Arabian Airlines
• Saudi Ministry of Finance
• Atos Origin Middle East
• Hewlett Packard Company
• Saudi Arabian Livestock Investment Co.
Computer Knowledge:
• SDL Trados
• Microsoft Word
• MS SharePoint
• Microsoft PowerPoint
• Microsoft FrontPage
• Microsoft Excel
• Microsoft Visio
• MS Help Workshop
• SAP 2005
For more information, please feel free to contact me.
Best wishes!
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Arabic
Specialty fields
Computers: Software
Finance (general)
Internet, e-Commerce
Business/Commerce (general)
Computers: Systems, Networks
IT (Information Technology)
Other fields
Keywords: Arabic translation services, translator, localization, linguist, linguistic, localization, software, language services, Arabic language translation, interpretation. See more.Arabic translation services, translator, localization, linguist, linguistic, localization, software, language services, Arabic language translation, interpretation, copywriting, translation, voiceovers, translations, subtitling, CAT, CAT tools, Computer-Aided Translation, memoQ, SDL Trados Studio, TRADOS, Help Authoring, Website Localization, Dejavu, Saudi Arabia, hardware translation, it translation, website translation, user manual translation, software translation, brochure translation, commercial translation, financial translation, scientific translation, educational translation, social translation, business translation, marketing translation, word translation, PDF translation, html translation, xml translation, excel translation, PowerPoint translation, database translation, trades translation, technical translation, legal translation, law translation, medical translation, political translation, tourism translation, literary translation, engineering translation, economic translation, religious translation, Arabic, Arabic to English, Arabic English, Arabic & English. Arabic-English, Arabic into English, from Arabic to English, from Arabic into English, English to Arabic, English & Arabic, English-Arabic, English Arabic, English into Arabic, from English to Arabic, from English into Arabic, Arabic translation, technical Arabic translation, technical English Arabic translation, legal Arabic translation, legal English Arabic translation, law Arabic translation, law English Arabic translation, medical Arabic translation, medical English Arabic translation, political Arabic translation, political English Arabic translation, tourism Arabic translation, tourism English Arabic translation, literary Arabic translation, literary English Arabic translation, engineering Arabic translation, engineering English Arabic translation, economic Arabic translation, economic English Arabic translation, religious Arabic translation, religious English Arabic translation, software Arabic translation, software English Arabic translation, hardware Arabic translation, hardware English Arabic translation, IT Arabic translation, IT English Arabic translation, website Arabic translation, website English Arabic translation, user manual Arabic translation, user manual English Arabic translation, software Arabic translation, software English Arabic translation, brochure Arabic translation, brochure English Arabic translation, commercial Arabic translation, commercial English Arabic translation, financial Arabic translation, financial English Arabic translation, scientific Arabic translation, scientific English Arabic translation, educational Arabic translation, educational English Arabic translation, social Arabic translation, social English Arabic translation, business Arabic translation, business English Arabic translation, marketing Arabic translation, marketing English Arabic translation, word Arabic translation, word English Arabic translation, PDF Arabic translation, PDF English Arabic translation, html Arabic translation, html English Arabic translation, xml Arabic translation, xml English Arabic translation, pup Arabic translation, excel Arabic translation, excel English Arabic translation, PowerPoint Arabic translation, PowerPoint English Arabic translation, database Arabic translation, database English Arabic translation, Arabic translation software translations, hardware translations, it translations, website translations, user manual translations, software translations, brochure translations, commercial translations, financial translations, scientific translations, educational translations, social translations, business translations, marketing translations, word translations, PDF translations, html translations, xml translations, pup translations, excel translations, PowerPoint translations, database translations, trades translations, technical translations, legal translations, law translations, medical translations, political translations, tourism translations, literary translations, engineering translations, economic translations, religious translations, Arabic translations, technical Arabic translations, technical English Arabic translations, legal Arabic translations, legal English Arabic translations, law Arabic translations, law English Arabic translations, medical Arabic translations, medical English Arabic translations, political Arabic translations, political English Arabic translations, tourism Arabic translations, tourism English Arabic translations, literary Arabic translations, literary English Arabic translations, engineering Arabic translations, engineering English Arabic translations, economic Arabic translations, economic English Arabic translations, religious Arabic translations, religious English Arabic translations, software Arabic translations, software English Arabic translations, hardware Arabic translations, hardware English Arabic translations, it Arabic translations, it English Arabic translations, website Arabic translations, website English Arabic translations, user manual Arabic translations, user manual English Arabic translations, software Arabic translations, software English Arabic translations, brochure Arabic translations, brochure English Arabic translations commercial Arabic translations, commercial English Arabic translations, financial Arabic translations, financial English Arabic translations, scientific Arabic translations scientific English Arabic translations, educational Arabic translations, educational English Arabic translations, social Arabic translations, social English Arabic translations business Arabic translations, business English Arabic translations, marketing Arabic translations, marketing English Arabic translations, word Arabic translations, word English Arabic translations, PDF Arabic translations, PDF English Arabic translations, html Arabic translations, html English Arabic translations, xml Arabic translations, xml English Arabic translations, excel Arabic translations, excel English Arabic translations, PowerPoint Arabic translations, PowerPoint English Arabic translations, database Arabic translations, database English Arabic translations, trades Arabic translations, trades English Arabic translations, software translator, hardware translator, it translator, website translator, user manual translator, software translator, brochure translator, commercial translator, financial translator, scientific translator, educational translator, social translator, business translator, marketing translator, word translator, PDF translator, html translator, xml translator, pup translator, excel translator, PowerPoint translator, database translator, trades translator, technical translator, legal translator, law translator, medical translator, political translator, tourism translator, literary translator, engineering translator, economic translator, religious translator, Arabic translator, technical Arabic translator, technical English Arabic translator, legal Arabic translator, legal English Arabic translator, law Arabic translator, law English Arabic translator, medical Arabic translator, medical English Arabic translator, political Arabic translator, political English Arabic translator, tourism Arabic translator, tourism English Arabic translator, literary Arabic translator, literary English Arabic translator, engineering Arabic translator, engineering English Arabic translator, economic Arabic translator, economic English Arabic translator, religious Arabic translator, religious English Arabic translator, software Arabic translator, software English Arabic translator, hardware Arabic translator, hardware English Arabic translator, it Arabic translator, it English Arabic translator, website Arabic translator, website English Arabic translator, user manual Arabic translator, user manual English Arabic translator, software Arabic translator, software English Arabic translator, brochure Arabic translator, brochure English Arabic translator, commercial Arabic translator, commercial English Arabic translator, financial Arabic translator, financial English Arabic translator, scientific Arabic translator, scientific English Arabic translator, educational Arabic translator, educational English Arabic translator, social Arabic translator, social English Arabic translator, business Arabic translator, business English Arabic translator, marketing Arabic translator, marketing English Arabic translator, word Arabic translator, word English Arabic translator, PDF Arabic translator, PDF English Arabic translator, html Arabic translator, html English Arabic translator, xml Arabic translator, xml English Arabic translator, pup Arabic translator, pup English Arabic translator, excel Arabic translator, excel English Arabic translator, PowerPoint Arabic translator, PowerPoint English Arabic translator, database Arabic translator, database English Arabic translator, trades Arabic translator, trades English Arabic translator, software translators, hardware translators, it translators, website translators, user manual translators, software translators, brochure translators, commercial translators, financial translators, scientific translators, educational translators, social translators, business translators, marketing translators, word translators, PDF translators, html translators, xml translators, pup translators, excel translators, PowerPoint translators, database translators, trades translators, technical translators, legal translators, law translators, medical translators, political translators, tourism translators, literary translators, engineering translators, economic translators, religious translators, Arabic translators technical Arabic translators, technical English Arabic translators, legal Arabic translators, legal English Arabic translators, law Arabic translators, law English Arabic translators, medical Arabic translators, medical English Arabic translators, political Arabic translators, political English Arabic translators, tourism Arabic translators, tourism English Arabic translators, literary Arabic translators, literary English Arabic translators, engineering Arabic translators, engineering English Arabic translators, economic Arabic translators, economic English Arabic translators, religious Arabic translators, religious English Arabic translators, software Arabic translators, software English Arabic translators, hardware Arabic translators, hardware English Arabic translators, it Arabic translators, it English Arabic translators, website Arabic translators, website English Arabic translators, user manual Arabic translators, user manual English Arabic translators, software Arabic translators, software English Arabic translators, brochure Arabic translators, brochure English Arabic translators, commercial Arabic translators, commercial English Arabic translators, financial Arabic translators, financial English Arabic translators, scientific Arabic translators, scientific English Arabic translators, educational Arabic translators, educational English Arabic translators, social Arabic translators, social English Arabic translators, business Arabic translators, business English Arabic translators, marketing Arabic translators, marketing English Arabic translators, word Arabic translators, word English Arabic translators, PDF Arabic translators, PDF English Arabic translators, html Arabic translators, html English Arabic translators, xml Arabic translators, xml English Arabic translators, pup Arabic translators, pup English Arabic translators, excel Arabic translators, excel English Arabic translators, PowerPoint Arabic translators, PowerPoint English Arabic translators, database Arabic translators, database English Arabic translators, trades Arabic translators, trades English Arabic translators, SAP
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