Dr. Victor A. Pogadaev is an Associated Professor at the Faculty of Languages & Linguistics, University of Malaya. He graduated from Institute of Oriental Languages, Moscow Lomonosov State University in 1970 and got Ph.D in 1976. He used to be a Senior Lecturer in Malay Studies at the Institute of Asian and African Studies and the consultant-editor of the "Encyclopaedia Asiatica" at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Science. His interest is in the sphere of culture, translation and lexicography. He offers papers on Russian language and Russian culture and general linguistics. He has more than 150 publications including several Malay and Indonesian dictionaries. Member of Nusantara Society, Russian Orientalists’ Association, Journalist Union of Russia, Russian Geographic Society.
Translation from and into Russian? English, Malay/ Indonesian
Translation including of Belle Literature |