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Indonesian to English - Standard rate: 0.10 USD per word / 35 USD per hour English to Indonesian - Standard rate: 0.10 USD per word / 35 USD per hour French to Indonesian - Standard rate: 0.14 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour French to English - Standard rate: 0.08 USD per word / 30 USD per hour English - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 100 EUR per hour
Interpreting Volume: 13 days Completed: Nov 2014 Languages: English to Indonesian Indonesian to English
Audit for automotive insurance
We assisted auditors from abroad in auditing claims lodged to the company. We explained and described the situation and/or accident that led to the damage.
Insurance, Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 2 days Completed: Oct 2014 Languages: English to Indonesian Indonesian to English
Assessment into Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
I assisted senior surveyor of Joint Commission International (JCI) who looked into a case that caused a child's life, in interviews and rendering related documents. We also took a tour around the hospital premise including the ICU.
Medical: Health Care, Medical (general)
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 10 days Completed: Sep 2013 Languages: English to Indonesian Indonesian to English
Two-week interpreting for audit training
Training of GAO Approach to Performance Audit for Indonesia’s Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) participants in Jakarta
Government / Politics
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 2 days Completed: May 2013 Languages: English to Indonesian Indonesian to English
training on media relations
Interpreting for communication training on Media Relations for Ombudsman Indonesia participants.
Media / Multimedia, Journalism, Advertising / Public Relations
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 3 days Completed: Feb 2013 Languages: Indonesian to English English to Indonesian
Interpreting for Childfund board members' visit
International Org/Dev/Coop, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters, Education / Pedagogy
No comment.
Interpreting Volume: 1 days Completed: Dec 2012 Languages: Indonesian to English English to Indonesian
Focus Group Discussion
Government / Politics, Education / Pedagogy, International Org/Dev/Coop
No comment.
Translation Volume: 0 words Languages: English to Indonesian
LSO for marketing document for large IT company. Some similar projects on the line
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2000 words Languages: English to Indonesian
Translating on IT/ads as usual, but the place is unusual, currently in another part of the globe
Indonesian to English: LIGHTNESS: MEMBACA KEMBALI KARYA REDHA SORANA oleh Hardiman General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Source text - Indonesian Pecinta seni rupa Indonesia mengenal Redha Sorana melalui lukisannya: boneka menong, kuda, ikan, kupu-kupu, burung kertas, dan -- dalam jumlah sedikit -- lukisan abstrak. Lukisan-lukisan ini oleh sejumlah kritikus atau pengamat seni sering dilihat melalui pendekatan formalisme. Mudah dimengerti, jika pendekatan formalisme dikenakan pada pembacaan karya Redha Sorana mengingat properti intrinsik pada karya Redha Sorana begitu kaut memukau mata. Sejurus dengan itu, wajar pula kalau para pengamat lukisan Redha Sorana mengabaikan ‘apa yang dihadirkan’ dari lukisan Redha Sorana, dan memfokuskan analisisnya pada ‘apa yang tampil’.
Lebih dari sepuluh tahun, terhitung sejak awal 1990-an hingga setahun setelah Redha Sorana wafat, 9 Maret 2001, analisis terhadap karya-karya Redha Sorana berkisar pada persoalan bentuk belaka. Para pengamat golongan ini yakin bahwa identifikasi elemen spasial – yang secara khas memberikan kontribusi pada sifat estetis yang kemudian memberikan daya tarik – adalah perihal yang harus dipandang secara estetis.
Namun demikian, harus diingat bahwa perjalanan kesenimanan seorang Redha Sorana adalah perjalanan yang dengan berterus-terang mengusung sejumlah muatan. Mulai dari menyoal carut-marut persoalan sosial-politik, hegemoni kebenaran ilmiah-akademik, keberpihakan kepada yang termarjinalkan, hingga cinta dan persahabatan. Redha Sorana, dengan demikian, adalah seniman yang menyuarakan suatu ideologi tertentu melalui karyanya. Hemat saya, mustinya ada suatu pendekatan tertentu yang bisa memerluas pembacaan terhadap karya-karya Redha Sorana, khususnya karya-karya yang digubahnya sejal awal 1990-an.
Saya ingin memulainya dengan mengingat kembali apa yang telah lama menjadi perdebatan sejumlah teorisi seni, yakni perihal seni representasional dan seni non representasional. Betul bahwa perkara ini adalah perkara lama. Tetapi, persoalan ini menjadi sangat relevan untuk dikenakan pada kasus Redha Sorana.
Menjadi penting melihat kembali ‘sekat-sekat’ seni rupa representasional dan seni rupa non representasional. Dalam silang sengkurat teori estetika, seni rupa representasional dan seni rupa non representasional, masing-masing memeroleh dikungan yang kuat dari para penganutnya. Ada perdebatan ihwal keyakinan dua kubu ini. Pangkal ini adalah serangkaian upaya untuk saling membentengi perbedaan seni rupa representasional dengan seni rupa non representasional. Seni rupa representasional lahir dari kemungkinan visual yang senantiasa berkaitan dengan fakta, realitas sosial, sejarah, atau serupa latar lainnya. Karenanya, para kritikus yang mendukung paham ini yakin bahwa ada semacam pola serta hubungan yang kuat antara proses kreatif dan hasil gubahannya dengan konstruksi sosial yang mengitarinya. Itu sebabnya, analisis terhadap karya seni senantiasa berhubungan dengan konteks.
Di pihak lain, seni rupa non represantasional yang sering disebut sebagai formalisme meyakini bahwa persoalan seni adalah persoalan yang tampak pada karya seni itu sendiri. Dalam hal ini, seni rupa misalnya, hanyalah berurusan dengan persoalan visual belaka. Di luar itu, properti nonformal, semacam latar stimulus, muatan, setting waktu, setting peristiwa, termasuk kepemilikan karya, adalah hal-hal yang bukan menjadi perhatian kaum formalis. Bagi kaum formalis, sebuah karya seni rupa berdiri sendiri sebagai karya seni rupa. Lukisan misalnya, bukanlah sebuah media tentang penceritaan kisah. Lukisan dalam sudut pandang formalis dijauhkan dari niatan mencerikatan suatu dunia kepada kita. Persolan yang diajukan kaum formalis adalah ihwal ‘apa yang tampil’, bukan ‘apa yang dihadirkan’.
Ada dua tokoh yang paling penting dari deretan pemikir formalisme, yakni Clive Bell dan Roger Fry. Mereka meyakini bahwa apa yang secara estetis penting bukanlah isi dari suatu karya seni. Bell misalnya mendasarkan estetiknya pada emosi khas yang dibangkitkan dari karya seni: relasi dan kombinasi dari garis dan warna. Dalam istilah Bell, hal ini disebutnya sebagai ‘bentuk bermakna’ (significant form). Sejalan dengan Bell, Fry menolak konteks sejarah karya dan mempertahankan bahwa pengalaman hanya mempunyai bentuk sebagai obyeknya.
Translation - English Indonesian art lovers are introduced to Redha Sorana through his paintings: of menong (wooden dolls), horse, fish, butterfly, paper bird and—in a small number—abstracts. A lot of art critics and observers approach these paintings with formalism. This makes sense bearing in mind the intrinsic properties of Redha Sorana’s works are very eye-catching. In line with this, it is also supposed that the observers of Redha Sorana’s paintings put aside ‘what is presented’, but rather focus their analysis on ‘what appears’.
Over ten years, from early 1990s to a year after he died on March 9, 2001, the analysis into his works were concentrated upon the matter of form. The observers believed that the identification of spatial elements – which contribute to the aesthetics and thus the appeal – is a matter that must be looked into aesthetically.
However, we must consider that the artistic journey of Redha Sorana is that which discernibly entwined with subject matters. Starting from the vile face of social and political issues, the hegemony of truth of science and the academy, the partiality toward the marginalized, to love and friendship. Redha Sorana, thus, is an artist who voiced a certain ideology through his works. In my opinion, there should be a certain approach that can enlarge the possibility of reading into Redha Sorana’s works, especially those created since early 1990s.
I would like to begin by remembering what has long been a debate among some art theoreticians, namely the issue of the difference between representational art and non-representational art. The issue is actually an old story. But it is very relevant to the case of Redha Sorana.
It is important to once again see the ‘partition’ between representational art and non-representational art. In the crisscrossing aesthetic theory, each of representational art and non-representational art is strongly backed by its supporters. The two sides argue for a belief as a part of the efforts to fence the difference between representational art and non-representational art. Representational art is born out of the visual that is always related to facts, social conditions, history and so on. Thus, the critics who support this idea believe that there is a kind of pattern and close link between the creative process as well as the output of creation and the social construction surrounding them. That is why the analysis into artworks is always blanketed by the context.
On the other hand, non-representational art, which is often referred to as formalism, comes from the idea that art is a matter of what is visible from the artwork. In this regard, art, for instance, only deals with the visual. Everything beyond this, the non-formal properties such as the stimulants, subject matters, time setting, event setting as well as the work ownership are not the concerns of formalists. To formalists, an artwork is independent. A painting, for instance, is not media on a storytelling. A painting, seen from the formalists’ point of view, is distanced from the intention of telling the viewer about the world. The formalists put fort ‘what appears’ rather than ‘what is presented’.
Two most important formalist thinkers are Clive Bell and Roger Fry. They believe that what aesthetically significant is not the content of the artwork. Bell, for instance, founds the aesthetics on the unique emotions evoked from an artwork: the relation and combination of lines and colors. In Bell’s term this is the ‘significant form’. In line with Bell, Fry rejects the historical context of an artwork and upholds that experience only takes the form of the artwork’s object.
Indonesian to English: news about seismic activity in Indonesian news portal General field: Other Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Indonesian Gejolak Anak Krakatau di Luar Kebiasaan
Biasanya, sebelum meletus hanya terjadi 200 gempa per hari. Saat ini mencapai 6.000.
Aktivitas Gunung Anak Krakatau tahun ini berada di atas rata-rata dibanding dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Saat ini, aktivitas gempa gunung yang terletak di Selat Sunda ini mencapai ribuan kali, padahal sebelumnya hanya sekitar 200 kali menjelang letusan.
"Kali ini aktivitasnya sangat tinggi dibanding aktivitas jelang letusan di tahun-tahun yang lalu," kata Kepala Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), Surono saat berbincang dengan, Selasa 4 Oktober 2011.
"Memang relatif tinggi, biasanya satu hari di bawah 200 kali gempa. Ini satu hari sampai enam ribuan gempa."
Menurut dia, Anak Krakatau merupakan gunung yang memiliki fase letusan sangat pendek. "Sejak 2007 masa jedanya sebentar, pada Juli 2011 terjadi letusan meski intensitasnya mengecil, kemudian relatif berhenti, dan di pertengahan September aktivitasnya kembali meningkat," kata dia.
Meskipun aktivitas kegempaan di Gunung Anak Krakatau sangat tinggi, Surono tidak bisa memastikan apakah akan diakhiri oleh letusan besar. "Aktivitasnya memang luar biasa, tapi kita tidak bisa pastikan apakah akan terjadi letusan yang besar. Aktivitas sangat tinggi bukan berarti akan terjadi letusan yang besar," kata dia.
"Merapi itu aktivitas gempanya dulu rendah, tapi letusannya besar. Papandayan aktivitasnya tiga kali lipat dari tahun 2002, tapi tidak jadi meletus. Ini alam yang kita ramalkan,"
Translation - English Indonesia Volcano Sees Thousands of Tremors
"It is relatively high, normally in one day the quake occurs less than 200 times."
The seismic activity of Mount Anak Krakatau that lies in the Sunda Strait reached a thousand times, whereas earlier it is only about 200 times prior to the eruption.
"This time its activity is very high compared to the activity ahead of the eruption in the years earlier," said Head of Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG), Surono, when talking to VIVAnews on Tuesday.
"It is relatively high, normally in one day the quake occurs less than 200 times. This time it’s six thousand earthquakes a day."
According to him, Anak Krakatau is a volcano whose eruption phase is very short. "Since 2007 the pause was brief. In July 2011 an eruption occurred although the intensity was lower. Then the activity was relatively in hiatus. While in mid-September, it has increased again," he said.
Despite the high seismic activity of Mount Anak Krakatau, Surono could not be sure whether it will climax in a major eruption. "The activity is remarkable. But we cannot be sure whether or not there will be a big eruption. Very high activity does not mean a large eruption will occur," he said.
"In the past, Merapi's seismic activity was low, but the eruption was enormous. Papandayan’s activity tripled from 2002, but did not erupt. This is the nature that we forecast."
Indonesian to English: Sorowako, Etalase Keragaman Hayati - Sorowako, A Showcase of Biodiversity General field: Science Detailed field: Zoology
Source text - Indonesian Sulawesi dikenal sebagai pulau dengan kekayaan flora dan fauna yang bersifat endemik. Menurut penelitian, dari 127 species mamalia yang ada di Sulawesi, 62 persen atau 79 species merupakan endemik. Selain itu, 27 persen (88) dari 328 species burung yang ditemukan juga endemik. Untuk jenis amfibi, dari 100 jenis yang ada di Kalimantan, 29 jenis diketahui berasal dari Sulawesi.
Catatan Ekspedisi Wallacea mengungkapkan, lebih dari seratus jenis kupu-kupu endemik terdapat di Sulawesi bagian selatan. Di sekitar Sorowako, wilayah di tengah Pulau Sulawesi, ditemukan beberapa jenis fauna endemik, seperti babi rusa, anoa, burung maleo, burung rangkong. Untuk flora, tercatat 140 jenis endemik yang telah ditemukan, di antaranya pohon eboni, lontar, dan dengen.
Translation - English Sulawesi is well-known as an island with endemic richness of flora and fauna. According to a research, of 127 species of mammals, 62 percent, or 79 species, of them are categorized endemic. In addition, it is found that 27 percent (88) of 328 bird species are also endemic. As for amphibian, of the estimate 100 species that exist in Kalimantan, 29 types are identified as being originated from Sulawesi.
Notes of Wallacea Expedition revealed that more than a hundred types of endemic butterflies are found in southern Sulawesi. Around Sorowako, an area situated at the center of Sulawesi Island, some endemic fauna such as babi rusa, anoa, burung maleo and burung rangkong are found. As for the flora, it is recorded that 140 endemic types are found: among others pohon eboni, lontar and dengen.
English to Indonesian: Telkomsel Annual Report 2012 Preface General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Telecom(munications)
Source text - English PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) is Indonesia’s leading provider of mobile telecommunications and digital data services. Having pioneered the cellular industry in Indonesia, Telkomsel is now driving the transformation towards the digital era, where the power of mobile broadband technology is harnessed to foster new ways of connecting, working, learning and being entertained.
Following a period of phenomenal growth in the early 2000s, the saturation of voice and SMS services has led to a slowing of revenue growth in the cellular industry over the last five years. Advances in broadband data technology now offer a new opportunity for the cellular industry to drive the next curve of revenue growth, this time from digital services. In anticipation of this, we are pursuing a digital strategy built around 4 key portfolios comprising digital lifestyle services, mobile payment and digital money, digital advertising, and enterprise digital services.
Telkomsel 2.O represents Telkomsel’s commitment to transforming our business and our people to meet the goals and challenges of this dynamic new business. Telkomsel aims to lead the market in digital services, by delivering solutions that exceed customer expectations, create value for all stakeholders, and empower the nation. At the core of this transformation is the D-N-A (device-network-application) ecosystem, which is constantly being enhanced to provide the best end-to-end digital telecommunications experience in Indonesia. Telkomsel also continues to strengthen its core capabilities of voice and SMS services to provide an unparalleled all-round service.
Our transformation, as embodied by Telkomsel 2.O, is driven by collaborative innovation, a series of strategies focusing on service excellence, cost leadership, business expansion, innovation, synergy and partnership. To ensure its success, we are leveraging the synergy between Telkomsel and its two parent companies, Telkom and Singtel, to create sustainable competitive growth and to make Telkomsel a center of excellence for the digital era and maintain our industry leadership.
The focus of Telkomsel’s transformation in 2012 was formulating a new growth strategy, ensuring that key strategy enablers are turned into a competitive advantage and defining strategic initiatives to drive the execution of the strategy. The Company has also initiated a comprehensive realignment of the organization, culture, people and business processes to build strong foundation for the digital business and continue to lead the industry in the years to come.
Translation - Indonesian PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) adalah perusahan penyedia telekomunikasi bergerak dan layanan data digital terkemuka di Indonesia. Setelah berhasil menjadi perintis industri selular di Indonesia, Telkomsel kini mendorong transformasi menuju era digital, di mana kekuatan teknologi pita lebar bergerak dimanfaatkan untuk mengembangkan cara-cara baru dalam menghubungkan, bekerja, belajar, dan hiburan.
Beranjak dari periode pertumbuhan yang fenomenal di awal tahun 2000-an, saturasi suara dan layanan SMS telah menyebabkan perlambatan peningkatan pendapatan industri selular selama lima tahun terakhir. Kemajuan teknologi data pita lebar kini menawarkan kesempatan baru bagi industri selular untuk mendorong peningkatan pendapatan, kali ini melalui layanan digital. Untuk mengantisipasi hal ini, kami mengupayakan strategi digital yang dibangun melalui 4 portfolio utama, yang terdiri dari layanan gaya hidup digital, transaksi mobile payment dan digital money, iklan bergerak, dan enterprise digital services.
Telkomsel 2.O merupakan komitmen Telkomsel untuk mengubah bisnis dan karyawan kami untuk memenuhi tujuan dan tantangan bisnis baru yang dinamis. Telkomsel bertujuan memimpin pasar layanan digital, dengan memberikan solusi yang melampaui harapan pelanggan, menciptakan nilai bagi semua pemangku kepentingan, dan memberdayakan bangsa.
Inti transformasi ini adalah ekosistem Perangkat-Jaringan-Aplikasi (Device-Network-Application/”DNA”), yang terus-menerus ditingkatkan untuk memberikan pengalaman telekomunikasi digital end-to-end terbaik di Indonesia. Telkomsel juga terus memperkuat kemampuan utama layanan suara dan SMS dalam menyediakan layanan menyeluruh.
Transformasi kami, seperti yang diwujudkan oleh Telkomsel 2.O, didorong oleh inovasi kolaboratif, serangkaian strategi yang berfokus pada pelayanan prima, efektivitas biaya, ekspansi bisnis, inovasi, sinergi, dan kemitraan. Untuk memastikan keberhasilannya, kami memanfaatkan sinergi antara Telkomsel dan dua perusahaan induk, Telkom dan SingTel, untuk menciptakan pertumbuhan kompetitif yang berkelanjutan dan menjadikan Telkomsel sebagai acuan keunggulan bagi era digital dan mempertahankan kepemimpinan industri kami.
Fokus transformasi Telkomsel tahun 2012 adalah memformulasikan strategi pertumbuhan baru, memastikan pemacu strategi utama diubah menjadi keunggulan kompetitif dan mendefinisikan inisiatif strategis untuk mendorong pelaksanaan strategi. Perusahaan juga telah memulai penyelarasan yang komprehensif dalam organisasi, budaya, karyawan, dan proses bisnis untuk membangun fondasi yang kuat untuk bisnis digital dan terus memimpin di industri ini di tahun-tahun mendatang.
Years of experience: 23. Registered at Jun 2009. Became a member: Jun 2013.
English (Jawaharlal Nehru University, verified) English to Indonesian (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators)) Indonesian to English (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators)) French to English (Université Paris ESt Créteil)
Association of Indonesian Translators
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Frontpage, Google Translator Toolkit, Indesign, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM
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Transition from freelancer to agency owner
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I am a native speaker of Bahasa Indonesia, have excellent command in English. I have been a translator/interpreter for over ten years: full-time, part-time and freelance. I am a full member of HPI (The Association of Indonesian Translators) with ID# HPI-01-15-1430 <- click to go to the profile page. I am SDL Trados Studio 2019 certified.
I speak Advanced French (level C2, diploma from Université
Paris-Nanterre) and notions of Javanese. I love language and am still
amazed by its power. Though there are other forms of art, which I also
love, language is the one that is closest to me.
I undertake
projects with subjects of art, advertising, environment, general
correspondence, healthcare, business (electricity, oil and gas,
telecommunication, banking, mining), human resources, games, law, travel
& tourism, software, and literature (short story, poetry and
I am also interested in Translation Studies. Translation is embedded with political, social and cultural values. Translation cannot be neutral, it says something about the translator's views. And it's interesting to see differences of style in the target texts!
I rendered Indonesian short stories into English, published online on US-based Dalang's website, click here.
And below is an article on translation that is more personal:
Translation is about trust. there is, as George Steiner says, an investment of believe. That day, in the classroom, I was the only Indonesian there, the only one they can trust. It was only my third attendance for the course (bunking a lot :P). I was so worried because i didn't read anything in the previous class--when we were supposed to translate something, preferably a poem, from one language, most probably our mother tongue, into English, the medium language of this course. Hindi, Bengali, Malayali have been offered, even Arabic. so I was totally aware that it was my turn.
And I was right... they could see me: they see my back, my hair, my notebook. They could also hear me: my pronunciation, the voiced phonetic symbols vibrated the air and reached each person's auditory system. But they could not, I assume, understand what I was saying. Couldn't grasp the meaning, the beauty, the glory of the story. Meanwhile, for me reading out the Indonesian poem was as pleasurable as doing the English.
The 'original', or even Indonesian language in general, is a spell, the Other. Until and unless they hear the English one, they won't be able to comment on it. But then we had discussion, tried to break down the languages, choose better words or expressions and so on. It was fun :)
This is a poem by Indonesian poet Sindu Putra, followed by my translation.
Dongeng Anjing Api
anjing itu datang. -mengenakan tubuhnya
seperti yang dikenal kini: binatang malam
bersayap air. bertaring bunga. berkelamin api
dongeng pun tumbuh
perahu kupu-kupu.hewan geladag
bah dan gunung pasir
mengikuti cahaya. -sehitam malam, bayangannya
mengintai. serupa cahaya, meraih warna
tapi bebunga yang mewangi dari telapak tangan
hanya mekar hitam-putih
anjing itu mendengus
mengendus daging terbakar
anjing api itu tak pernah tua
tak pernah kehilangan lapar
dikenakannya taring rama-rama
diperasnya susu merpati
matanya tak lagi menunjukkan arah gelap
matanya berdarahsementara, -waktu adalah musim kawin
gonggongannya menjadi isyarat berbagi birahi
di dunia yang senantiasa basah oleh liurnya
seluas rumah potong terbuka yang abadi
A Tale of a Fire Dog
The dog comes. –with his body
Like what he’s famous for: nocturnal animal
Wings of water. Fangs of flower. Fire of desire
A tale then grows
Boat of butterfly. Untamed beast
The flood and the desert
Tailing the light. –dark as the night, his shadow
is stalking. Like the light, grasping colors
Yet the flowers’ fragrance oozing from the palm
is only blooming black and white
The dog sniffs
Snuffles a chunk of burnt meat
The fire dog never grows old
Never loses appetite
He wears butterfly’s fangs
Milking the pigeons
His eyes no longer show a tint of darkness
His eyes are blood red, -it’s mating season
His bark is a cue for sharing lust
In the world forever drenched with his saliva
spacious as an eternal slaughter house
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Keywords: business, politics, taxation, customs, annual report, copywriting, translation, editing, proofreading, Indonesian. See, politics, taxation, customs, annual report, copywriting, translation, editing, proofreading, Indonesian, Bahasa, Bahasa Indonesia, electricity, games, software, scientific, journal, localization, bahasa, business, annual report, information technology, advertising, TVC, script, subtitle, subtitling, novel, international affairs, mobile phone, printing, cosmetics, accounting, tax, technology, media, telecommunication, interpreting, construction, simultaneous, consecutive, finance, audit, financial report, embassy, magazine, article, review, insurance, courier, utility, oil and gas, banking, indonesian, art, culture, literature, social, Livres audio, Voix de personnages, Publicités, Documentaires, Apprentissage en ligne, Imagerie, Infopublicités, Applications de télécommunications - réponse vocale interactive, Narration, Enregistrements sur caméra, Politique, Promotions, Promotions et publicités, Vraies personnes, Bande-annonces, DVD de formation, Message vocal, Site Web audio.. See less.
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