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Catalan to English: Barcelona: 100 Souvenirs (book, ISBN: 978-84-9850-338-8) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Catalan For a 22-page sample from this book, please see
Translation - English For a 22-page sample from this book, please see
Spanish to English: Education article--Use of Information Technology in Collaborative Teacher Training General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Spanish Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación constituyen el pilar sobre el que se fundamentan los sistemas multimedia online como una de las herramientas didácticas más completas y capacitadas para la formación de los equipos de profesores. Enmarcados en esta línea de trabajo iniciamos una investigación con la que pretendíamos conocer las posibilidades de los materiales multimedia online (dotados de un conjunto de requisitos que nos proponíamos establecer y poner a prueba) para la formación inicial del profesorado y su desarrollo profesional posterior, con relación al problema planteado por la dificultad que encuentran los equipos docentes a la hora de afrontar el diseño de unidades didácticas constructivistas e investigadoras, de acuerdo con la orientación actual del modelo curricular español.
Esta es la razón por la que, partiendo de los problemas relativos al diseño y desarrollo del curriculum, nos propusimos conocer las posibilidades que podía ofrecernos un material multimedia online dirigido expresamente a la formación del profesorado en el campo del diseño de la enseñanza de las ciencias y el conocimiento del medio, promoviendo y facilitando las tareas de planificación de unidades didácticas orientadas a la investigación escolar de base constructivista sobre problemas específicos que los alumnos pueden plantearse en su interacción con el medio.
Nuestro estudio giraba en torno a tres cuestiones fundamentales. En primer lugar, una de carácter más general, la de cómo lograr que los profesores interesados en la enseñanza de enfoque constructivista e investigador pudieran abordar adecuadamente las tareas de diseño de unidades didácticas de esa orientación (Austin, 2009). Un problema concreto que nos planteamos ante este interrogante fue el de determinar cuáles eran los requisitos básicos necesarios para que los equipos de profesores pudieran implicarse de forma colaborativa en el diseño de sus propias unidades didácticas de enseñanza (Kwan, Fox, Chan & Tsang, 2008). Partimos de la constatación del lugar relevante que han tenido y tienen las unidades didácticas en muchos de los más importantes proyectos curriculares que se han venido desarrollando y en las reflexiones y propuestas de investigadores y movimientos de renovación pedagógica. Y también en las propuestas que la administración educativa española ha ido realizando anteriormente (L.G.E, 1970; L.O.D.E, 1985; L.O.G.S.E, 1990 y L.O.C.E, 2002) y en la actual reforma de las enseñanzas no universitarias (L.O.E, 2006), que ratifican y potencian esta opción asignando, además, un papel relevante a los equipos de profesores en el diseño de las mismas.
Pero dada la dificultad de una gran parte de los docentes para afrontar estas tareas de diseño, abordamos el problema de clarificar los obstáculos y dificultades que encuentran habitualmente los mismos al realizarlas y el de concretar las características y posibilidades formativas de una estrategia de desarrollo profesional de orientación colaborativa y apoyada por materiales multimedia online (Cañal, Ballesteros & Merino, 2004).
Translation - English Many new teacher training strategies have been based upon advances in information technology. In particular, innovations in online multimedia systems constitute one of the most complete and appropriate tools for teacher training. Within this framework, this study recognises the difficulties faced by teaching staff who are designing constructivist, research-oriented teaching units which are aligned with the current curriculum design model in Spain and aims to investigate the possibilities of using online multimedia materials (whose characteristics we seek to define and test) for initial teacher training and subsequent continuing education.
Taking the question of curriculum design and development as our starting point, these objectives led us to investigate the possibilities suggested by online multimedia materials which were explicitly designed for science and environmental science instructor teacher training. These materials were created to promote and facilitate the design of teaching units that would lend themselves to constructivist classroom research on specific problems which might arise for students learning about the environment.
Our study is based on three fundamental questions. Our first, general question asks how educators interested in constructivist, research-oriented instruction can adequately go about the work of designing teaching units within this framework (Austin, 2009). We raise a specific problem related to this question: namely, what are the basic requirements necessary for teaching staff to get involved in the collaborative design of their own teaching units? (Kwan, Fox, Chan & Tsang, 2008). Our investigation begins by considering the important role teaching units have had and continue to have in many of the most important curriculum design projects which have been developed. We also consider the reflections and proposals of both researchers and education reform movements as well as the proposals of the Spanish education department in the last 40 years (L.G.E, 1970; L.O.D.E, 1985; L.O.G.S.E, 1990 and L.O.C.E, 2002) and the most recent educational law, which modified the regulations for instruction in all spheres except the university level and which remains in effect today (L.O.E., 2006). These proposals have reinforced and fostered the design of new curriculum units, and, additionally, have established that teaching teams play an important role in creating said units.
However, given that many instructors struggle when faced with the task of designing a curriculum unit, this study seeks to clarify the obstacles and difficulties these individuals encounter during the design process and to specify the educational characteristics and advantages of adopting collaborative professional development strategies with online multimedia support materials (Cañal, Ballesteros & Merino, 2004).
Source text - Spanish CAPÍTULO VIII.
Artículo 83. Definiciones.
1. Tendrá la consideración de fusión la operación por la cual:
a. Una o varias entidades transmiten en bloque a otra entidad ya existente, como consecuencia y en el momento de su disolución sin liquidación, sus respectivos patrimonios sociales, mediante la atribución a sus socios de valores representativos del capital social de la otra entidad y, en su caso, de una compensación en dinero que no exceda del 10 % del valor nominal o, a falta de valor nominal, de un valor equivalente al nominal de dichos valores deducido de su contabilidad.
b. Dos o más entidades transmiten en bloque a otra nueva, como consecuencia y en el momento de su disolución sin liquidación, la totalidad de sus patrimonios sociales, mediante la atribución a sus socios de valores representativos del capital social de la nueva entidad y, en su caso, de una compensación en dinero que no exceda del 10 % del valor nominal o, a falta de valor nominal, de un valor equivalente al nominal de dichos valores deducido de su contabilidad.
c. Una entidad transmite, como consecuencia y en el momento de su disolución sin liquidación, el conjunto de su patrimonio social a la entidad que es titular de la totalidad de los valores representativos de su capital social.
Translation - English CHAPTER VIII
Article 83. Definitions.
1. A merger will be considered to be the following:
a) One or several entities transfer en bloc to another already existing entity, as a consequence of their dissolution without liquidation and at the moment thereof, their respective corporate assets and liabilities by the attribution to their members of securities representing the capital stock of the other company and, if applicable, of a monetary consideration which does not exceed 10 per cent of par value or, in the absence of par value, of the value equivalent to the par value of said securities as may be deduced from the accounts.
b) Two or more entities transfer en bloc to another new entity, as a consequence of their dissolution without liquidation and at the moment thereof, the whole of their corporate assets and liabilities, by the attribution to their members of securities representing the capital stock of the new entity and, if applicable, of a monetary consideration which does not exceed 10 per cent of par value or, in the absence of such par value, of the value equivalent to the par value of said securities as may be deduced from the accounts.
c) An entity transfers, as a consequence of its dissolution without liquidation and at the moment thereof, the whole of its corporate assets and liabilities to the entity which owns the totality of the securities which represent its capital stock.
Catalan to English: Bill to Modify General Consumption Taxes (Andorra) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - Catalan Projecte de llei de modificació de la tarifa general de taxes sobre el consum
Exposició de motius
Atesa la voluntat política de lluitar contra tràfics il·lícits que poden estar incentivats per diferencials de preus importants i perjudiquen greument els interessos del país;
Atès que difícilment en una economia globalitzada es poden ignorar les actuacions i les fluctuacions dels sistemes impositius dels estats veïns;
Atès que aquestes fluctuacions, permanentment a l’alça, augmenten el diferencial de preus existent, esdevé necessari revisar i ajustar internament els tipus de gravamen aplicats sobre el tabac i en especial revisar els tipus de gravamen de les taxes sobre el consum que s’apliquen als productes del tabac;
Vist l’article 12 de l’Acord entre la Comunitat Econòmica Europea i el Principat d’Andorra, del 28 de juny de 1990;
Vista la Llei 27/2008, del 20 de novembre, d’impostos especials que en la disposició addicional tercera establia nous tipus de gravamen de les taxes sobre el consum aplicables al tabac;
Vist que l’article 9 de la Llei 11/2010, del 22 d’abril del 2010, de modificació de la Llei 27/2008, del 20 de novembre, d’impostos especials, modificava novament aquests tipus de gravamen aplicats als productes de tabac;
Vist l’article 2 de la Llei de taxes sobre el consum, del 30 de desembre de 1985;
S’augmenten les taxes sobre els productes del tabac, però tenint en compte que les taxes sobre el consum són establertes per la Llei de la tarifa general de taxes sobre el consum és necessari derogar l’article 9 de la Llei 11/2010, del 22 d’abril, de modificació de la Llei 27/2008, del 20 de novembre, d’impostos especials i establir els nous tipus de gravamen modificant la tarifa general de taxes sobre el consum.
Aquesta modificació consta d’un article únic amb els nous tipus de gravamen de les taxes sobre el consum aplicables al tabac, d’una disposició derogatòria i d’una disposició final.
Article únic
Es modifiquen els tipus de gravamen de les taxes sobre el consum, previstos a l’article 9 de la Llei 11/2010, del 22 d’abril, de modificació de la Llei 27/2008, del 20 de novembre, d’impostos especials, que s’han d’aplicar en les operacions i les quanties expressades en la taula següent:
Translation - English Bill to Modify General Consumption Taxes
WHEREAS there exists a political will to fight against unlawful trade which may be encouraged by significant price differences and thereby gravely harm the interests of the country;
WHEREAS in the context of a globalised economy it is difficult to ignore the actions and fluctuations in the tax regimes of nearby states;
WHEREAS these constantly increasing fluctuations increase the present difference in prices;
THEREFORE, it is necessary to make an internal revision and adjust the tax rates on tobacco and particularly those tax rates on consumption which are applied to tobacco products;
HAVING REGARD to Article 12 of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Principality of Andorra dated 28 June 1990;
HAVING REGARD to Law 27/2008, of 20 November 2008, on Special Taxes, which in its third additional provision established new tax rates on tobacco consumption;
HAVING REGARD to Article 9 of Law 11/2010, of 22 April 2010, which modified Law 27/2008, of 20 November 2010, on Special Taxes, which again modified these tax rates on tobacco products;
HAVING REGARD to Article 2 of the Law on Consumption Taxes, of 30 December 1985;
Taxes on tobacco products are hereby raised. Notwithstanding, in light of the fact that consumption taxes are established by the Law on General Consumption Tax Rates, it is necessary to repeal Article 9 of Law 11/2010, of 22 April 2010, which modified Law 27/2008, of 20 November 2008, on Special Taxes, and to establish new tax rates by means of modifying general tax rates on consumption.
This modification comprises a sole article delineating the new tax rates on tobacco consumption, a repeals section, and a final provision.
Sole article
A modification shall be made to the tax rates on consumption, which were stipulated for in Article 9 of Law 11/2010, of 22 April 2010, which modified Law 27/2008, of 20 November 2008, on Special Taxes, and henceforth, such taxes must be applied to those transactions indicated in the following table at the following rates:
Translation education
Master's degree - Université de Genève
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Sep 2010.
I am a UN and EU Accredited Conference Interpreter working from Spanish, French, Italian and Catalan to English.
As co-founder of techforword - which provides on-demand training for modern wordsmiths - I regularly write, conduct research, and lecture on topics at the intersection of education, innovation, technology and translation and interpreting.
A lover of all things tech, I share tips about technology, translation and interpreting in conferences and workshops, the Interpreter's Toolkit column, and on Twitter (@Goldsmith_Josh).
Areas of expertise:
CONFERENCE INTERPRETING ~ Simultaneous, consecutive, whispered and liaison interpreting ~ UN and EU Accredited Conference Interpreter (Spanish, French, Italian and Catalan to English) ~ On the roster for recruitment as a United Nations staff interpreter after successful completion of the 2017 Language Competitive Examination for English Interpreters
EDUCATION AND INTERPRETER TRAINING ~ E-learning & online teaching ~ Interpreter training (especially tablet interpreting, glossary management and terminology) ~ Materials design & curriculum development ~ Multilingualism & language acquisition ~ Information technology ~ Innovation
• Co-founded techforword, which empowers language professionals through technology by providing on-demand courses for modern wordsmiths
• Designed and delivered lectures, webinars, courses and workshops on the intersection between technology, teaching and the language industry
• Delivered trainings for AIIC, AITI, APTIC, CIUTI, Critical Link, eCPD webinars, IAPTI, FIT, Proz, University of Ghent, University of Malaga and the United Nations
• Visiting Scholar, European Masters in Technology for Translation and Interpreting (EM-TTI), University of Malaga, 2020-
• Presented research on tablet interpreting, technology-assisted interpreting, online interpreter training and humanitarian interpreting at numerous academic conferences.
• Published reviews of interpreting technology in The Interpreter's Toolkit column for Communicate, AIIC's webzine:
Courses have included: • Computer-assisted interpreting tools • Glossaries for interpreters 2.0: Tech-savvy terminology management • Tablet interpreting (including iPad and Android editions) • Tablets for language professionals: A hands-on course • New frontiers in interpreting technology • Communications and social media for translators, interpreters and associations
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