Working languages:
Russian to English
English to Russian

Vladislav Badalov
Профессиональный перевод с 1995 г.

Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Local time: 01:34 MSK (GMT+3)

Native in: Russian Native in Russian
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting
Specializes in:
GeologyPetroleum Eng/Sci

Translation education Other - CCI Guild of Translators of Tatarstan
Experience Years of experience: 30. Registered at May 2005. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Russian (Guild of Trans. and Interp., CCI, Kazan)
Russian to English (Guild of Trans. and Interp., CCI, Kazan)
Memberships Guild of Translators, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tatarsta
Software Wordfast
CV/Resume English (PDF), Russian (PDF)
Events and training
Professional practices Vladislav Badalov endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).


Владислав Бадалов, русско-английский переводчик и редактор

Казань (Россия)

E-mail & Zoom: [email protected]

Skype: vbadalov

Профессиональный письменный и устный перевод с 1995 г.

СПЕЦИАЛИЗАЦИЯ: Нефть и газ, геология, геофизика, экология, производство, техника, технологии, маркетинг, общая деловая тематика.

ВИДЫ РАБОТ: Письменный и устный последовательный перевод, редактирование, составление текстов, разработка терминологии в инновационных сферах.

КРЕДО: Качество превыше всего. Тщательная и детальная работа при любых обстоятельствах. Общее изучение предмета перевода, исследование и учёт тематического контекста. Корректное изложение смысла в естественном стиле – как пишут и говорят носители языка. Всесторонняя работа над материалами и международным имиджем компании с учётом требований и предпочтений зарубежных клиентов.

Приоритетные виды материалов: Публикационные и маркетинговые документы (презентации, статьи, стендовые доклады, рекламные брошюры и др.), отчёты, деловая переписка, рабочие документы.

КЛИЕНТЫ: Геологоразведочное управление ОАО "Татнефть" (1995–2006); научно-технический журнал "Георесурсы", ISSN 1608-5035 (1999
–2008)TGT Oilfield Services (2008–2017)Геологический комитет Республики Татарстан; Министерство экономики Республики Татарстан; Министерство связи Республики Татарстан; Газпром; Halliburton; Gas Resources Corp.; Diken Research; Global Education Facilitators; Telcordia Technologies, Inc., Tota Systems и др.

Переводческая сертификация: Сертификат Гильдии Переводчиков при Торгово-промышленной палате Республики Татарстан от 05.06.2003. Рег. № 0029.

Научные переводы для зарубежных издательств:

Elsevier: Journal of Geochemical Exploration 89 (2006) 293–296. D.K. Nourgaliev et al. Variation of the i-butane / n-butane ratio in oils of the Romashkino oil field for the period of 1982–2000: Probable influence of global seismicity on fluid migration.

John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Archaeological Prospection: 1997, vol. 4. pp. 207–218: Slepak, Z.M. Integrated Geophysical Investigations to Study the Cultural Layer and Remains of Ancient Buildings in the Territory of the Kazan Kremlin, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. 1999, vol. 6. pp. 147–160: Electromagnetic Sounding and High-precision Gravimeter Survey Detect Ancient Stone Building Remains in the Territory of the Kazan Kremlin (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia).

Polar Publishing (450 Rocky Vista Gardens NW, Suite 102, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3G 5Y7): "Petroleum Potentials in the Crystalline Basement", a report on the Scientific Working Conference on Oil in Granite, held in Kazan, Russia, Dec. 18–19, 1997. Editor on translation: C. Warren Hunt

Специальное программное обеспечение: Wordfast Classic 5, Multitran.


Внимание к деталям, скрупулёзность, коммуникабельность, доброжелательность, умение слушать, высокие требования к собственному интеллектуальному уровню, здоровью и внешнему виду.

Заграничный паспорт и водительское удостоверение имеются

Хронических заболеваний, аллергии и пищевых ограничений нет

Хобби: классическая музыка и опера


Vladislav Badalov

(Kazan, Russia)

Russian-English translator, interpreter and editor in oil and gas, geosciences, engineering, technology, business and marketing

E-mail & Zoom: 
[email protected]

Skype: vbadalov

- Professional translation and interpreting services since 1995 -

SUBJECTS: Oil & gas exploration and production, engineering, technology, geosciences (geology, geophysics, ecology and environment), general business and marketing including surveys, questionnaires and web sites. Exceptions: Finance, accounting and contracts.

LARGEST CLIENTS: Exploration Department of TatNeft Petroleum Co. (1995–2005); GeoResources, International Journal of Science, ISSN 1608-5035 
(1999–2008)TGT Oilfield Services (2008–2017)Geological Committee for Natural Resources of Tatarstan; Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan; GazProm; Halliburton; Gas Resources Corp.; Diken Research; Global Education Facilitators; Telcordia Technologies, Inc., Tota Systems.

JOB-RELATED VIRTUES: Absolutely dedicated to quality. Always meeting deadlines. Focusing on objectives, close and detailed analysis of emerging problems. Quick to learn. Good communication skills and ability to work in an open and friendly manner with various types of people. Ability to work under pressure and iron out conflict situations as they emerge. Ability to work in a team and create an amicable atmosphere.


Translation Certificate of the Guild of Translators and Interpreters at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan. Date of issue: 5 June 2003, Reg. No. 0029

Post-graduate research in palaeomagnetism (Secondary Transformations of Magnetic Minerals of the Crystalline Basement as a Result of the Possible Migration of Hydrocarbons): 1992–1995. Laboratory for Palaeomagnetism, Geophysical Dept., Geological Faculty, Kazan State University

Engineer-Geophysicist (1992). Dept of Geophysics, Kazan State University: 1985–1992. Honours-Degree Diploma IV-897485 of 30 June 1992, Reg. No. 542/92. Diploma thesis: "Archaeomagnetic and Mineralogical Studies of Ceramics of the 14th and 15th Centuries AD from the Bolgar Area (55N, 49E)"


Elsevier: Journal of Geochemical Exploration 89 (2006) 293–296. D.K. Nourgaliev et al. Variation of the i-butane / n-butane ratio in oils of the Romashkino oil field for the period of 1982–2000: Probable influence of global seismicity on fluid migration.

John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Archaeological Prospection: 1997, vol. 4. pp. 207–218:

Slepak, Z.M. Integrated Geophysical Investigations to Study the Cultural Layer and Remains of Ancient Buildings in the Territory of the Kazan Kremlin, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. 1999, vol. 6. pp. 147–160: Electromagnetic Sounding and High-precision Gravimeter Survey Detect Ancient Stone Building Remains in the Territory of the Kazan Kremlin (Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia).

Polar Publishing (450 Rocky Vista Gardens NW, Suite 102, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3G 5Y7): "Petroleum Potentials in the Crystalline Basement", a report on the Scientific Working Conference on Oil in Granite, held in Kazan, Russia, Dec. 18–19, 1997. Editor on translation: C. Warren Hunt

TRANSLATION SOFTWARE: Wordfast Classic 5, Multitran

References can be provided by

Prof. Renat Mouslimov - Advisor to the President of Tatarstan on the Use of Natural Resources

Kazan, Russia

Richard Bate - Design Manager, Design Unit, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

London, UK

Jean-Louise Racine - Science, Technology and Innovation Specialist, The World Bank

Washington (DC), USA

Moosa Mohammed Al-Wahaibi - Ex-Minister of Interior of Oman and President of Silk Routes LLC

Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Mohamed Hegazi - CEO of TGT Oilfield Services

Dubai, UAE

(Complete contact data are not provided here for ethical reasons but can be provided on request)

Health: Perfect; no chronic diseases, allergies or food restrictions

Hobby: Opera and classical music

Keywords: oil, gas, exploration, production, refinery, geology, geophysics, mining, mineralogy, petrography. See more.oil, gas, exploration, production, refinery, geology, geophysics, mining, mineralogy, petrography, petrochemical, industry, physics, marketing, engineering, technology, technical, instruments, tools, wordfast, translation, certificate, interpreting, notebook, kazan, tatneft, russia, environment, environmental, research, marketing, business. See less.

Profile last updated
Jul 10, 2024

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