After one year of part-time freelancing and 3 years of in-house employment in a Dublin-based translation company, I have been working as a freelancer again, full time, since summer 2004.
Though I have knowledge also in German and Italian, I translate only from English into French.
While working in Dublin, I had to handle projects of various sizes, from the translation of simple touristic brochures or technical bulletins to the management of the whole production process into French, which no doubt helped me being even more aware of all the hurdles of a complex multi-million word project. I also took part to the QA team's work, writing guidelines to other translators and proofreaders, in all languages this time, and holding project meetings with in-house translators and proofreaders, making decisions about every problem a specific project could contain.
In my time as a translator, I have come across many different fields but those I prefer most and feel most at ease with definitely are those of refrigerated transport, general business communications and IT hardware and software. I can also definitely handle projects which include more writing style in French but if what you require is a technical translation, then notice that the fields mentioned above are those wich appeal most to me.
In terms of formats and equipment, I work with a Pentium 4 2.8GHz PC equipped with Windows XP Pro SP3. I work with Office 2003 and with the Trados Freelance 7 Suite and SDLX as well as Logoport. I also have Adobe Acrobat and Framemaker plus am a recent Catalyst user. |