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Source text - English Pihak Pertama selaku Perusahaan Penempatan Tenaga Kerja menempatkan Pihak Kedua untuk bekerja di Mitra Pihak Pertama (yang selanjutnya didalam Perjanjian Kerja ini disebut Mitra) ....
Translation - Indonesian The First Party in its capacity as a Manpower Supply Company agrees to hire the Second Party to work with the First Party's Partner (hereinafter in this Working Agreement referred to as Partner) .....
English to Indonesian: It's Berry Good Health
Source text - English In a recent study at the University of Florida, extracts from Acai berries (ah-sah-ee) - fruit from a palm harvested in the rainforest of Brazil - trigggered a self-destruct response in up to 86% of cultured human leukemia cells. So why haven't we heard of them before ? "They are very perishable", says Steven Talcott, an assistant professor with the university's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. "Processed acai beries have been available only for about 5 years, so researchers in many parts of the world have had little or no opportunity to study them". The berry has up to 75 as-yet-unidentified compounds.
Translation - Indonesian Hasil sebuah studi baru yang dilakukan di University of Florida telah membuktikan bahwa ekstrak dari buah Acai (baca : ah-sah-ee), yaitu buah dari sejenis pohon palem yang tumbuh dihutan negara Brazil, mampu memicu reaksi mematikan diri didalam 86% sel leukemia manusia yang dibiakkan. Lalu, mengapa hal ini belum banyak diketahui ? "Masalahnya, buah acai ini sangat mudah rusak", tutur Steven Talcott, profesor pembantu pada Institut Ilmu Pangan dan Pertanian pada universitas tersebut. "Buah acai yang diproses baru ada sejak 5 tahun yang lalu sehingga para periset dimancanegara hampir tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mempelajarinya lebih dalam". Rupanya, buah acai tersebut mempunyai sampai dengan 75 jenis senyawa yang belum ter-identifikasi.
English to Indonesian: SAFETY HANDBOOK (excerpt)
Source text - English 1. Keep your hands away from pinch points
Pinch points are a source of
injuries. They can cause your hands
to be squeezed, pinched, stuck, or
crushed. Always be cautious and,
should you injure your hands in any
way, get first aid immediately.
2. Check the surface of the objects you
are working on
Check whether it is in pieces, has jagged edges, is rough or slippery. Choose and use safety equipment that can prevent your hands from being injured.
Translation - Indonesian 1. Jauhkan tangan anda dari titik jepit
Titik-titik jepit dapat menimbulkan bahaya cidera akibat tangan yang tergencet, terjepit, atau tertangkap. Waspadalah dan apabila anda mengalami cidera tangan, segera dapatkan pertolongan pertama.
2. Periksa terlebih dahulu permukaan
benda yang akan anda kerjakan.
Periksa apakah permukaan benda kerja dalam bentuk utuh ataukah dalam bentuk potongan, tidak mempunyai pinggiran yang bergerigi, tidak kasar dan tidak licin. Pilihlah dan gunakan peralatan keselamatan yang dapat melindungi tangan anda dari cidera.
Indonesian to English: Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health 2010-2014 General field: Other Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Indonesian Indonesian
Translation - English English
Indonesian to English: Mid Term Evaluation Report "Women's Access to Justice" General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Indonesian Indonesian
Translation - English English
English to Indonesian: BEST PRACTICES General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English Best Practices
Leading and Managing Change
This best practice is designed to guide and lead an organisation from a position of being comfortable with the status quo to one of being comfortable with on-going change. It first mobilises the organisation to change, then creates quick wins in a pilot area before rolling out to the rest of the organisation. The final stage is resilience, where the organisation is comfortable with perpetual renewal.
It will guide the work teams through the critical forming, storming, norming and performing stages towards becoming an effective self-directed entity.
Kelompok-kelompok kerja akan dituntun untuk melewati tahap-tahap kritis dalam pembentukan, pendebatan gagasan, penetapan norma-norma dan pelaksanaan untuk menghasilkan sebuah wujud yang efektif dan terarah.
This best practice incorporates a structured way of implementing and maintaining workplace organisation and discipline through the proven Japanese principles of 5S:
Sort : discard unnecessary
Shine : clean the workplace
Store : a place for everything
and everything in its place
Standardise : set standards
Sustain : sustain standards through discipline
The 5S principles emphasise the concept of maintaining a clean and organised workplace and form the foundation for all other best practices.
Visual Performance Measurement
This best practice is aimed at setting up visual 'scoreboards' throughout the organisation, especially in the workplace. Current performance levels in key areas are measured, quickly fed back to the relevant teams and displayed visually. This in turn drives awareness, problem solving and continuous improvement.
Focused Improvement
This best practice is a results-driven improvement process that identifies and eliminates the root causes of problems in a structured way and encourages ongoing innovation. It addresses two key elements of improvement:
the day-to-day problem solving by everyone in the organisation
specific, focused projects with clear profit improvement targets
The process starts with a loss and waste analysis to provide the focus and targets for performance improvements. The next step is to establish cross-functional problem solving meetings on the different levels in the organisation to deal with day-to-day problems. Specific profit improvement projects are launched in parallel to achieve breakthrough improvements.
Translation - Indonesian Best Practices
Memimpin dan Mengelola Perubahan
Best Practice yang ini dirancang untuk memandu dan memimpin sebuah perusahaan dari posisi titik nyaman terhadap keadaaan status quo menjadi titik yang tetap nyaman walau perubahan terus berlangsung. Pada awalnya, Best Practice ini akan menggerakkan organisasi untuk berubah, kemudian menciptakan kemenangan-kemenangan cepat didalam lingkungan area uji sebelum akhirnya menerapkannya pada seluruh organisasi. Di tahap terakhir akan tampak tingkat ketahanan dimana organisasi tetap nyaman walaupun perubahan terjadi terus-menerus.
Kerjasama Kelompok
This best practice will help you design work teams, prepare the environment for teamwork and develop the teams into productive and increasingly autonomous units.
Best Practice yang ini akan membantu anda merancang kelompok-kelompok kerja, mempersiapkan lingkungan kerja untuk mendukung kerjasama kelompok serta mengembangkan semua kelompok menjadi unit-unit yang produktif dan semakin mandiri.
Best Practice yang ini menggabungkan cara pelaksanaan yang terstruktur dengan pemeliharaan disiplin dilingkungan kerja melalui prinsip Jepang yang disebut 5S, yaitu:
Sort (Pilah) : buang benda-benda yang tidak perlu
Shine (Rapikan) : bersihkan lingkungan kerja
Store (Simpan) : ada tempat untuk setiap benda, dan setiap benda berada pada
Standardise (Standarisasi) : tetapkan standar
Sustain (Pertahankan) : pertahankan standar melalui penerapan disiplin
Pengukuran Prestasi Secara Visual
Best Practice yang ini ditujukan untuk mendirikan “papan-papan skor” yang terlihat diseluruh organisasi, khususnya ditempat kerja. Tingkat prestasi pada area-area kunci diukur, segera diumumkan pada kelompok-kelompok yang bersangkutan dan ditampilkan secara visual. Ini akan kemudian membangkitkan tingkat kesadaran, ketrampilan memecahkan masalah dan perbaikan yang terjadi terus-menerus.
Peningkatan Yang Terpusat
Best Practice yang ini merupakan proses peningkatan mutu yang berpatokan pada hasil akhir dan mampu mengidentifikasi dan menghapus penyebab-penyebab akar dari masalah-masalah secara terstruktur dan mendorong inovasi yang berkelanjutan. Cara ini memusatkan pada dua elemen kunci dalam upaya peningkatan:
pemecahan masalah sehari-hari oleh semua orang didalam organisasi
Memfokus pada proyek-proyek secara khusus dengan menentukan sasaran yang jelas untuk mencapai terobosan-terobosan dalam peningkatan.
Indonesian to English (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators)) English (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators)) English (
related documents, i.e.
1. Indonesian government laws and regulations, program proposals/blueprints, forms, questionnaires, notices,
2. Business correspondence, contracts, agreements, instruction/procedures manuals, annual reports, company profiles, etc.
3. Marketing or product literature, marketing questionnaires, advertising brochures/flyers
4. Film/movie script - from transcription to translation
5. Books, magazine articles, travel and tourism books, cookery books and other human interest or personal development literature.
Translation turnaround : 2000 - average 2000 words/per day.
telephone, Zoom, person-to-person/s, office meetings,
conferences, church sermons.
C. AUDIO and/or VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION and TRANSCRIPTION-TRANSLATION ABILITY & CAPABILITY - English>English, English <> Indonesian. I give you good and professional work.
D. VOICEOVER TALENT & VOICE COACH - in Indonesian and in English. Voicing experience: (1) international language-learning website, (2) national airline for its aviation language learning program (3) personal product ad (4) Instructions for Use for Medical Product (5) Corporate training material, etc.
My years of teaching English to corporate clients in various business/working environments have given me insight and allowed me to learn, absorb and be familiar with different business terminology, which certainly benefited my translation, interpreting and transcription abilities.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: business correspondence, contracts, agreements, company profile, annual reports, product literature, public health literature, Indonesian government rules and regulations, palm oil industry, environment. See correspondence, contracts, agreements, company profile, annual reports, product literature, public health literature, Indonesian government rules and regulations, palm oil industry, environment, tourism, women's health/safety/security, movie script, children's books, cookery books, academic/educational/immigration/wedding/death/health documents. See less.
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