Working languages:
Albanian to Italian English to Albanian Italian to Albanian English to Italian English (monolingual)
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Rate vendor Manage list Gino LUKA Bad translations are bad for business! Firenze, Toscana, Italy
Local time : 04:21 CET (GMT+1)
Native in : Italian (Variants: Tuscan / Toscano, Standard-Italy)
, Albanian (Variants: Toske / Tosk, Gegë / Gheg)
Feedback from clients and colleagues on Willingness to Work Again 14 positive reviews (1 unidentified)
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Bad translations are bad for business!
Freelancer and outsourcer, Verified site user This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization Specializes in: Advertising / Public Relations Automotive / Cars & Trucks Computers: Software Construction / Civil Engineering Cooking / Culinary Folklore Law (general) Medical (general)
Also works in: Cosmetics, Beauty Electronics / Elect Eng Internet, e-Commerce Law: Contract(s) Mechanics / Mech Engineering Medical: Pharmaceuticals Military / Defense Poetry & Literature Architecture Business/Commerce (general) Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Computers (general) Energy / Power Generation Engineering (general) Environment & Ecology General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Geology Linguistics Medical: Health Care Ships, Sailing, Maritime Telecom(munications) Transport / Transportation / Shipping Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations PRO-level points: 43 , Questions answered: 34 , Questions asked: 5 Visa, MasterCard, Wire transfer <3 employees 1996 Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd) Sample translations submitted: 1 Albanian to Italian: Gremina Source text - Albanian Ti sot as qesh, as qan,
Rri larg, e qetë,
Në shpirtin tënd ti mban
Një faj përjetë.
Një dashuri me gas,
Siç fryri era,
E zure shpejt në ças,
E le përhera.
U ngrove ashtu sa mund,
As shumë, as pakë,
S'të ndriu përdrejt në fund
E bardha flakë.
Më ndriu e griu e shkriu
Ah mua zjarri!
U mvarra un' i ziu
Mi buzë të varri!
E nuk më dhemb aspak
Një vdekj'e gjallë,
Ndaj qava lot me gjak,
Si në përrallë.
Ndaj hoqa rëndë ashtu,
Gjer në greminë,
Llaftarën që më zu,
Për dashurinë!
Për dashurinë o Zot!
Që shemb një burrë,
Që s'e pat ndjerë dot
Gruaja kurrë.
Që lind e ndritur krejt,
Me dritën drejtpërdrejt
Nga drita jote!
Që qesh e qan e zjen,
E s'gjen të qetë,
E zjen e bren e shfren,
E s'vdes përjetë.
Lasgush Poradeci
Translation - Italian Tu oggi non ridi, non piangi,
Stai lontano, serena,
Nel tuo animo mantieni
Una colpa eterna.
Un amore raggiante,
Come soffiò il vento,
L'hai preso all'istante,
L'hai lasciato per sempre.
Ti scaldasti alla meglio
Ne tanto, ne poco,
Non t'illuminò a fondo
La bianca fiamma.
Mi sfolgorò e frantumò e squagliò
Povero me, il fuoco!
Penzolante io sciagurato,
Sull'orlo del sepolcro!
E non mi duole affatto
Una morte viva,
Allora piansi lacrime di sangue
Come in una fiaba.
Allora patii amaramente,
Fino al precipizio,
L'orrore che mi prese
Per l'amore!
Per l'amore, o Dio!
Che fa crollare un uomo,
Quel che mai osò,
La donna mai.
Che nasce del tutto illuminata,
Bella in assoluto,
Con la luce mirata,
Dalla tua luce!
Che ride e piange e freme,
E non trova riposo,
E freme e rode e sbuffa,
E non muore in eterno.
Lasgush Poradeci
(Traduzione di G. LUKA)
En>Sq glossary Notary Approved, SDL Certified Graduate diploma - University of Florence Years of experience: 29. Registered at Sep 1999. N/A English to Albanian (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti) Albanian to Italian (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti) Italian to Albanian (Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti) AITI Albanian Localization Team Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Frontpage, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Training sessions attended Gino LUKA endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1) .
25 years of
translation experience…
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided. Total pts earned: 55 PRO-level pts: 43 Top languages (PRO) English to Albanian 32 Italian to Albanian 7 Albanian to Italian 4 Top general fields (PRO) Tech/Engineering 16 Other 8 Law/Patents 7 Medical 4 Science 4 Pts in 1 more fld > Top specific fields (PRO) Computers: Hardware 4 Electronics / Elect Eng 4 Food & Drink 4 Geography 4 Mechanics / Mech Engineering 4 Medical: Instruments 4 Petroleum Eng/Sci 4 Pts in 2 more flds > See all points earned >
Keywords: Elettrotecnica, elettronica, alimentare, legale, geologia.
Translations - Sworn translations (Legalizations) - Voice-over - Subtitles.
Law, children's books, geology, electronics.
Albanian, English, French. See more . Elettrotecnica, elettronica, alimentare, legale, geologia.
Translations - Sworn translations (Legalizations) - Voice-over - Subtitles.
Law, children's books, geology, electronics.
Albanian, English, French, German, Italian.. See less . Profile last updated Jan 28