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Offering quality translation services & client satisfaction is my top priority
Account type
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Business/Commerce (general)
Poetry & Literature
Also works in:
Computers (general)
Education / Pedagogy
Medical: Health Care
Medical (general)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Law (general)
English to Arabic - Rates: 0.10 - 0.20 USD per word / 35 - 50 USD per hour Arabic to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.20 USD per word / 35 - 50 USD per hour Aramaic to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.20 USD per word / 35 - 50 USD per hour
English to Arabic: Chatholic Charities General field: Other Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - English CATHOLIC CHARITIES
Employment Services
Dear Sir / Madam,
Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Mike Buchanan, and I am a Refugee Employment Specialist for Catholic Charities. I am here to help you find a job and be on the road to self-sufficiency. You were referred to us by the Wilson Fish Program so that you can take advantage of the many opportunities that our program will be able to provide you. There are no costs for our services and we will work diligently to help you meet your employment goals.
Below are some of the many services we can provide:
● Job search assistance
● Connecting you to employers and community resources
● Interviewing and job search techniques
● Guidance in identifying job openings and assisting with applications
● Transportation assistance
● Referral to English as a Second Language class (when appropriate)
● Assistance in resolving barriers to employment and self sufficiency
Being new in this country brings with it many challenges to finding a job and becoming self-sufficient. The current economic crisis makes it even more challenging. And that’s why we are here to give you a hand. Together we can do it!
I look forward to working with you with great anticipation and helping you in whatever needs or concerns you may have. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in this matter.
Mike Buchanan
Refugee Employment Specialist
Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego
Employment Case Management Services
858-547-3630 ext.1273
9535 Kearny Villa Road # 101-103, San Diego, California 92126-4545
Tel. (858) 547-3630 * Fax (858) 547-9614 * Mail Stop W-460
Catholic Charities
Diocese of San Diego
Member Agency of United Way
Member Agency of Catholic Charities USA
Some programs are supported by a grant from San Diego County Health & Human Services Agency
Translation - Arabic الجمعيات الخيرية الكاثوليكية
خدمات التوظيف
عزيزي السيد / السيدة,
أود أن اغتنم الفرصة لأعرف بنفسي. اسمي مايك بوكانان وأنا متخصص في شؤون توظيف اللاجئين التابع للجمعيات الخيرية الكاثوليكية. أريد أن أساعدك في إيجاد عمل وتحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي. تمت إحالتك إلينا عن طريق برنامج ويلسون فش لكي تستفيد من الفرص العديدة التي سيقدمها لك برنامجنا. خدماتنا مجانية وسنعمل بجد لمساعدتك في تحقيق أهدافك المتعلقة بالعمل.
هذه بعض الخدمات العديدة التي نستطيع تقديمها لك:
● المساعدة في البحث عن عمل.
● وصلك بأرباب العمل والموارد الاجتماعية.
● مقابلات العمل وطرق البحث عن عمل.
● تقديم الإرشاد والتوجيه في تحديد فرص العمل المتاحة والمساعدة في طلبات العمل.
● المساعدة في وسائل المواصلات.
● الإحالة إلى صفوف اللغة الانكليزية (عندما يكون ذلك مناسبا ).
● المساعدة في إزالة المعوقات أمام إيجاد عمل وتحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي.
كونك حديث العهد في هذا البلد فهذا يطرح العديد من التحديات في إيجاد عمل وتحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي. الأزمة الاقتصادية الحالية تزيد من صعوبة هذه المسالة. لهذا السبب يأتي دورنا لمساعدتك. سوية نستطيع تحقيق الغاية المنشودة!
أتطلع إلى العمل معك مع شعور بالتفاؤل والى تقديم المساعدة في كل احتياجاتك أيا كانت والإجابة علي تساؤلاتك. من فضلك لا تتردد أبدا في الاتصال بي في اقرب فرصة سانحة لديك. أشكرك مسبقا على وقتك واهتمامك في هذا الشأن.
مع خالص التقدير,
مايك بوكانان
متخصص في شؤون توظيف اللاجئين
الجمعيات الخيرية الكاثوليكية التابعة لأبرشية سان دييغو
خدمات إدارة قضايا التوظيف
Tel: 858-547-3630 ext.1273
9535 Kearny Villa Road # 101-103, San Diego, California 92126-4545
Tel. (858) 547-3630 * Fax (858) 547-9614 * Mail Stop W-460
الجمعيات الخيرية الكاثوليكية التابعة لأبرشية سان دييغو
وكالة عضو في اليونايتد واي * وكالة عضو في الجمعيات الخيرية الكاثوليكية- الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
* تدعم بعض البرامج عن طريق منحة مقدمة من وكالة الصحة والخدمات الإنسانية في مقاطعة سان دييغو
Arabic to English: Diploma General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Source text - Arabic جمهورية العراق
وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي
جامعة الكوفة
شهادة تخرج
بناء على ما اقره مجلس كلية الطب ومصادقة مجلس جامعة الكوفة تقرر منح ............................... شهادة البكالوريوس في الطب والجراحة العامة بتقدير مقبول بتاريخ 21 / شوال / 1406 ھ الموافق 28 / 6 / 1986 م.
وبهذا أصبح له حق التمتع بكل ما تخوله هذه الشهادة من حقوق وامتيازات.
Translation - English Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Kufa
In accordance with the proposal made by the Medicine College Council and the approval of the Council of University of Kufa, ………………............ has been granted a Bachelor Degree in Medicine and General Surgery with the grade of "Pass", awarded on the 21st of Shawwal 1406 AH, corresponding to the 28th of June 1986 AD. Therefore, he is entitled to all the rights and privileges inherent in this degree.
English to Arabic: San Mateo Colleges – Bridges to Universities from San Francisco and Silicon Valley General field: Marketing Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English San Mateo Colleges – Bridges to Universities from San Francisco and Silicon Valley
The rent of a one bedroom apartment ranges between $1100 and $1,500 per month. Students must be prepared for additional costs of utilities, (gas, electricity, and telephone.) There is required security deposit of the first month rent (refundable.)
The International Student Office at each college maintains a file of rooms in private homes, and provides students with housing information upon their arrival.
New students should plan to arrive at least two weeks before registration. Early arrival is necessary to provide adequate time to locate housing and become familiar with the area.
Translation - Arabic كليات سان ماتيو – جسور إلى الجامعات من سان فرانسيسكو ووادي السيليكون (سيليكون فالي)
يتراوح ايجار شقة بغرفة نوم واحدة بين 1100 دولار إلى 1500 دولار في الشهر. لكنه يتوجب
على الطلاب دفع اجور أخرى مثل أجور (الغاز والكهرباء والهاتف). ويجب دفع مبلغ تأمين وهو ايجار الشهر الأول (قابل للاسترداد).
ويتوفر لدى مكتب الطلاب الأجانب سجل باسماء الغرف المتاحة في المنازل الخاصة، ويوفر للطلاب معلومات تتعلق بالسكن عند وصولهم.
ينبغي على الطلاب الجدد أن يخططوا للوصول قبل اسبوعين على الأقل من بدأ التسجيل. ان الوصول المبكر ضروري لإتاحة الوقت الكافي من أجل ايجاد سكن والتعرف على المنطقة.
Haytham Boles
Arabic>< English Translation, Interpreting &
Proofreading Services
Cell phone: 00 + 1 + 619 + 633-0957
E-mail: [email protected]/ My name is Haytham Boles. I worked as an Arabic healthcare interpreter (Part Time) for the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in San Diego, and I also offered Arabic>< English translation/interpreting services for Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego. I handled several small scale translation jobs/assignments in a variety of areas. Additionally, I offer my services for the Arabic-speaking community in my area to help them with mails and notices from several local, federal and governmental agencies and private companies in El Cajon and San Diego, California.
I have a passion for translation (and for English language in particular from childhood). I also find pleasure while doing translation. Although it might take me hours or even days working on the translation project I have been assigned, motivation is my drive. In fact I do enjoy what I do, therefore my work demonstrates this to my clients and readers.
I find translation self enriching. Every time I am translating a new document, I learn something new. For me it is very rewarding and exciting to learn about other people’s way of living and thinking and their language and culture which are sometimes very distinct and different from mine, especially in the case of Arabic and English- two linguistically and culturally very remote languages. I perceive translation as a major tool that facilitates and enhances communication and understanding between people and for me it helps expand my view of the world. It is something that I enjoy doing.
I care about my clients’ satisfaction; I am committed to do it proficiently. I have a very solid academic foundation along with several years of experience and skill that qualifies me to render a high quality translation. I have a Master Degree in Translation from the University of Mosul, Iraq. I also taught translation at Mosul University for almost two years. I translate from English into Arabic and from Arabic into English.
I taught Arabic at Language World USA in San Diego, California for 1 year and 3 months. I worked from May 2010 to July 2011. This experience was interesting, quite unique, and very productive. I gained new skills which contribute considerably to my working knowledge in Arabic and English languages. I am willing and would love to do it again and again if I am offered a teaching position.
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Keywords: Translator, Languages, Arabic, English, MA in Translation, Medical, Legal, Education, Interpreter (Healthcare Interpreting), Cultural Broker. See more.Translator, Languages, Arabic, English, MA in Translation, Medical, Legal, Education, Interpreter (Healthcare Interpreting), Cultural Broker, Cultural Clarifier/ Conduit, Proofreader, Arabic Instructor. ESL Tutor, Trilingual: English, Arabic, and Aramaic/ Chaldean Neo-Aramaic, Computer Skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Translation Software: Wordfast.. See less.
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