Working languages:
English to German
German to English
German (monolingual)

Otmar Lichtenwörther
text work for the image culture

Graz, Steiermark, Austria
Local time: 08:11 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: German 
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My translation and proofreading is more or less divided into two main categories:

1) Art, culture and cultural marketing: exhibition catalogues, exhibition folders, art books, folders, image folders, press infos, magazine articles or reviews, website translations
Participation in numerous bilingual (German/English) exhibition catalogues published by well-known Austrian and Swiss institutions. Translation of essays or reviews by Mieke Bal, Adam Budak, Michael Blum, Guy Brett, Lynne Cooke, Jonathan Crary, Mark Cousins, Deborah Curtis, Terry Eagleton, Francesca Ferguson, Jean Fisher, Andres Ramirez Gaviria, Elizabeth Grosz, Richard Ingersoll, Séamus Kealy, Francis McKee, Laura Mulvey, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Judy Radul, Johannes Rauchenberger, Gerhard Richter, Marc Ries, Edward A. Shanken, Willoughby Sharp, Kaja Silverman, Adam Sczymczyk, Jason Edward Smith, Michael Terman, Gavin Turk, Paola Viganó, Marc-Olivier Wahler, Stephen Willats, Denys Zacharopoulos et al ... A regularly updated complete list of authors can be found here. For information on publications have a look at this page.

2) Moreover, I also do lot of translation and proofreading work in the fields of corporate advertising and marketing — for both global language service providers and direct end clients. Since early in 2008 I've been working for one major global language service provider - still the only LSP I work for on a regular basis - with almost 2,000 jobs completed so far (Dec 2010).

Translation (German-English) of Christian Fuchs, Kino Killer (1995), published as Bad Blood. An Illustrated Guide to Psycho Cinema. Creation Cinema Collection Volume 18. ISBN 1 84068 025 in 2002.
Translation (German-English) and proofreading of Sammertime. Das künstlerische Werk Luis Sammers [The Art of Luis Sammer](bilingual, E & D), Weitra: Verlag publication PN°1 Bibliothek der Provinz, 2006 ISBN 3-85252-759-7
Translation (French-German) of Michael Blum, Mein Land . Published by Unrast Verlag, Münster & rotor-association for contemporary art, Graz in March 2008. ISBN 978-3-89771-478-6

More information can be found on my website .
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    Keywords: translation translator translations Übersetzer Übersetzungen Korrektur Lektorat Korrektorat English German proofreading proof-reading proofing localizing transcreation advertising marketing market research art visual art film humanities architecture music philosophy cultural studies Kunst Kultur Kulturwissenschaften Diskurs Theorie Kulturmarketing Werbung Broschüren, media, Kunstmarketing Kulturmarketing press releases Pressematerial Firmenkommunikation Zeitschriften copywriting Texterstellung

    Profile last updated
    Jan 8, 2014

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