Working languages:
English (monolingual)
Estonian to English
Finnish to English

Word Perfect
Ireland's Leading Service Provider

Dublin, Dublin
Local time: 01:40 GMT (GMT+0)
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Word Perfect Translations is a key provider of translation and interpretation services to the Irish marketplace. Corporate member of the IRISH TRANSLATORS & INTERPRETERS ASSOCIATION, providing services to the worlds of Law, Medicine and Business. Courts, Hospitals, An Garda Siochana and Commercial Clients have all come to expect and rely upon our product in their respective endeavours. So whether you ar a solicitor, a surgeon or a corporate director we will meet all your language requirements "tout de suite". We provide our clients with translations ensuring quality, speed and confidentiality to the optimum standard.

You'll be surprised if we don't meet your usual translation requirement in less than 24 hours. ALL OUR TRANSLATIONS ARE CERTIFIED.

The company was formed in response to and in order to answer and address the linguisic issues all around in changing and vibrant multilingual Ireland.

Our team provides expert results again and again working from their mother tongues to the target languages in question. They are supported by an ongoing regime of training which is built upon innovation, particulary in terms of research, development and equipment. This product is further supported by rigorous attention to Research and Development on site and in collaboration with universities at home and abroad.

And the entire achievement is underpinned by a Code of Practice enshrined in Law so as to achieve COURTESY, EFFICIENCY and all above else, CONFIDENTIALITY.

Profile last updated
May 21, 2018