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Freelancer and outsourcer, Verified member This person previously served as a moderator. This translator is helping to localize into Albanian
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Training
Interpreting Volume: 15 hours Completed: Oct 2005 Languages: English to Albanian
Simultanous interpretation at Annual International Law and Religion Symposium
Conference on Freedom of Religion & Beliefs.
-Religion and US Foreign Policy.
-Law and Religion in the United States: Perspectives for an International Audience.
Speakers from CSCE, State Department Office on International Religious Freedom, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, State Department Office on International Religious Freedom.
Law (general)
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 15 hours Completed: Oct 2004 Languages: English to Albanian
Simultanous interpretation at Annual International Law and Religion Symposium
International Law and Religion Symposium: �Religion in the Public Sphere: Challenges and Opportunities.�
� Facilitating Religious Liberty through National Religion Laws
� Judicial Protection of Religious Freedom
� Islam and Pluralistic Societies: Comparative Experience
� Land Use and Sacred Space
� Clash of Religion and Secularism in the Public Sphere
Law (general)
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 70 hours Completed: Jul 2004 Languages: English to Albanian
Interpretation for National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Energy Regulatory Partnership Program.
Electricity Regulatory Authority of Albania and the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.
Sponsored by:
US Agency for International Development (USAID) and
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC.)
Participants: Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC)
Electricity Regulatory Authority of Albania (ERE.)
Energy / Power Generation
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 110 hours Completed: Jun 2003 Languages: English to Albanian
Medical Seminar Interpretation
Obstetrics, gynecology, gynecologic oncology, and neonatology training for a group of Albanian doctors at the Magee-Womens Hospital of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Medical: Health Care
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 120 hours Completed: Jun 2005 Languages: English to Albanian
In-house translation and interpretation for television ads
The Stevens & Schriefer Group is a strategic communications company for political, corporate, and professional organizations. I helped as an in-house translator and interpreter for television ads during an important political campaign for Albania.
Client's comment:
Monika, thank you for your help on the television ads for XXX. You may have heard he won the election handily. And his party is in control of the government. Our campaign could not have been any more successful. We couldn't have done any of this without you.
Once again, thank you for all your hard work.
Best, J.
Government / Politics
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 300 hours Completed: Sep 2003 Languages: English to Albanian
Conference interpreter for the US Department of Agriculture
Conference Interpreter for the Delegation of Albanian Researchers who participated in a Training Program by The Unites States Department of Agriculture Division of Animal Health and Veterinary Medicine.
A review of Policy/Regulation Promulgation, Infectious Disease Diagnostics, Surveillance and Academic Research/Education Programs
Livestock / Animal Husbandry
No comment.
Translation Volume: 17000 words Completed: Aug 2003 Languages: English to Albanian
Medical Translation
Translation of hundreds of Medical Diagnoses, Symptoms, Disease Treatment and Medication Administration for the Jacobi Medical Center.
Clients comments: I just wanted to thank you for your hard work on this project. You went above and beyond the call of duty to make these documents the best they could be and to deliver them on time. Please know that I recognize and truly appreciate your efforts, dedication and professionalism.
Medical (general)
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 200 hours Completed: Jun 2002 Languages: English to Albanian
Conference interpreter for the US Institute of Peace
Conference Interpreter for the Kosova Parliament Delegation on Developing Good Governance presented by the United States Institute for Peace
Government / Politics
No comment.
Translation Volume: 20000 words Duration: Aug 2005 to Sep 2005 Languages: English to Albanian
New York Department of Education: Supplemental Educational Services
Comments from end-client:
"I just wanted to let you know that our QC team has found the Albanian translation of the provider directory to be of very high quality, and it has been quite easy to work with as we assemble the final files. Thank you for the attention to detail and commitment to quality."
Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Translation Volume: 30000 words Duration: Jun 2004 to Jul 2004 Languages: English to Albanian
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Training Handbook
Project about Weapons of Mass Destruction completed succesfully.
Military / Defense
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 300 hours Duration: Oct 2004 to Nov 2004 Languages: English to Albanian
Conference interpreter for the US Department of Agriculture
Conference Interpreter for the Delegation of Albanian Researchers who participated in a Training Program by The Unites States Department of Agriculture Division of Animal Health and Veterinary Medicine.
A review of Policy/Regulation Promulgation, Infectious Disease Diagnostics, Surveillance and Academic Research/Education Programs. U.S. Actions To Prevent Human Flu Pandemic.
Livestock / Animal Husbandry
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 400 hours Duration: Mar 2005 to Apr 2005 Languages: English to Albanian
Interpreter for the US Department of State
Seminar interpreter for the U.S. Department of State, Office of Antiterrorism Assistance. Crisis Response Team Training, Louisiana State Police Academy.
Military / Defense
No comment.
Currencies accepted
U. S. dollars (usd)
Sample translations submitted: 3
Albanian to English: Law - Economics
Në ligjin nr.7928, datë 27.4.1995 "Për tatimin mbi vlerën e shtuar", të ndryshuar, bëhen këto shtesa e ndryshime:
Neni 1
Në nenin 26 "Importimi i mallrave", pika 2.1., ndryshohet si më poshtë:
2.1. Për makineritë dhe paisjet e importuara, nga personat e tatueshëm në kuptim të këtij ligji, në funksion të veprimtarisë së tyre ekonomike, pavarësisht llojit të saj, zbatohet skema e shtyrjes së pagesës së TVSH-së deri në gjashtë muaj. Sipas kësaj skeme, TVSH-ja nuk paguhet në doganë në çastin e importit.
Ministri i Financave përeakton me udhëzim skemën e shtyrjes së pagesës.
Neni 2
Ky ligj hyn në fuqi 15 ditë pas botimit në Fletoren Zyrtare.
To make the following amendments and changes in Law 7928, dated on April 27, 1995 “Concerning VAT (Value-Added Tax) – Amended:
Article 1
In Article 26, “Import of goods”, Item 2.1 will change as follows:
2.1. For imported equipment and parts, by taxable individuals from the Law’s point of view, in relation to their economic activities, regardless of its type, has a VAT payment extension up to six months applied. According to this scheme, VAT is not paid at Customs at the moment of import.
The Minister of Finances determines through a guideline the scheme of the payment extension.
Article 2
This Law goes to effect 15 days after being published in the Official Ledger.
English to Albanian: Military - WMD
Source text - English Hydrogen cyanide, referred to as a blood agent, is an example of a toxic industrial chemical that has been used in the past for military applications. When absorbed into the body, hydrogen cyanide prevents the normal transfer of oxygen to the cells causing rapid damage to body tissue. High concentrations (usually encountered in enclosed spaces) can cause rapid death and the chemical can also be absorbed through the skin.
Translation - Albanian Cianuri i hidrogjenit, i njohur si agjent gjaku, është një shembull i lëndëve kimike toksike industriale që janë përdorur në të kaluarën për qëllime ushtarake. Mbasi të jetë thithur në trup, cianuri i hidrogjenit parandalon transferimin normal të oksigjenit në qeliza, që shkakton dëmtim të shpejtë të indit. Përqendrimet e larta (zakonisht ndeshen në vende të mbyllura) mund të shkaktojnë vdekje të shpejtë dhe lënda kimike gjithashtu mund të thithet nëpërmjet lëkurës.
English to Albanian: Medical
Source text - English CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve in the wrist. This results in numbness, tingling and pain in the middle and index fingers and thumb.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has various causes:
Wear and tear - due to the normal aging process or from repetitive motion such as typing, needlework or assembly line work.
Trauma to the wrist - due to previous fractures, falls, or other injuries resulting in narrowing of the carpal tunnel in the wrist.
Fluid retention - due to hormonal changes as seen in pregnancy causing increased swelling in the carpal tunnel.
Translation - Albanian SINDROMA E TUNELIT KARPAL
Sindroma e tunelit karpal shkaktohet nga presioni në nervin e mesit në kyçin e dorës. Kjo rezulton në mpirje, therje dhe dhimbje në gishtin e mesit, atë tregues dhe në gishtin e madh të dorës.
Sindroma e tunelit karpal shkaktohet nga shkaqe të ndryshme:
Amortizimi normal – si pasojë e procesit normal të plakjes ose nga veprime të përsëritshme, të tilla si daktilografimi, puna me gjilpërë ose puna në montim.
Trauma e kyçit të dorës – si pasojë e frakturave të mëparshme, rënieve ose lëndimeve të tjera që rezultojnë në ngushtimin e tunelit karpal të kyçit të dorës.
Frenimi i lëngjeve – si pasojë e ndryshimit të hormoneve zakonisht gjatë shtatzënisë, duke shkaktuar ënjtje të theksuar në tunelin karpal.
Bachelor's degree - Pedagogical University in Albania / BA in Education (Major: Albanian Language Arts. Minor: Psychology) / Teaching Degree
Years of experience: 32. Registered at Sep 1999. Became a member: Jan 2001.
English to Albanian (American Translators Association, verified) English to Albanian (University of Colorado Hospital and CCI, verified) Albanian to English (University of Colorado Hospital and CCI, verified) Albanian to English (Online Interpreters, INC, verified) English to Albanian (Translation Department of the LDS Church, verified)
English to Albanian (Administrative Office of the Courts, SLC, UT, verified) Albanian to English (Online Interpreters, INC, verified) Albanian to English (Translation Department of the LDS Church, verified) Albanian to English (Administrative Office of the Courts, SLC, UT, verified) Albanian to English (American Translators Association, verified) Albanian (US State Department)
ATA, PAATI, National Capital Area Chapter of ATA (NC
Specialized translation and language services in Legal matters, Medical, Computer Software Localization, Technical Documents and Manuals, Educational Materials, Literature, History, Politics and Religion. Certified conference and seminar interpreter for the US Department of State since February of 2005. I am a Certified OPI Language Tester with the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) and DLI (Defense Language Institute).
Albanian, Native proficiency
Over sixeen years of translation/interpretation experience.
I work with care and precision. I have never missed a deadline.
BA in Education (Albanian Language) and Psychology.
Professionally trained in the USA in Translation/Interpretation services and techniques.
I have taken several Linguistics and TESOL classes at Brigham Young University in the USA.
Strong knowledge of terminology. Excellent knowledge of Grammar (English and Albanian). Certified Albanian Language Teacher. Worked as a school teacher in Albania and in the US for seven years. Worked as an in-house translator for a major Translation Department in the USA.
I have worked and continue to work for the US Government as a professional interpreter. I am a US Department of State interpreter. US Citizen. Top Security Clearance with the US Department of Homeland Security, with the US Department of State, with the Social Security Administration and with the US Immigration Courts.
I have translated and published several books from English to Albanian and from Albanian to English.
I am a Certified Court Interpreter. Extensive experience translating and interpreting Albanian into English and English into Albanian for the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (known previously as Immigration and Naturalization Services,) Army, Department of Health and Human Services, USAID, IMF, Albanian State Supreme Audit Control [Institution], The European Council, The European Community, US courts, law enforcement, and hospitals.
Extensive experience with telephonic interpretation and voice over.
Interpreted for many international seminars, conferences, etc.
I am an active member of the ATA.
Competitive and negotiable rates. I like to keep my clients happy by offering high quality service and professionalism with a reasonable price.
Equipment Available:
I am very familiar with computers, I use predominately MS-Windows and Linux based computers. I have a large assortment of software that I use in my translation including: Trados 7 Freelance, SDLX, Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Word 2000, Corel Word Perfect 8, Adobe FrameMaker 6.5, Adobe Acrobat 5.0, Acrobat Distiller 5.0, Adobe Premiere 5.1, TextBridge Pro Millennium, Star Office 5.2, Visual Studio, Visual Slick Edit and many more.
Chosen to translate the "Declaration of Independence" and part of the US Constitution from English to Albanian for the Kosovar Refuges who came to the United States. It was given to them on July 4, 1999.
Translation and Interpretation Consultant for the US Army INSCOM project at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Personal interpreter and translator for the Village Mayor and the Village Life Operation Provide Refuge.
Selected to interpret for the NJ Governor C Whitman during her visit on July 4th, 1999 and I was also selected to interpret at the Closeout Ceremony of the Operation Provide Refuge.
Simultaneous interpreter for the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for their Semi-Annual General Conference April 2000, October 2000, and April 2001.
Conference Interpreter for the Kosova Municipal Leaders Conference presented by the United States Institute for Peace, Washington D.C. and Lexington, Kentucky. Feb-Mar 2001.
Conference Interpreter for the Kosova Parliament Delegation on Developing Good Governance presented by the United States Institute for Peace, Washington D.C. (June 2002)
Conference Interpreter for the Delegation of Albanian Researchers who participated in a Training Program by The Unites States Department of Agriculture Division of Animal Health and Veterinary Medicine.
A review of Policy/Regulation Promulgation, Infectious Disease Diagnostics, Surveillance and Academic Research/Education Programs (Sept 1, 2003 - Sept 21, 2003)
For more information on my services, please see my webpages: