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Spanish to English: Cuestionario Leonardo para los chicos General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
El presente cuestionario tiene como objetivo contribuir a un estudio europeo sobre la cualificación de los jóvenes y está subvencionado por la Comisión Europea a través del Programa Long Life Learning. Agradecemos de antemano su colaboración y la respuesta sincera a las siguientes cuestiones.
Edad___ Sexo H
M Fecha de la salida
(mes y año) --/---- Duración
(semanas) _________ País de destino ________
Ente de envío
Ente intermediario
Ente de acogida
(Marca con una X el tipo de empresa donde realizó las prácticas) Privada Multinacional
Sin ánimo de lucro
Pública Con ánimo de lucro
Sin ánimo de lucro
Ámbito Regional Nacional Internacional
2.1 ¿Qué ocupación tenía antes de realizar la beca Leonardo da Vinci?
Estudiante recién titulado en busca de prácticas/primer empleo
2.2 Estudios alcanzados en el momento de la movilidad europea.
Ciclo formativo superior
2.3 Actualmente, ¿qué ocupación desempeña? Por favor, marque con una X todas las opciones que procedan
Empleado Indica, por favor, el tipo de empresa Privada Multinacional
Sin ánimo de lucro
Pública Con ánimo de lucro
Sin ánimo de lucro
Ámbito Regional Nacional Internacional
En el caso de seleccionar esta opción, para el trabajo que desempeña en este momento considera que: Su formación y experiencia profesional obtenida a través de la Beca Leonardo da Vinci es: Imprescindible
Muy importante
El haber sido participante de esta beca le ha beneficiado frente a otros candidatos para que su empresa actual lo haya seleccionado Sí
En general, ¿cuál es su grado de satisfacción con la formación recibida a través de la Beca Leonardo da Vinci para su puesto de trabajo Totalmente satisfecho
Totalmente insatisfecho
2. Continuo formándome
Ciclo formativo superior
Otros _______________________________________________
3. Desempleado
2.4 En una escala del 1 al 5, donde 1 es “totalmente en desacuerdo” y 5 es “totalmente de acuerdo”, por favor valore su grado de acuerdo con las siguientes afirmaciones relacionadas con la Beca Leonardo da Vinci
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
He desarrollar nuevas habilidades
Aprendido y/o mejorado los conocimientos de otros idiomas
Aplico la formación recibida en mi vida diaria y/o trabajo
Oportunidad de desarrollo personal y/o profesional
He incrementado contactos y/o fuentes de información
2.5 Por favor, señale con X lo que más ha valorado de su experiencia a través de la Beca Leonardo da Vinci (puede señalar más de una opción):
El enfoque práctico de las prácticas profesionales
La aportación de un punto de vista nuevo sobre cuestiones de mi trabajo
La aportación de un marco teórico a mi actividad profesional
Aprender o mejorar el nivel lingüístico de otro idioma
Conocer una cultura nueva
La posibilidad de conocer gente
2.6 Gracias a esta experiencia:
a. La empresa de acogida me ha contratado
b. He permanecido durante más tiempo en el país de destino porque he encontrado un trabajo
c. He encontrado trabajo en mi país
d. Me he especializado
e. He mejorado profesionalmente
f. Decidí hacerme emprendedor
g. Otros:____________________________________________________________________
h. NS/NC
2.7 ¿Qué expectativas tiene para el futuro?
a. Me gustaría vivir y/o trabajar en el extranjero
b. Mejora laboral
c. Continuar con mi actual empleo
d. Seguir formándome
e. Otros:___________________________________________________________________
f. NS/NC
2.8 En general, considera que el haber realizado prácticas profesionales en el extranjero le ha abierto puertas en el mercado laboral
a. Sí
b. No
2.9 ¿Recomendaría a un amigo la Beca Leonardo da Vinci como una experiencia personal y/o profesional?
a. Sí
b. No
3.1 Después de esta experiencia, ¿ha vivido o trabajado en otros países?
a. Sí
b. No
3.2 ¿Cree que realizar una movilidad a través de un programa europeo le ha beneficiado o capacitado para realizar otras experiencias en el extranjero?
a. Sí
b. No. ¿Por qué?___________________________________________________________________________________
3.3 ¿Ha tenido o mantiene algún tipo de relación con gente que ha conocido en el país de acogida?
a. Sí. ¿Qué tipo de relación?_________________________________________________________________________
b. No
3.4 ¿Se ha sentido parte integrante de la cultura del país en el que ha desarrollado sus prácticas?
a. Sí
b. Sí, pero sólo en algunos aspectos. ¿Cuáles? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. No
3.5 En general, consideras que el adaptarse a la cultura del país de destino es
Muy importante
4.1 ¿Tenía conocimientos lingüísticos del idioma antes de su salida al país de destino?
Elemental B1-B2
Intermedio C1-C2
Avanzado Bilingüe
a. Sí.
Por favor, indique el nivel
b. No
4.2 Por favor, indique el motivo que le llevó a seleccionar ese país de destino____________________________________
4.3 Cual es su grado de satisfacción general en relación a las habilidades lingüísticas adquiridas en el dominio de la lengua del país de destino
Completamente satisfecho
Completamente insatisfecho
4.4 Actualmente ¿sigue usando el idioma, tanto a nivel personal como profesional?
a. Sí
b. No
Gracias por su colaboración
This questionnaire has the aim to contribute to an European Study about the qualification of young people and it is subsidized by European Commission through the Long Life Learning Programm. Thank you in advance for your collaboration and sincere answers to the next questions.
Age___ Sex M
F Date of Departure
(Month/Year) --/---- Duration
(weeks) ______ Welcome
Country _______
Entity of Dispatch
Intermediary Entity
Welcome Entity
(Mark with X the type of company where the Internship has been realized)
Private Multinational
Public Profit
Area Regional National International
2.1 What was your job before you applied for Leonardo Da Vinci Grant ?
Student recently graduated in search of Internship/First Job
2.2 Reached Studies in the moment of European Mobility.
2.3 Nowadays, What’s your job ? Please, mark with X all the following options
Engaged Please, Indicate, the type of company Private Multinational
Public Profit
Wide Regional National International
In case you choose this Option, for the work you are carrying out consider that
Your vocational training and professional experience obtained through Leonardo Da Vinci Grant is : Indispensable
Very Important
The participation to Leonardo Da Vinci Grant benefit you so that your company has chosen you among other applicants Yes
Generally, what is your grade of satisfaction with the received training through Leonardo Da Vinci Grant for your Job ?
I go on studying PHD
3. Unemployed
2.4 From 1 to 5, where 1 is fully disagree and 5 is fully agree, please value your grade of agreement with the following affirmations connected to Leonardo Da Vinci Grant
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
I developed new skills
I learnt and improved the knowledge of other languages
I put the received information into daily life
Chance of personal and/or professional development
I increased contacts and information sources
2.5 Please mark with X what most you adquired from the experience through Leonardo Da Vinci Grant
The practical Approach to the professional Internship
The Contribution of a new point of view about matters of my work
The contribution of a theorical pattern to my profesional activity
Learn or improve the knowledge level of an other language
To Know an other culture
The chance to meet people
2.6 Thanks to this experience :
a. The welcome company engaged me
b. I have been more time in the welcome Country because I found a job
c. I have founf a job in my Country
d. I have specialized my self
e. I professionally improved myself
f. I have decided to become a businessman
g. Other:____________________________________________________________________
h. NS/NC
2.7 What are your hopes for your future ?
a. I would like to live or work in an other Country.
b. To improve professionally
c. To go on wtih my current Job
d. To go on studies
e. Other: ___________________________________________________________________
f. NS/NC
2.8 Do you generally consider that your professional Internship abroad has open doors to you to the labour market ?
a. Yes
b. No
2.9 Would you recommend Leonardo da Vinci Grant to a friend as a personal or professional experience ?
a. Yes
b. No
3.1 After this experience have you lived or worked in other countries ?
a. Yes
b. No
3.2 Do you think to to have capitalized or adquired new skills from the mobility through the European Program so that you can realize other axperiences abroad ?
a. Yes
b. No. Why?___________________________________________________________________________________
3.3 Did you have or mantain any kind of relationship with people that you met in the welcome Country ?
a. Yes. Which kind of relationship ?_________________________________________________________________________
b. No
3.4 Did you feel integrated in the culture of the Host Country ?Si è sentito parte integrante della cultura del Paese in cui ha svolto il suo tirocinio?
b. Yes, But only in some aspects . Which ones ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
c. No
3.5 Do you generally consider that to adapt yourself to the culture of the Welcome Country is :
Very Important
4.1 Did you know the language before your departure to the destination Country ?
Please, mark the level
Elementary B1-B2
Intermediary C1-C2
Advanced Bilingual
a. No
4.2 Please indicate why you chose this destination Country ______________________
4.3 What’s your grade of satisfaction connected to the adquired language skills ?
Completely Satisfacted
Completely Unsatisfacted
4.4 Do you currently continue to use the language from both professional and personal viewpoint ?
Thanks for your collaboration
Italian to English: Il declino del turismo italiano e il decollo di quello spagnolo General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Italian 1
Capitolo I
Il declino del turismo in Italia
Capitolo II
Il decollo del turismo in
2.1 La Spagna lancia la sfida
2.2 Le caratteristiche della
Spagna e del suo successo
2.3 Quindici anni di attività della
Banca Europea
Capitolo III
Il turismo in Andalusia
3.1 L' Andalusia: il motore
turistico della Spagna
3.2 La Costa del Sol
3.3 Granada
Il turismo è un fenomeno
estremamente complesso. Il bisogno di
viaggiare per svago o per lavoro
caratterizza profondamente la società
contemporanea, inoltre la
globalizzazione economica offre
sempre più spesso degli spostamenti
per lavoro anche a lungo termine. La
tendenza verso viaggi brevi e frequenti
mette in movimento sempre più turisti.
Il turismo si è consolidato come una
delle principali attività economiche sia
per quanto riguarda gli ingressi di
turisti sia per ciò che concerne l'
aumento di posti di lavoro. In più la
consapevolezza di differenze culturali
favorisce la comprensione tra le varie
nazionalità e quindi contribuisce alla
pace sul pianeta. Fare un viaggio per
vacanza è il desiderio e il bisogno di
ognuno di noi, questo bisogno oggi è
quasi alla portata di tutti grazie all'
abbattimento dei costi di trasporto e
alla liberalizzazione delle persone.
Infatti nell' ultimo decennio il mercato
internazionale ha registrato un
progressivo aumento di turisti, solo
brevemente interrotto nei momenti di
crisi internazionale. Manhattan 2001
ha confermato che la sicurezza
planetaria non è un valore automatico
e quindi non esistono scusanti per non
viaggiare. Dunque il turismo di un
Paese è messo in discussione più dalla
sua disorganizzazione che dall'
avvenimento di un evento catastrofico.
Da qui la discesa del turismo italiano
negli ultimi anni a confronto con l'
ascesa di un turismo spagnolo sempre
più pratico e intelligente1.
Capitolo I
Il declino del turismo in
Il turismo è uno dei settori
internazionalmente più dinamici e in
crescita, e in un
momento così delicato per l'
economia, può essere una mossa
vincente a sostegno
anche dello sviluppo economico
In Italia la materia prima è eccellente,
pur avendo ricchezze naturali con un
patrimonio artistico e culturale da far
invidia a tutto il mondo e un
significativo saper fare locale, l' Italia
è scivolata al quinto posto della
classifica mondiale superata da Cina,
Francia, Spagna e Stati Uniti2. Tutto
ciò ci porterebbe a fare una seria
riflessione per cogliere questi segnali
e reagire per rilanciare il turismo.
Come afferma il Presidente della
Confturismo Bernabò Bocca nel
1 cfr. http.//
2 cfr. Galano Manfredi "Numeri dal mondo delle autonomie",
Periodico num. 7/8 luglio/agosto 2006 di
recente “Dossier Turismo e
competitività”, il settore turistico
italiano sta perdendo più competitività
a causa dell' assenza di una vera e
propria politica di rilancio3. Secondo i
dati il saldo della bilancia turistica
nazionale da due anni é in discesa, gli
stranieri scelgono sempre meno l’
Italia come meta delle loro vacanze,
gli operatori del settore si lamentano,
e la paventata reintroduzione della
tassa di soggiorno non è certo lo
strumento per rilanciare un sistema
che necessita di ben altre misure. Il
primo problema evidenziato da
Confturismo è la mancanza di
promozione del prodotto turistico:
solo ventiquattro milioni di euro
investiti contro i centotrè della vicina
Spagna. Altra pecca è quella dell’ Iva:
su alberghi e ristoranti italiani grava
per il 10 per cento contro, ad esempio,
il 7 per cento della Spagna o l’8 per
cento della Grecia. La ricerca
evidenzia che il turismo in Italia
continua ad essere un comparto
produttivo in ascesa in termini di posti
di lavoro a dispetto delle esigue
agevolazioni che riceve: nel 2003,
infatti, il settore ha generato quasi il
17 per cento in più di posti di lavoro.
Per questo motivo Confturismo chiede
una ristrutturazione profonda del
settore. Queste le priorità: no alla
tassa di soggiorno, Istituzione di un'
autorità nazionale di Governance per
il turismo, coinvolgimento delle
associazioni di categoria e la
valorizzazione dei beni culturali e
ambientali. Il governo di Madrid ha
stanziato nel 2005 cinque milioni di
euro per la pubblicità e informazione
turistica su Internet. In Italia il vice
ministro delle Attività produttive,
Adolfo Urso, proponeva di aprire
casinò sulle spiagge. La conseguenza
è che sul fronte sole-mare il sistema
turistico italiano non è più
competitivo. Al momento potremmo
solo sperare di limitare i danni.
L’ industria italiana delle vacanze è
destinata a perdere ancora terreno?
Certo il quadro non è incoraggiante.
Così il direttore generale del Touring
Club Italiano, Guido Venturini
afferma che da un lato rischiamo di
perdere molti turisti italiani in
partenza verso altri lidi; dall’ altro
abbiamo sempre più difficoltà a
intercettare gli stranieri. La questione
è che siamo ancora troppo cari
rispetto agli altri paesi del
Mediterraneo. E siamo fuori mercato
anche nei confronti delle mete più
lontane, oggi rimesse in gioco dal
crollo dei biglietti aerei. Inoltre
recentemente abbiamo trasferito la
competenza alle regioni con il
risultato che ora abbiamo venti
politiche diverse. Oggi ogni regione,
in relazione alla promo
all’ organizzazione ed alla
progettazione di settore, marcia in una
direzione propria; ne sono
testimonianza diretta I Sistemi
Turistici Locali, ovvero quei soggetti
pubblico/privati demandati dalla
nuova legge quadro (L.135/2001) a
promuovere ed organizzare il turismo
in ambito locale. In Italia manca una
vera e propria politica nazionale.
Quello che servirebbe invece è
proprio un gioco di squadra con una
cabina di regia. Oltre a questi fattori
di carattere prettamente strutturale,
sono da evidenziare altri elementi di
contesto che penalizzano
pesantemente le nostre imprese nei
confonti dei concorrenti europei. Per
esempio il costo relativo al transito
sulla rete autostradale ci vede
nettamente penalizzati soprattutto nei
confonti della Spagna e della
Germania dove addirittura è gratuito,
un vantaggio per quelle nazioni ma
sicuramente uno svantaggio per l'
Italia infatti un turista straniero
difficilmente deciderà di fare un giro
per l' Italia in auto. Poi gli alberghi e i
ristoranti hanno un' aliquota IVA
fortemente penalizzante rispetto alla
media europea che costituisce una
vera e propria tassa sulla
competitività. Analogo problema
riguarda l’ Iva sulle agenzie di viaggio
e sugli stabilimenti balneari. A fronte
delle problematiche appena esposte, il
turismo continua ad essere
indiscutibilmente uno dei settori
trainanti dell’economia nazionale.
Rispetto all’ industria è in grado di
creare il 16 per cento in più per ogni
milione investito4.
Una delle principali cause del declino
del turismo italiano è l' altissimo costo
dei prezzi degli alloggi incrementato
ancora di più in seguito all' adozione
dell' Euro.
Fino a trentacinque anni fa invece
uccupava una posizione di leadership
a livello mondiale.
4 cfr.
Come scrive Stefano Livadotti in un
articolo dell’ Espresso del 2004,
secondo i calcoli del WORLD
Translation - English INTRODUCTION
Tourism is a very complex phenomenon. Traveling is a need characterizing the modern society. The increase of short and frequent travels make tourists travel more and more. Tourism is now one of the most important economic activities in the world both for tourist incoming and employment increasing.
Besides the awareness of different cultures encourages under standing among the various nationalities and contributes to the peace in the world. Everybody wants to travel and now this is possible especially thanks to lower transport prices.
Moreover Manhattan 2001 confirmed that world security cannot be controlled so there’ s no excuses to stay at home. Tourism has decline in Italy in recent years whereas tourism to Spain has been growing compared to a more and more practical and smart Spanish tourism .
Chapter I
The Decline of Italian tourism
Tourism is definitely a sector in growth and in a delicate situation like the Italian one, so now it could be a winner strategy for the Italian economic development. In Italy there are so many incredible resources. Even boasting an amazing natural and historical heritage and a significant local behavior, however, Italy has fallen down to the fifth place in the world classification, overtaken by China, France, Spain and USA .
Nowadays Italy is indeed too expensive compared to other nations and there’s a lack of a national administration in tourism since the power and autonomy were delivered to local systems. Other negative factor is the charge for motorways, which are free in other countries. Then restaurants and hotels in Italy have to pay a more expensive tax then the Spanish one. So one of the main reasons for the decline of tourism in Italy is the exaggerated price of hotels since the advent of Euro. Only 35 years ago Italy occupied a great position in the world tourism. As Stefano Livadiotti wrote in a article of 2004 the average price of hotels is of 140 euro per night instead in Spain is more or less 120 euro .
The decline in Italy started 25 years ago but now the situation is even worse. The year 2004 was very bad for Italy in fact the 37 millions of tourist incoming characterized a loss of 6,4 per cent compared to the year 2003. And the forecasts are not very good because there are new destinations which are much cheaper. So the government of Madrid invested five millions of Euro for publicity and tourist information online.
The Italian Conftourism President analyzing all the aspects said that foreigners choose less and less Italy for their holidays so the first problem to solve is the lack of promotion: just 24 millions of euro invested against 103 millions of Spain. Other problem to solve is the Value Added Tax that in Italy is 10 per cent instead in Spain is 8 per cent.
The investigation included also that tourism increased employment so the President wants a radical change . These are the priorities: No tourist tax, the institution of a national authority for tourism, the involving of associations and the development of the natural and historic heritage.
On the other hand the Spanish economy in 2004 thanks to the activity of hotels, restaurants and transports grew up from 10,4 per cent of 2000 to 11,9 per cent. So Madrid registered a revenue from tourism three times richer then the Italian one. The hard problem to solve in Italy is the quality-price ratio which is definitely low. Now the situation unfortunately is that Italy doesn’t want to lower prices and I think that’ s the real problem for tourism in Italy. Also Germans going to Italy are fewer and fewer in spite of the election of the Pope coming from their country . Anyway , foreigners come to Italy stay just some day and then they go away. The average of overnight stay is less then the half registered in France or England. By that time an increasing number of Italians go in search of cheaper places to spend their holidays.
The result is that Italian hotels end up being empty. The employment rate is of 41,37 per cent instead Spain stays at 57.34 per cent. And the problem doesn t save art cities. The President Luca Cordero di Montezemolo at the partners’ meeting of 26 May 2004 denounces “we have been loosing tourist since 2000. And this happens in the complete and general Inattention” . Tourist Industry is the biggest Italian industry. It guarantees directly the 5,1 per cent of occupation and indirectly the 12,3 per cent. There is no more ministry: abrogated in 1993. So the competence passed to regions. Confusion reigns .
Chapter II
Spain tourism takes off
2.1 Spain launches the challenge
Spain and France launch the challenge.
According some investigators Spain and France are more competitive then othr countries of European Union.
More then 30 millions of people have visited Spain in the early seven months in 2006.
So they increate of 5,3 per cent compared to the last year.
As the journalist Laura Dominaci wrote in “Il Sole 24ore” of 13 February of 2006, the minister of Spanish tourism, Ramòn Martines Fraile, confirmed 160 millions of investments in 2006.
TurEspaña signed five agreements of collaboration with public administrations to commercialize the Unesco cities, Santiago, The Green Spain, the maritime localities and the Pyrenees. Then among the targets of 2006 there’ s the development in new markets like East Europe, China and India.
The website offers the selling of flight tickets, car rent and other services and there will be also a selling expansion online. Then Turespaña affirmed that they’re going to do enterprises business through the individual tourist seeing that more and more tourists travel alone . So Spain goes on being alive.
2.2 Spanish success characteristics
As you can read in the official website of Spain,, Spain is a country of 41 millions of inhabitants and tourist industry takes an important contribution to Spanish economy.
Before we talk about Spanish characteristics it’ s right to mention the most important dates of Spain in the last century:
1975: Death of Franco
1978: End of dictatorship
1986: Entry in the European Union
This country is the second biggest after France.
Its geographic position between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is strategic because of the climate variety in all the territory.
An important characteristic of the success of tourism to Spain is the fact that it’ s not among the most expensive nations of Europe even if in the biggest cities life can be quite expensive.
Then according to the Schengen Treaty there is no more control in incoming inside European Union.
Other characteristic is the transport organization in fact there are trains to get cities quickly and there is the bus to save money. So the bus is the most used.
Then Spanish food is well known all over the world. The most famous dish is the “Paella” called like this because you can eat it in a big frying pan. But there are also other specialities considering that food changes according to the region, for example in the south with Arabic influence, you can easily find fruits and the “Tapas” born in Andalusia to accompany the sherry.
Other factor of the Spanish success is the artistic heritage which is highly developed. Surely the most famous artist is Pablo Picasso. There are also a good architecture including the amazing Alhambra and the caves of Altamira. Then the dance of Flamenco is surely a great tourist attraction. Finally a very old university tradition
characterizes Spain, the University of Salamanca, for instance, was born in 1218 and is the oldest University of Spain .
2.3 Fifteen years of activities in Spain
As you can read in the official website of the Eropean Bank of investments, in its 20 years of actions in Spain, changes in Spain are so many and deep that it s difficult to think to some excluded areas. As for as rail transport, its intervention started in 1982 and it is the first one for modernization of rail connections between Spain and France,.
From 1991 the contribute of European bank of investments was fundamental for the Spanish development. An important financial support was the one of high speed trains from Seville to Madrid. Transport was the most financed sector by the bank so road, aerial and maritime communication improved very much. Then the Bank inverted putting satellites, they encouraged the diffusion of information online.
In the last 5 years the Bank inversed for Spain more then 7 millions of euro for transports, telecommunications and diffusion of information.
The investment in natural energy was very intelligent so for example the use of waste material to produce energy.
Now the Bank target is to invest in persons to get investigation and development. One example was the financial support for the University of Valencia .
Now Spain is the second most tourist country of the world.
Chapter III
Tourism in Andalusia
3.1 Andalusia: the engine of Spanish tourism
According to “Balance del año turistico en Andalucia 2004” Andalusia in 2004 increased accommodation of 15133 spaces more then the year before. This means an increase of 4 per cent. In fact hotels and restaurants are the most significant sectors concerning the direct effects. Meanwhile supermarkets and services of selling have more indirect effects. The tourist average age is between 30 and 44 years old. The mean reason for visiting Spain are its climate, seasides, and monuments.
On average the vote given to this region is about 7,7. This means that tourists are satisfied with the tourist offer . Then this region is famous also for the parties everywhere, in fact every big or small city has its city’s party and its origins are very old so the target always is to have a good time. The most famous city’s party is the one of Malaga celebrated since 1887. Moreover there’s the well-known Corrida generally starting in March and finishing in October. Despite animalist adversity, the “Corrida” is still very popular.
To enrich the tourist offer, in the province of Almeria we can find the Maritime Natural Parque of Cabo de Gata, the biggest in all the western sea. We are talking about a park including amazing beaches under the mountains. Here it seems that the time is stopped because everything is still at primitive stage. All the area is protected so it’s strictly forbidden to build in it. Really it seems an earth’s paradise.
3.2 Costa del Sol
The “Costa del Sol” started to develop itself in the sixties.
As you can read in “Turismo y desarrollo Regional en Andalucia” from University of Seville, this famous piece of spanish coast is among the biggest residential places in Europe
Here tourism is especially international. The development power was the promotion and exploitation of all the Coast. Its geographic position and its climate were also an important factor for tourist development. Also the international airport of Malaga increased tourists deleting every difficulty especially for a tourism oriented towards international customers.
Malaga was considered like a place people used to go to find luck. Then British people were often there and made publicity to all the Coast and Moroccans were there to work and invested their money in activities enriching the coast.
So when prices started to go down people from everywhere began to visit this tourist place. That’ s why tourism in this Coast is most of all by foreign people. Also the people who have commercial activities are most of all foreigner so this has been a disadvantage for the regional economy; this was the only negative consequence of the development of tourism, in fact the sudden tourist explosion caused the disappearance of the traditional fishing and agriculture .
This is a factor that should make reflect because you can understand as tourism imposes itself gradually more and more as a modern activity to the detriment of more traditional and oldest activities therefore the world that is changing.
3.3. Granada
After my experience in Granada I can say that we are talking about a magic and strategic city exciting its visitors. Just ask to a tourist or student an opinion about Granada and the answer is always the same: “Granada? It s wonderful!” Here everything goes around the tourism.
The most incredible aspect is the life cost considering that it’ s very low compared to other cities of Spain. This means that Granada doesn’t want to stop itself in fact it goes on surprising. And I think that they manage it!
And the “Tapa”? In every bar if you have a beer spending just 2 euro you can have a Tapa for free! Every day you can find on the streets a lot of tourists from all over the world walking around and sometimes some people remain in the city to invest in it.
The Spanish magazine often inserts in its pages statistics with Granada resulting among the best ten cities in the world.
As Remedios Castillo Perez writes in “Turismo Cultural: Los estudiantes extranjeros en Granada” cultural tourism is very important to increase the national cultural level.
So Granada is very proud to have been enriched by different cultures as time goes by.
Moreover this city is characterized from the hospitality of its inhabitants.
Granada is and continues to be a city causing a big curiosity.
But since XII century that it starts to get cultural importance also out of Spain.
During Arabian rule Granada was a cultural centre, relying upon a University among the most prestigious of Europe.
The big development of communications early last century made possible the increase of tourist movement after the first world war.
During fifties Granada started to give hospitality to numerous tourists, the number of visitors does not stop to grow . It s not a case that Granada is in possession of the most visited monument in the world that is the Arabic fortress known as Alhambra.
Here very important persons always come as the royal family that regularly visit Sierra Nevada.
Now Granada presents itself to the world as a minicontinet for the quantity and the variety of tourist attractions. Seven tourist places identify themselves in its geographical space: Granada city, the west part, Guadix and the Marquesado, the upland, the Alpujarra, the tropical coast and the Sierra Nevada. In the city you can find the Alhamabra , a monument of unquestionable charm.
So the offer is rather complete considering that besides a cultural tourism, there is also a congress, rural, sports, beach and sun tourism, let alone of different kind of training.
Granada with a university population of about 60000 students presents a good youth surrounding with a great night life in which the most famous places are the different bars of tapas, tea halls etc. Traditional areas are noteworthy : the Albaycin, the Sacromonte, the Realejo and the cathedral such also the numerous churches and the monasteries scattered along the city .
Granada can rely upon new attractions as the Park of Science that is the most visited of all the region of Andalusia.
So a plenty of tourist offer.
This wonderful city fascinates its visitors that always think to come back to visit its monuments, its streets, its squares and of course they recommend it to friends and parents.
In the end, comparing the two tourist systems, we can see an Italian system in which State and Regions recognize, according to the law 15 March 1997, n. 59, the role of communes and Provinces in the corresponding territorial circles as far as the realization of infrastructural politics needed to the qualification of the tourist offer; They recognize also the contribution of private concerns for the promotion and the development of the tourist offer. The functions of the State in tourism matters are developed by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and handicraft that takes care about the coordination of state interventions connected to tourism, let alone the direction and the coordination of promotional activities developed abroad with exclusive national importance. To the same ministry of Industry goes the sole agency in the session of the Council of the European Union in tourism matters.
On the other hand there is a Spanish system more organized from some points of view in which I noted a more unitary policy where the main role is assumed by the tourism institute that attends planning, promotion, management of all that goes around tourism. Moreover Spain after the royal decree of June 2005 introduced the medal of tourist merit to award a prize to persons or institutions that contributed in extraordinary way to the development or the promotion of the State.
AA.VV., Balance del año turístico en Andalucía 2004, Junta de Andalucía y Consejería de turismo y deporte, 2005.
AA.VV., Turismo y desarrollo regional en Andalucía, Universidad de Sevilla e Instituto de desarrollo regional, 1983, pp. 59-109.
Castillo Pérez, Remedios Turismo cultural: Los Estudiantes extranjeros en la Universidad de Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2002.
Dominaci, Laura “Spagna e Francia lanciano la sfida”, Il Sole 24 Ore (13/02/2006)
Gazzetta Ufficiale italiana n. 92 del 20 aprile 2001 “Riforma nazionale della legislazione del turismo”
Manfredi, Galano “Numeri dal mondo delle autonomie” Governare, Governare il territorio (Periodico N. 7-8 luglio-agosto).
Decreto Real Español 720/2005, de 20 de junio.
Stefano, Livadiotti, “Bye Bye Italia”
Página web del Banco Europeo para las inversiones
Página web del turismo en España
English to Italian: Fondato a Novara General field: Marketing Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English Established in Novara in 1947, the industrial company… manufactures cycles and motorcycles to be exported all over the Europe. Since the beginning, the firm was specialized in design and carrying out of motor vehicle’s spare parts from any provenience, displacement and model.
The range of products segments in a much larger way and the firm manufactures also bicycles and scooters reselling directly to motor companies.
In 2005, a new work was inaugurated, the so-called ”Technical assistance and selling of collection accessory” as regards mainly the retail sale addressed especially to little consumers going to buy little models of rare production or going directly for the technical assistance of its own motor vehicle. At the moment The work has been increasing for about four years.
The research and development Department of the company, takes up an area of 50.000 square metres and has about 166 employees, widely enjoying, in the product’s carrying out, the experience to be created in the competition’s world for the study of shapes, the duct’s design and the use of new materials as, for example, titanium and carbon.
Nowadays the industrial company is world-wide (exports all over the Europe, USA, Australia and Japan), a production capacity of more than 600.000 units per year and a daily handling of over 500.000 pieces.
In the second half of ninety’s the industrial company decided to start a growth process according the laws of the protection of the environment for the waste disposal and for a more and more competitive market.
For further information, you can visit our website..
Translation - Italian Fondato a Novara nel 1947, il Gruppo Industriale... produce cicli e motocicli che vengono esportati in tutta l'Europa. Fin dall'inizio l'azienda si è specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di materiali di ricambio per motoveicoli di ogni provenienza, cilindrata e modello. La gamma dei prodotti si articola in modo molto più vasto e l'azienda produce anche biciclette e scooter che rivende direttamente alle grandi case automobilistiche.
Nel 2005, è stata inaugurato il nuovo progetto “Assistenza tecnica e vendita di accessori da collezione” che riguarda principalmente un settore di vendita al dettaglio indirizzato soprattutto ai piccoli consumatori che intendono acquistare modellini di rara produzione o che intendono recarsi personalmente per l'assistenza tecnica del proprio veicolo. Il progetto è attualmente in grande espansione da circa 4 anni.
Il Reparto di Ricerca e Sviluppo della società, occupa un'area di 50.000 metri quadrati e conta circa 166 dipendenti, sfruttando ampiamente, nella realizzazione dei prodotti, l'esperienza che viene creata nel mondo delle competizioni per lo studio delle forme, del disegno dei condotti e dell'utilizzo di materiali di ultima generazione quali, ad esempio, il titanio o il carbonio.
Oggi il Gruppo Industriale ha una dimensione mondiale (esporta in tutta Europa, Stati Uniti, Australia e Giappone), una capacità produttiva che supera le 600.000 unità/anno e una movimentazione giornaliera di oltre 5000 pezzi.
Nella seconda metà degli anni '90 il Gruppo Industriale...ha deciso di avviare un processo di modernizzazione in linea con le regole per il rispetto dell'ambiente, per lo smantilmento dei rifiuti e per un commercio sempre più competitivo.
Per maggiori informazioni, potete visitare il nostro sito internet: .....
Spanish to Italian: Cuestionario Leonardo para empresas General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
El presente cuestionario tiene como objetivo contribuir a un estudio europeo sobre la cualificación de los jóvenes y está subvencionado por la Comisión Europea a través del Programa Long Life Learning. Agradecemos de antemano su colaboración y la respuesta sincera a las siguientes cuestiones.
1. Conocía los proyectos de movilidad antes de colaborar con nosotros?
a. Sí
b. No
c. Sí, pero no hubiera pensado que podría coger gente en mi empresa
2. Ha contratado algún participante al terminar sus prácticas?
a. Sí
b. No
3. Qué duración del programa resultaría más adecuada para su empresa?
a. Más de 13 semanas
b. Menos de 13 semanas
4. Tiene intención de continuar su colaboración con el programa Leonardo?
a. Sí
b. No
Por qué? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Cómo calificaría su experiencia con los participantes?
a. Satisfactoria
b. Insatisfactoria
c. Indiferente
6. Qué sector profesional le interesa acoger ????? _____________________________________________________________________________
7. Qué grado de importancia tiene para su empresa el nivel lingüístico del participante?
a. Imprescindible nivel: ________________
b. No ?????
8. Ha tenido alguna experiencia negativa?
a. No
b. Sí, motivos: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Cuál ha sido su experiencia más positiva? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Cuál es el factor más importante para que el trabajo realizado por los participantes se desarrolles correctamente en la empresa?
a. La duración de las prácticas
b. Nivel de lengua de los participantes
c. Iniciativa del candidato
11. Cuál es tu juicio general sobre las experiencias realizadas? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. Ha ayudado al desarrollo de tu negocio la acogida de participantes de programas de movilidad europea?
a. Sí
b. No
Por qué? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
----- idea, yo haría más preguntas a este apartado, porq los becados, a veces tb supone un desarrollo para la empresa y las empresas suelen mantener contacto con los leonardos después de la experiencia
Yo tb preguntaría si con la experiencia de acoger leonardos, ha entrado en contacto con el país de destino para abrir o desarrollar nuevos contactos (desenvolvimento/desarrollo local) tengo que pensar como elaborar esta question
Mantiene contacto con alguno de los leonardos que ha acogido en su empresa
Aconsegaría a otra empresa/organización acoger a un Leonardo
Gracias por su colaboración
Il presente questionario ha come obiettivo quello di contribuire a uno studio europeo sulla preparazione dei giovani ed è sovvenzionato dalla Commissione Europea attraverso il Programma Long Life Learning. La ringraziamo in anticipo per la collaborazione e la risposta sincera ai seguenti quesiti.
1. Conosceva i progetti di mobilità prima di collaborare con noi ?
a. Sì
b. No
c. Sì, pero non pensavo che avrei potuto accogliere gente nella mia azienda.
2. Ha assunto qualche partecipante al termine del tirocinio ?
a. Sì
b. No
3. Quale durata del programma risulterebbe più adeguata alla sua azienda ?
a. Più di 13 settimane
b. Meno di 13 settimane
4. Ha intenzione di continuare a collaborare con il Programma Leonardo ?
a. Sì
b. No
Perchè ?
5. Come classificherebbe la sua esperienza con i partecipanti ?
a. Soddisfacente
b. Insoddisfacente
c. Indifferente
6. Che ambito professionale le interessa accogliere ?
7. Quanto è importante per la sua azienda il livello linguistico del partecipante ?
a. Livello imprescindibile : _________
b. Non è importante
8. Ha avuto alcuna esperienza negativa ?
a. No
b. Sì, motivi :
9. Qual’è stata la sua esperienza più positiva ?
10. Qual’è il fattore più importante affinchè il lavoro realizzato dai partecipanti si sviluppi correttamente nell’azienda ?
a. La durata del tirocinio
b. La conoscenza della lingua dei partecipanti
c. Spirito d’iniziativa del candidato
11. Qual’è il suo giudizio generale riguardo alle esperienze fatte ?
12. L’accoglienza dei participanti dei programmi di mobilità europea ha contribuito allo sviluppo del suo giro di affari ?
a. Sì
b. No
Perchè ?
Grazie per la collaborazione
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Jun 2009.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
CV available upon request
Besides what I attached, I translated also a chemistry book and a work on copyright whose I cannot attach here because I have the source text in paper.
I am specialized in technique and scientific translation