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Translation Volume: 1500 words Completed: Oct 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
dance theater stage directions
Rush job: 15oo word translation and edit in 24 hours
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
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Sample translations submitted: 3
Spanish to English: Silvio Rodriguez translations
Source text - Spanish Ojalá
Ojalá que las hojas no te toquen el cuerpo cuando caigan
para que no las puedas convertir en cristal.
Ojalá que la lluvia deje de ser milagro que baja por tu cuerpo.
Ojalá que la luna pueda salir sin ti.
Ojalá que la tierra no te bese los pasos.
Ojalá se te acabé la mirada constante,
la palabra precisa, la sonrisa perfecta.
Ojalá pase algo que te borre de pronto:
una luz cegadora, un disparo de nieve.
Ojalá por lo menos que me lleve la muerte,
para no verte tanto, para no verte siempre
en todos los segundos, en todas las visiones:
ojalá que no pueda tocarte ni en canciones.
Ojalá que la aurora no dé gritos que caigan en mi espalda.
Ojalá que tu nombre se le olvide a esa voz.
Ojalá las paredes no retengan tu ruido de camino cansado.
Ojalá que el deseo se vaya tras de ti,
a tu viejo gobierno de difuntos y flores.
Ojalá se te acabé la mirada constante,
la palabra precisa, la sonrisa perfecta.
Ojalá pase algo que te borre de pronto:
una luz cegadora, un disparo de nieve.
Ojalá por lo menos que me lleve la muerte,
para no verte tanto, para no verte siempre
en todos los segundos, en todas las visiones:
ojalá que no pueda tocarte ni en canciones.
El Necio
Para no hacer de mi ícono pedazos,
para salvarme entre únicos e impares,
para cederme un lugar en su Parnaso,
para darme un rinconcito en sus altares,
me vienen a convidar a arrepentirme,
me vienen a convidar a que no pierda,
me vienen a convidar a indefinirme,
me vienen a convidar a tanta mierda.
Yo no se lo que es el destino,
caminando fui lo que fui.
Allá Dios, que será divino.
Yo me muero como viví.
Yo quiero seguir jugando a lo perdido,
yo quiero ser a la zurda más que diestro,
yo quiero hacer un congreso del unido,
yo quiero rezar a fondo un hijonuestro.
Dirán que pasó de moda la locura,
dirán que la gente es mala y no merece,
más yo seguiré soñando travesuras
(acaso multiplicar panes y peces).
Yo no se lo que es el destino,
caminando fui lo que fui.
Allá Dios, que será divino.
Yo me muero como viví.
Dicen que me arrastrarán por sobre rocas
cuando la Revolución se venga abajo,
que machacarán mis manos y mi boca,
que me arrancarán los ojos y el badajo.
Será que la necedad parió conmigo,
la necedad de lo que hoy resulta necio:
la necedad de asumir al enemigo,
la necedad de vivir sin tener precio.
Yo no se lo que es el destino,
caminando fui lo que fui.
Allá Dios, que será divino.
Yo me muero como viví.
Translation - English If Only
If only the leaves wouldn’t touch your body when they fall
So you couldn’t turn them to glass.
If only the miracle of the rain falling over your body
Would cease to be.
If only the moon could rise without you.
If only the earth wouldn’t kiss your steps.
If only there was an end to your constant stare
The exact word, the perfect smile.
If only something--a blinding light,
a shot of snow—
would suddenly wipe you out of my mind.
If only death at least would deliver me
From seeing you every moment, in every vision:
If only I couldn’t sing about you too.
If only shouts wouldn’t fall on my back at dawn.
If only that voice would forget your name.
If only the walls wouldn’t hold the sound of your tired walk.
If only my desire would follow after you
To your worn-out land of flowers and the dead.
If only there was an end to your constant stare
The exact word, the perfect smile.
If only something--a blinding light,
a shot of snow—
would quickly wipe you out of my mind.
If only death at least would deliver me
From seeing you every moment, in every vision:
If only I couldn’t sing about you too.
The Stubborn One
For not tearing my image to pieces,
for considering me one of the special and unique,
for bestowing me a spot in their Parnassus,
for allowing me a place in their altars,
they come inviting me to repent,
they come inviting me to be on the winning side,
they come inviting me to forget who I am,
they come inviting me to so much bullshit.
I don't know anything about fate,
I’ve always picked my own path.
Leave it to God, who’s supposedly holy.
As for me, I'll die the way that I lived.
I want to keep fighting for a lost cause,
I'd rather do things backwards than by the book,
I want to bring about a congress of the united,
I want to earnestly pray an Our Son.
They'll say the time of craziness has passed,
they'll say the people are bad and undeserving,
but I'll keep on dreaming up mischief
(maybe even multiplying bread and fishes.)
I don't know anything about fate,
I’ve always picked my own path.
Leave such things to God, who’s supposedly holy.
As for me, I'll die the way that I lived.
They say that when the Revolution collapses
they'll drag me over the rocks,
smash my hands and mouth to bits,
tear out my eyes and clapper.
Maybe stubbornness was born together with me,
the stubbornness which has made me stubborn now:
the stubbornness of taking on the enemy,
the stubbornness of living without a price tag.
I don't know anything about fate,
I’ve always picked my own path.
Leave such things to God, who’s supposedly holy.
As for me, I'll die the way that I lived.
Spanish to English: Clinical trials report
Source text - Spanish La lovastatina se absorbe en el tubo digestivo y se hidroliza en el hígado a su forma activa b-hidroxiácido. Se han aislado tres metabolitos más. La lovastatina sufre un metabolismo de primer paso importante en el hígado, que es su primer lugar de acción, y llega a la circulación menos de un 5% de la dosis oral recibida. La lovastatina se metaboliza por la isoenzima CYP3A4 del citocromo P450. Las concentraciones plasmáticas máximas se encuentran al cabo de 2-4 horas, y las concentraciones en equilibrio estable se consiguen después de 2-3 días de administración diaria. La lovastatina y su metabolito b-hidroxiácido se unen en más de un 95% a proteínas plasmáticas. Se excreta principalmente en la bilis. Un 85% de la dosis administrada se recupera en heces, y aproximadamente un 10% en la orina. La semivida del metabolito es de 1-2 horas. (1,2,3)
Translation - English Lovastatin is absorbed in the alimentary canal and hydrolyzed in the liver to its active form b-hydroxy acid. Three more metabolites have been isolated. Lovastatin suffers a significant first-pass metabolism in the liver, which is its first place of action, and less than 5% of the oral dose received reaches the bloodstream. Lovastatin is metabolized by the cytochrome P450 isoenzyme CYP3A4. Peak plasma concentrations occur after 2-4 hours, and concentrations stabilize after 2-3 days of daily administration. Lovastatin and its metabolite b-hydroxy acid are highly bound (>95%) to plasma proteins. It is mostly excreted in the bile. Eighty-five per cent of the administered dose is recovered in feces, and approximately 10% in the urine. The metabolite’s half-life is 1-2 hours. (1,2,3)
Spanish to English: Stage directions, experimental dance
Source text - Spanish
El espacio recrea una fábrica, en el escenario hay 10 tachos de metal de 200 l y algunos de plástico; una torre con sirenas, un reloj colgante, unos carros, un cajón colgando de unas sogas y por los laterales asoman partes de estructuras tubulares.
El sonido de un reloj despertador da comienzo a un nuevo día, el primero en levantarse es el capataz de la fábrica, es de madrugada, la luz es muy tenue luego de a pagar el reloj se abre paso entre la bruma en busca de su ayudante. El ayudante del capataz entre dormido enciende la llave maestra.
Los integrantes comienzan a despertar, emergiendo de los tachos de metal como si nacieran de ellos, a una orden del capataz, todos se coordinan, sus movimientos dentro del tacho producen los primeros sonidos, todos golpean los tachos con manos y pies generando el primer ritmo del día.
Translation - English INTRO
The space simulates a factory, on the stage there are 10 metal containers of 200 l and
some plastic ones; a tower with sirens, a hanging clock, some carts, a crate dangling from some ropes and along the sides appear sections of tubular framework.
The sound of an alarm clock marks the beginning of a new day, the first to wake up is the foreman of the factory, it is dawn, the light is very faint, after turning off the clock he takes off into the fog in search of his assistant. The foreman’s assistant half-asleep hits the master switch.
The cast members begin to wake up, emerging from the metal containers as if being born from them, at the foreman’s command all come to attention, their movements within the containers produce the first sounds, striking the containers with their hands and feet they create the first rhythm of the day.
Translation education
Other - Durham Technical Community College
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Apr 2005. Became a member: Jul 2006.
English (DUKE UNIVERSITY, B.A., verified) Spanish to English (Durham Technical Community College, Durham, NC, verified)