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Japanese language professional with 7 years of translation experience in automotive,software and mechanical engineering domains.
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter
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Japanese to English: Business Trend General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Japanese 動向)
Number of Offices 事業所数
・ 2007年調査では114万事業所で前回(2004年)比8.2%減となり連続の減少。
・ 小売業全体における個人事業所は50.3%で連続の縮小。
・ 年間商品販売額は135兆円で前回(2004年)比1.0%増と久しぶりの増加。
・ 原油価格の上昇の影響を受けた燃料小売業、ドラッグストアが売上げを伸ばした。
・ 就業者の内訳は、パート・アルバイト等が前回(2004年)比1.8%増の397万人。
・ 構成比も前回比2.7%増加し、小売業就業者のほぼ半数(構成比49.3%)。全体の
・ 1事業所当たりの売り場面積は、個人事業所の減少、大型店の出店等により
・ 1事業所当たりの年間商品販売額は、百貨店が282億6582万円と群を抜いて高く、
Translation - English (Trend)
Number of Business Establishments
• Continuous decrease in number of business establishments to 1.14 million as per 2007 survey which is 8.2% down in comparison to previous (FY’04) survey.
• Continuous contraction of individual business establishments which constitute 50.3% of overall retail business.
Annual Sales Turnover
• Yearly sales turnover increased by 1.0% as against FY’04 after a long time to 135 trillion yen.
• Retail fuel and drugstore business which was impacted by crude price increase achieved better sales.
Number of Employees
• Employee breakdown like part-time & contract workers, etc increased 1.8% as against FY’04 to 3.97 million.
• Their percent distribution also increased by 2.7% as against last time, which is almost half of retail business staff (constitute 49.3%). While the overall employee strength is decreasing, ratio of part timer & contract staff has increased.
Floor Space
• Shop floor space per location has reduced in case of individual establishments. However, in case of large establishments it has increased by 16.1% as against FY’04 to 159㎡due to opening of mega stores leading to increasing size of business establishments.
Annual Sales Turnover per Establishment
• Regarding annual sales turnover per business establishment, for departmental stores it is exceptionally high at 28,265,820,000 Yen and decreases in order of general merchandise store, specialty store, drug store and convenience store respectively.
Japanese to English: ボルドーワイン General field: Marketing Detailed field: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Source text - Japanese ボルドーワインには敷居の高いイメージがある。外交儀礼や美食の場で使われるからだが、実は手頃な値段で楽しめるシャトー・ワインも山のようにある。多様な風土と長年の伝統に支えられた生産者の層の厚さと安定した高品質こそが、ボルドーを世界に冠たる生産地たらしめているといえよう。その魅力をアピールするため、ボルドーワイン委員会(C.I.V.B.)は各国で「バリューボルドー 2008」リストを作成している。専門家が、価格と品質のバランスに優れたボトル100本を選んでいる。日本では、トップソムリエら10人が日々の暮らしで楽しめるワイン100本をセレクトした。辛口、甘口、白、赤、ロゼ、スパークリングと多彩なリストの中から、きっとあなたのお気に入りの1本が見つかるはずだ。
Translation - English Bordeaux wine holds its image as one of the finest class of wine as being served in diplomatic & ceremonial functions and restaurants. But in reality there are many equally enjoyable chateau wines available at modest prices. Love and commitment to excellence of the wine producers and their consistent high quality products supported by multi-climatic conditions and long traditions can be said as the real factors behind making Bordeaux the most preeminent wine producing region in the world. In order to promote that attraction, the Bordeaux wine Committee (Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bordeaux or C.I.V.B) is preparing a list of “Value Bordeaux 2008” in various countries. Professionals are in the process of selecting 100 best wine bottles which maintain a balance between price and quality. In Japan 10 top sommeliers have selected 100 bottles which can be enjoyed in day to day lifestyle. Probably are also going to find out your favorite bottle from wide varieties of wine list such as sec dry, dolce, white, red, rose, sparkling wines.
Japanese to English: ナントロシーズ-Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiments General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Japanese ナントロシーズの提案、これはですね、どうして生まれたかということですが、まず最初にいろんな要素がありますけれども、まず最初に日本の国内での事情が当然あります。巨大地震、海溝での巨大地震が起きてたくさんの人が死ぬと、100年、200年に一度おきるわけですけれども、これの正体がもう少しわからないだろうかと、という大きな気持ちがあるわけですね。これは研究者にもありますし、一般市民にもあるわけですよ。ですから、これをまず何とかしようということが大きな動機としてあったと思います。それと同時にですね、もちろん日本ではなくて国際的な研究者の集団があるわけですけれども、地震学者であるとか、それから断層を調べている学者であるとか、色々いるわけですけれども、そういう人たちが研究を進めてきて、地震というのはどうして起こるのかというのが大分わかってきたんですね。そうすると後は、巨大な地震が起こる現場に掘ろうではないかという気分が高まってきたものですから、後は研究者で何回も集会を持ちます。年に1回2回持って時に日本で、時にはアメリカで持ったりして、気分を高めて、それをそれぞれ各国の国に説明をしたりして、そのプロジェクトというのが出来上がってきたということです。
Translation - English Well, regarding the reason why the NanTroSEIZE (Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiments) project was initiated, it was due to many initial factors. However, above all it was a natural response to the situation in Japan. Huge earthquakes that kill many people happen only once every 100-200 years; however, there was this great desire to know little bit more about the nature of the problem. And this desire is not only limited to the researchers, but also the ordinary citizens had same desire as well. So, to do something about it was the great motivation behind it. At the same time, it not only brought together the Japanese, but also various international research groups, earthquake scholars, and those engaged in fault research were also brought together.They really helped in the progress of the research and came to know why earthquakes happen. Afterwards, a general feeling was developed that, shouldn't we do research in the places where the earthquake will hit? It lead to the researchers to have many meetings on the idea. Meetings were held about once or twice a year in Japan. Similar meetings were also held in US and they explained the details in their respective countries. With this they were finally able to raise the project profile.
Japanese to English (Dept. of East Asian Studies, Delhi University, Ind, verified) English to Japanese (Department of East Asian Studies, Delhi University, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, Frontpage, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Excel, Fujitsu's Atlas, MSExcel, MSWord, TRADOS, Wordfast, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
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Japanese to English
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Keywords: Japanese - English translation service, English - Japanese translation service, Japanese translation in India, Japanese freelance translator in India, J-E translation service, E-J translation service, Japanese proofreading, editing service, freelance translator in Delhi, India. See more.Japanese - English translation service, English - Japanese translation service, Japanese translation in India, Japanese freelance translator in India, J-E translation service, E-J translation service, Japanese proofreading, editing service, freelance translator in Delhi, India, India translator, Delhi Japanese Translators, Indian Japanese Translators.日瑛翻訳、和英翻訳者、インドの翻訳者、デーリー翻訳者、デーリー和英翻訳者、インド日英翻訳会社、日本語翻訳者、日本語プロ翻訳サービス。. See less.
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