Member since Jun '07

Working languages:
English to Arabic
French to Arabic
Arabic to English

Mariam Osmann
Beyond Words

Alexandria, Al Iskandariyah, Egypt
Local time: 13:49 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Arabic Native in Arabic
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Nov 19, 2021 (posted via  Just finished a survey on substance abuse (>15000 weighted words, EN>AR), closing many tabs used to search street names of drugs! ...more, + 2 other entries »
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**Translation of specialized texts**Traduction technique**محتوى متخصص**

My name is Mariam Osmann. I am a certified translator, an interpreter, a trainer, and a long life learner. I hold a MSc. in environmental sciences, BSc. degree in environmental sciences and biochemistry, and a MSc in the technologies of education. 

My mother tongue is Arabic. I started to learn French when I was 4, and English when I was 10. I mainly work on specialized texts. Since 2005, I've translated many technical and scientific reports, articles, manuals and courses for governmental & non governmental bodies, laboratories, international organizations via translation agencies and via direct communication.

Fields: Animal Husbandry and Livestock - Biochemistry - Biology - Biotechnology - Biostatistics - Bioinformatics - Business - Chemistry - Clinical trials - Cosmetics -Development - Devices & Instruments - Education - E-learning -Energy - Fashion - Food and Dairy- Geography - Geology- Health Care - HR skills - IT (General & Software) - Jewelry-Medicine - Meteorology -Nutrition  - Oil & Gas - Pharmaceuticals - Pollution- Recycling & Waste Treatment- Remote Sensing & GIS - Safety Manuals - Toxicology

End clients: Sandia Laboratories (US DOE), SunEdison, Plan Bleu, Union for the Mediterranean, ESRI, EDAS defense, Renault Défense, ADS defense, UAE Police Force, Dubai Aquarium, CUTES Europe, CCI constructions, Construcctiones Y Auxiliar De Ferrocarrile, PRIDESA PROYECTOS Y SERVICIOS S.A.U for water treatment, Systra company, RATP network, Serupa, Bobcat Loaders, Honeywell safety products, Methanol Institute, Wexford Labs, Trident, Sam tools, Moulinex, Tefal, Universal, Pellenc battery products, Somfy, JVC, Profibre, Sony Ericsson, HP laptops, Vectronix, Parrot, Detica Netreveal, Venturi TM, URGO, ZEPHYR, Crystalens Novartis, Virtual scopics, Biogen Idec Ltd, IL Consultorio, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari, Cincinnati Children Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, Portsmouth Hospital, Brooklyn Hospital Center, California Office of Patient Advocate, Salvat-Laboratorios, Women Health center, Health Service Authority (Toronto), Huntleigh Healthcare, Ministry of Health KSA, Sanofi Aventis Canada, Vitalograph, Bio Products Laboratory, Huntleigh Health Care, Ministry of Health Morocco, Ohio Department of Job and Family Service, Ohio department of education, North Carolina department of education, INRIA France, University of North Carolina, Massachusetts department of education, Alexandria University, Thanet College, Guilford County Schools, Lycée Français du Caire, Journeyworks publishing, 3 CHÊNES, Mutaler, Holtex, Aeroport de Paris, Bordeaux airport, TunisAir, Hotel Intercontinental, Swisscom, Board of Equalization of California, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, Ministry of Defense of Egypt, ministry of trade and industry of Egypt, CGG Ardiseis for oil & gas, Ministry of Manpower and Immigration of Egypt, Ministry of Interior of Egypt, NSGB Egypt, CEDICAM Crédit Agricole, Centre Culturel Français le Caire, Degremont water treatment Egypt, n.s.f.c Egypt, FC Barcelona, Sommet de l’élevage for livestock professionals, CMA CGM France,...



- Continuing education courses in translation

- MSc degree in human sciences (Cergy-Pontoise University, France)

- MSc degree in environmenal sciences (Alexandria University, Egypt)

- BS. in Biochemistry/ Environmental sciences, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt. 

- Courses of French Language Practice C1, University of Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV).

- Alliance Française : French language diploma

- Continuing education courses in other fields: Senghor University, Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Trainings 


OS: Win 11 Pro
Ms Office suite 2021 - Open office - SDL Trados Studio 2021,  Memsource, XTM, PDF editor.

Intermediate knowledge of : CSS-PHP-JSP-Javascript - C++ . Basics: XML- Perl- ASP- Java(JSE, J2EE); CIW certified Internet webmaster designer 

Details are available in my CV

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PRO-level pts: 340

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Keywords: academic, agriculture, art, architecture, animal husbandry, biochemistry, biology, bioremediation, biostatistics, biotechnology. See more.academic, agriculture, art, architecture, animal husbandry, biochemistry, biology, bioremediation, biostatistics, biotechnology, chemistry, climate changes, clinical, conversation and greetings, communications, cosmetics, sustainable development, ecotourism, ecology, economics, EIA, environmental management, forestry, graphics, GIS, geology, health care IT, legislations, life sciences, livestock, manuals, metallurgy, meteorology, modeling, novels, nuclear energy, nutrition, petrology, pharmaceuticals, pollution, recycling, remote sensing(RS), school programs, software, semiology, semiotics, technology, veterinary, waste treatment, water treatment, Arabic, English, French, agroforesterie, aménagement du territoire, biochimie, biotechnologie, chimie, changements climatiques, communications, déchets, développement durable, école, écologie, éducation, enseignement, géologie, géomatique, logiciel, médecine, pédagogie, produits cosmétiques, psychologie, psychiatrie, santé, sémiologie, TIC, recherches cliniques, recyclage, sciences de l'environnement, télédétection et SIG, traitement des eaux usées, sites web, vétérinaire, Anglais, Arabe, Français اتصالات، كيمياء، زراعة، كيمياء حيوية،علم النبات،علم الحيوان، جيولوجيا، علم الأرض، تربة، محاصيل، آفات، تربية مواشي، طب، صحة عامة، طب أطفال، أمراض القلب،طب النساء والتوليد،عظام، باطنة،غدد صماء، لاصماء، أمراض الدم، تغذية، تجميل، جلدية، أسنان، جراحة، مستشفيات، أبحاث، تجارب عملية، إكلينيكية، بيئة، تنمية مستدامة، معالجة مياه الصرف، المخلفات، استشعار عن بعد، نظم معلومات جغرافية، جيوديسيا، طب بيطري، مواقع إلكترونية، تلوث، إدارة، اقتصاد، عقد، عقود فنية، أدوية، وصفات علاجية، سياحية بيئية، هرمونات، تغيرات مناخية، مناخ، برامج حاسوبية، شبكات، فن معماري، بناء،إنشاءات، أثاث، ديكور، تصميم صفحات، معالجة صور، طيران، مركبات، سيارات، سفن، بواخر، ميكانيكا، فيزياء، منشآت، معدات ثقيلة، تدريب مهني، هجرة، تعليم، تعلم، عن بعد، طاقة نووية، مفاعلات، نمذجة، نظم، محاكاة، إحصاء، تقنيات حيوية، علوم حاسوبية، محادثة، مدرسة، جامعة، جامعات، جامعي، روايات. See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 28, 2024

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