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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation Volume: 1 days Completed: Dec 2007 Languages: French to English
Financial document for Clinical Trial
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 days Completed: Oct 2007 Languages: French to English
ceramic bone products
Medical (general)
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Translation Volume: 0 days Languages: French to English
Production of Recombinant Proteins With a Cho-Based Cell Line
Medical (general)
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Translation Volume: 0 days Languages: French to English
Improvement of Local Control in Chordomas of the Skull Base and Spine Treated By
Medical: Instruments
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Translation Volume: 0 days Languages:
French to English
Intra-operative Ultrasound Elastography
Medical: Instruments
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Translation Volume: 0 days Languages: French to English
Hypofractionated Stereotactic Boost Irradiation
Medical: Health Care
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Sample translations submitted: 4
French to English: Kystes osseux solitaires
Source text - French Etude de phase 2, randomisée, en ouvert, multicentrique de détermination de dose, évaluant l’efficacité, la tolérance du I-040302 versus une injection de contrôle (aspirât de moelle osseuse ou stéroïdes) chez l’enfant ou le jeune adulte ayant un kyste osseux solitaire
Translation - English Phase 2 randomized open label study, involving multiple centers and increasing dosages, of the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of an injection containing I-040302, compared to a control injection (spinal cord aspirate or steroids) in children and young adults with solitary osseous cysts.
French to English: Etude clinique LIP
Source text - French Etude multicentrique, randomisée, double aveugle, comparant l’efficacité et la tolérance d'une dose unique d'un comprimé gingival muco-adhésif de 50 mg d’acyclovir Lauriad appliqué précocement à celles d'un Placebo dans le traitement de l’Herpès labial chez les patients immunocompétents.
Translation - English Multicentric, randomized, double blind study, comparing the effectiveness and tolerance of a single dose of a muco-adhesive gingival tablet of 50 mg. Lauriadacyclovir applied early to that of a placebo in the treatment of labial herpes among immuno-competent patients.
French to English: Document d'information préalable au formulaire de consentement
Source text - French Etude comportant une phase randomisée, en double aveugle et comparative avec placebo visant à évaluer l'utilisation de l'héparine désulfatée 2-O, 3-O (ODSH) administrée par voie intraveineuse chez les sujets souffrant d'une maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique présentant une exacerbation.
Translation - English A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study to evaluate the use of intravenous desulfated heparin 2-O, 3-O (ODSH) in patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with exacerbation.
French to English: ETUDE DE LA DUREE DE VIE
Source text - French Ce protocole fournies les détails pour valider en temps réel la durée de vie définie à 5 ans des céramiques phosphocalciques fabriquées par Kasios conditionnées et stérilisées.
Translation - English This protocol provides the details for validating the real time lifespan, defined as 5 years, of the manufactured phosphocalcic ceramics packaged and sterilized by Kasios.
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Feb 2006.
I am a retired American medical doctor with 20 years practice as a Family Practitioner in the United States. Established in the south of France since 2000 (wife is French), I translate French into English, specializing in the Life Sciences, as well as proofread documents as an SME (Subject Matter Expert). I have had extensive experience since 2004 in the translation, proofreading, and editing of many types of medical and scientific documents. I have edited numerous medical studies destined for publication, translated medical records, pharmaceutical brochures and PILs, informed consent forms (ICFs), reports of new medical devices, clinical studies, medical articles, general science articles and more. I am familiar with style guides such as the American Medical Association's Manual of Style, the Chicago Manual of Style, and others. I also work regularly as a translator/medical reviewer for one of the largest translation agencies in the world.
I am compliant with EN 15038 guidelines. My CAT tools include MemoQ, SDL TRADOS, Wordfast and Translation Workspace. And as an editor/proofreader, I have a particular feel for clarity, precision, and flow. I write well, and have a long-standing interest in writing; I was the literary editor of the campus art magazine as an undergraduate.
I don't miss deadlines - if I don't think I can get the job done on time, I'll refuse it. I take pride in producing a polished, professional document.
Please send inquiries to my professional email address: [email protected]
Keywords: medical, medical reviewer, pharmaceutical, biological, medical devices, french-english, expert medical proofreading, medical studies, medications, pharmacology. See more.medical, medical reviewer, pharmaceutical, biological, medical devices, french-english, expert medical proofreading, medical studies, medications, pharmacology, bio-technology, medicine, american medical doctor, français-anglais traduction médicale, médecin américain, traducteur médecin, medical translation, french-english medical translation and proofreading, physiology, microbiology, translation, medical, surgery, pathology, epidemiology, nursing, medical-technical, world-wide health-related organizations, SDL Trados, medical software, Subject Matter Expert, SME proofreader, relecteur en traductions médicales, medical editor. See less.
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