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Translation Volume: 9009 words Languages: English to German
9000+ words Fund Prospectus
Finance (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 7 days Languages: English to German
Investment funds sales prospectuses
Sales prospectuses of several Swiss investment funds
Finance (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 0 words Languages:
English to German
Offering Memorandum
For notes offered by a global transportation group
Investment / Securities
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3 days Languages: English to German
Business report presentation by CEO
US global industrial corporation - market leader
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3000 words Languages:
German to English
Bank documents
Business and accounting files of a Luxembourg bank
Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4 days Languages: English to German
Legal documents
Legal documents for world-renowned luxury hotel chain headquartered in Dubai
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8000 words Completed: Dec 2010 Languages: English to German
Patient monitor documentation
Documentation of a patient monitor by Criticare
Medical: Instruments
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4 days Languages: English to German
10,000 words translation of technical manual
Manual for a medical treatment delivery software
Medical: Instruments
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 days Languages: English to German
Marketing brochure
Product brochure for one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies
Marketing, Medical: Pharmaceuticals
No comment.
Translation Volume: 800 words Languages: German to English
Auditing Report
Report by certified accountants (Swiss company)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2 days Languages: English to German
Petition in lawsuit
Original petition in a divorce suit under U.S. law
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6000 words Languages: English to German
Tourist Information Website
Barcelona tourist information website
Tourism & Travel
No comment.
Translation Volume: 10 days Languages: English to German
10.000+ words pharmaceutical company documents
Policy documents regarding clinical studies for a global pharmaceutical group
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
No comment.
Translation Volume: 50000 words Completed: Jun 2010 Languages: English to German
50,000 words Electronics catalogue
Website catalogue for Mouser Electronics Inc.
Electronics / Elect Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3 days Languages: English to German
Measurement device manuals
For website of a leading manufacturer in process control industry
Engineering: Industrial
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5000 words Languages: English to German
Device software manual
5,000 words technical manual for a device software
Mechanics / Mech Engineering, IT (Information Technology)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5 days Languages: English to German
12.000 words Electronic Tools Catalogue
Website catalogue of a global supplier of industrial tools and machinery
Mechanics / Mech Engineering, Electronics / Elect Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1898 words Languages: English to German
Hotel catalogue
One of the UK’s 10 top travel companies
Tourism & Travel
No comment.
Payment methods accepted
Visa, Wire transfer, PayPal
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to German: Moderate Islamists as Reform Actors (SWP Research Paper 2007/RP 04, p. 22) General field: Social Sciences
Source text - English The Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi or AKP) epitomises the ability of political Islam in Turkey to adapt to changing political conditions. Since the AKP joined government and the ideal of an Islamic state largely lost its appeal in Turkey, the party abandoned its Islamist rhetoric and has taken to pursuing a pragmatic and moderate course in its core policies. This has resulted in new alliances with supporters of domestic reforms both in Turkey and abroad. The long-standing issue of religious freedom is one of the problems that should be solved by the reform process necessary for meeting the criteria of the EU. Additionally, the AKP is attempting to address the question of secularism from a liberal perspective. The reform of political Islam in Turkey is not yet complete, but progreß to date may be considered a good sign that political Islam is compatible with liberal democratic principles.
Translation - German Die Partei für Gerechtigkeit und Entwicklung (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi – AKP) verkörpert die Anpassungsfähigkeit des politischen Islams in der Türkei an sich verändernde politische Rahmenbedingungen. Seit die AKP an der Regierung beteiligt ist und zudem das Ideal eines islamischen Staates seine Anziehungskraft weitgehend eingebüßt hat, hat die Partei ihre islamistische Rhetorik aufgegeben und betreibt in zentralen Punkten eine pragmatische und moderate Politik. Dies führte auch zu neuen Bündnissen mit in- und ausländischen Unterstützern innenpolitischer Reformen. Der für die Erfüllung der EU-Kriterien notwendige Reformprozeß sollte unter anderem die seit langem auf der Tagesordnung stehende Problematik der Religionsfreiheit lösen. Außerdem versucht die AKP die Frage des Säkularismus aus liberaler Perspektive anzugehen. Die Reform des politischen Islams in der Türkei ist noch nicht vollendet, ist aber als positives Signal dafür zu werten, daß dieser sich durchaus mit liberaldemokratischen Prinzipien vereinbaren läßt.
English to German: Press release for IT company General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English Steljes, the technology distributor, is announcing the European launch of its mobile broadband solutions, whereby assets are bundled with mobile broadband connectivity and charged to the end user on an airtime contract.
The move coincides with the opening of Steljes’ European Headquarters in Cologne, Germany, which will be used as a base to support existing customers and to support the growth of the company’s European business.
Martin Large CEO of Steljes comments: “It has been a great first year for Steljes in Europe and we have made strong progress in several markets with our Mainline Power product portfolio ( We have proved the demand for our solution portfolio and that our unique value-added business model translates well to other markets.”
The first mobile broadband solution that Steljes is launching in Europe is a bundle of MediaTile’s highly successful wireless digital signage, the Steljes SMP2 media player and mobile broadband airtime from Vodafone.
“As well as the obvious affordability benefits, the beauty of the Steljes model is that, by utilising mobile broadband connectivity, the technology can sit where you want it, not where the network connection dictates,” adds Large.
Translation - German Der Technologie-Distributor Steljes gibt die europaweite Einführung seiner mobilen Breitbandlösungen bekannt, die aus einem Paket von Produkten und mobilen Breitbandverbindungen bestehen und dem Endkunden entsprechend der Verbindungsdauer berechnet werden.
Parallel zu dieser Markteinführung eröffnet Steljes seine neue Europazentrale in Köln. Sie wird der Betreuung bestehender Kunden dienen und die weitere europäische Expansion des Unternehmens unterstützen.
Martin Large, der CEO von Steljes erklärt dazu: „Für Steljes ist das erste Jahr auf dem europäischen Markt großartig verlaufen und wir haben mit unserer Mainline Power-Produktpalette ( in verschiedenen Märkten große Fortschritte gemacht. Wir haben bewiesen, dass es eine große Nachfrage nach unserem Lösungsportfolio gibt und dass sich unser einzigartiges wertschöpfendes Geschäftsmodell gut auf andere Märkte übertragen lässt.“
Die erste mobile Breitbandlösung, die Steljes in Europa auf den Markt bringt, besteht aus einem Paket, welches das drahtlose Digital-Signage-System von MediaTile, den SMP2 Mediaplayer von Steljes und eine mobile Breitbandverbindung von Vodafone beinhaltet.
„Das Steljes-Angebot hat nicht nur den Vorteil, dass es besonders erschwinglich ist, sondern das Schöne daran ist auch, dass die Technik mithilfe der mobilen Breitbandverbindung dort platziert werden kann, wo der Kunde sie haben möchte, anstatt da, wo es der Netzwerkanschluss verlangt“, fügt Large hinzu.
Adobe Acrobat, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Abby Fine Reader, Sysfilter for Visio, Passolo, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
- Six years of extensive translation experience as research assistant with the federal research institute Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik ('Foundation for Science and Politics') maintained by the German federal government (Chancellery).
- Translating (En»Ge, Ge»En) and writing/editing numerous academic and non-academic texts directed at clients in federal institutions as well as in-house, including studies, websites, marketing brochures, and the book 'Deutsche Nahostpolitik'/'Germany and the Middle East', published by SWP and Heinrich-Boell-Foundation.
- Freelance translator and text editor since 2007
Previous translation projects include:
• Press release for the Olympic Games 2012
• Companion Guide for the National Gallery, London
• Sales prospectuses of Swiss investment funds
• Audit file of a Swiss accountancy firm
• Financial statements and business communication of a Luxembourg bank
• Whitepaper for SDL
• 200.000+ words of clinical studies documents for major global pharmaceutical companies
• 200.000+ words of Informed Consent Forms for Participants of Clinical Studies
• 100.000+ words of Contracts with Investigators of Clinical Studies
• 200.000+ words of medical surveys by British market research companies
• 150,000+ words of technical manuals for medical instruments and device software
• Marketing brochure for one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies
• 8.500 words of Agreement on Limited Partnership under US Law
• Petition in a divorce suit under US law
• Legal documents for a renowned global hotel chain based in Dubai
• Legal advice in compensation proceedings regarding the ENRON case
• Report by CEO of a world-leading US-based global industrial corporation
• 5,000+ words SAP software instructions
• 50,000 words Electronics catalogue for Mouser Electronnics
• 12,000+ words electronic tools catalogue for a leading global manufacturer
• Tourist Information Website
- References available upon request
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