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Source text - English During the on calls she was responsible for routine work on the wards of her specialty as well as for the care of acutely unwell inpatients. During her night shifts she covered all general medical specialties (Geriatrics, Respiratory, Nephrology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology and Endocrinology). As part of her work on the Emergency Assessment Unit (Medical) she had to clerk acute medical admissions (triaged by A+E or GP referrals) and initiate treatment after discussion with the registrar.
Translation - German Während der Bereitschaftsdienste war sie für Routinearbeit auf den Krankenstationen ihres Fachbereiches und für die Betreuung akut kranker stationärer Patienten zuständig. Während ihrer Nachtdienste deckte sie alle internistischen Fachbereiche ab (Geriatrie, Pneumologie, Nephrologie, Gastroenterologie, Kardiologie und Endokrinologie). Als Teil ihrer Arbeit in der medizinischen Notaufnahme musste sie medizinische Akutaufnahmen (die über die allgemeine Notaufnahme („Accident and Emergency“) oder Hausärzte eingewiesen worden waren) aufnehmen und die Behandlung nach Rücksprache mit einem Oberarzt („Registrar“) initiieren.
English to German: Pallet Inverters
Source text - English Triple ‘L’ Pallet Inverter
The Triple ‘L’ Pallet Inverter clamps with two tables and then inverts the load 180 degrees. This machine is loaded at floor level with or without a ramp depending on the application. The Triple ‘L’ Inverter is suitable for all products and has the added benefit of twin clamping tables to allow large and small loads to be accommodated. The Triple ‘L’ is manufactured in one basic size but can be built to order to accommodate customer’s requirements. Please view product videos to see machine in action.
Lowline Pallet Retriever
The Lowline Pallet Retriever clamps with one table then inverts the load 95 degrees. This machine can be loaded at floor level with no assistance from a ramp or pit. The Retriever is suitable for all blocked loads. Please view product videos see machine in action.
Translation - German Dreifacher ‘L’ Palettenumsetzer
Der dreifache ‘L’ Palletenumsetzer klemmt mit zwei Platten und wendet die Ladung um 180 Grad. Abhängig von der Anwendung, wird diese Maschiene mit oder ohne Rampe auf bodenebene be- und entladen. Der dreifache ‘L’ Palletenumsetzer ist für alle Produkte geeignet und hat den zusätzlichen Vorteil der Doppelklemmplatten, um Aufnahme großer und kleiner Ladungen zu ermöglichen. Der dreifache ‘L’ Palletenumsetzer wird in einer Grundgröße hergestellt, aber kann auch nach Kundenforderungen gebaut werden. Bitte schauen Sie sich die Maschine in Betrieb in unseren Produktvideos an.
Einseitig klemender Umsetzer
Der einseitig klemmende Umsetzer klemmt mit einer Platte und wendet die Ladung um 95 Grad. Diese Maschine kann mit Hilfe von einer Rampe oder Grube be- und entladen werden. Der Umsetzer ist für alle versperrten Ladungen geeignet. Bitte schauen Sie sich die Maschine in Betrieb in unseren Produktvideos an.
English to Serbian: Tourism
Source text - English Tourism has been associated also with various negative impacts such as environmental degradation, air-pollution, prostitution, increase in crime rate, cultural-destruction, etc. Third World tourism has been marred with the above listed attributes and others with detrimental economical impacts. The most prevailing detrimental factor in Third World countries is ‘leakage’. Brohman (1996) stated that the domination of foreign ownership contributes to residents’ loss of control over their own local resources; excessive overseas leakage of locally generated tourism earnings; and lack of articulation with other domestic economic sectors. He stipulated those weak multiplier effects outside of tourism enclaves; possible reintroduction of socio-economic inequality with spatial distribution unevenness is all the ailments of insensitivity of foreign owners in their tourism planning.
An anticipatory and visionary tourism planning should adopt proactive measures that could curb environmental destruction, resistance and rising alienation among the local residents. They are attributed to tourism related negative issues such as “increasing crime, overcrowding and overloading infrastructure, pollution and other environmental damage, conflicts over access to scarce resources, and the perceived loss of cultural identity and social control to outsiders.
Translation - Serbian Turizam se povezuje i sa najrazličitijim negativnim posledicama, kao što su: degradacija životne sredine, zagađenje vazduha, prostitucija, povećanje stope kriminala, kulturno propadanje, itd. Kao posljedica gore navedenih, kao i drugih obiležja s pogubnim dejstvom po ekonomiju, turizam je u zemljama Trećeg svieta gotovo u potpunosti obogaljen. Od pomenutih, po ekonomiju pogubnih činilaca, u zemljama Trećeg sveta preovlađujući uticaj ima ‘oticanje bogatstva’. Broman (1996) navodi da dominacija stranog vlasništva doprinosi gubitku kontrole lokalnog stanivništva nad sopstvenim resursima, ogromnom oticanju lokalno generisanih prihoda od turizma u prekookenaske zemlje, te nedovoljnoj artikulaciji sa drugim sektorima domicilne ekonomije. On dalje predviđa da će se ovi negativni efekti, u izvesnoj slaboj meri multiplikovani, osetiti i izvan turističkih enklava kroz moguću ponovnu pojavu društveno-ekonomske neravnopravnosti, uz neravnomernu prostornu raspodelu bogatstva, što valja pripisati prvenstveno nepostojanju sluha kod stranih vlasnika prilikom donošenja planova za razvoj turizma.
Jedno dalekovido i vizionarsko planiranje razvoja turizma trebalo bi da u sebi obuhvati čitav skup preventivnih mera, kojima bi se mogli obuzdati procesi razaranja životne sredine, otpora i rastućeg osećanja otuđenosti među lokalnim stanovništvom. Ove mere bi trebalo usmeriti ka onim negativnim posledicama turizma, kao što su „porast kriminala, prenaseljenost i preopterećenost infrastrukture, zagađenje vazduha i drugi vidovi narušavanja životne sredine, sukobi oko prava na korišćenje oskudnih resursa, te sve izraženiji gubitak kulturnog identiteta i prepuštanje kontrole nad društvom došljacima.
* shipbuiliding and construction
* civil engineering (building construction)
* mechanical and electrical engineering
*waste water treatment and potable water plants
*electronics, telecommunications, automatic control
* computer technology
*environment & ecology
* safety & health at work
- National acts on safety and health at work referring to shipbuilding industry
* chemical and physical structures and properties
- Offical certificates on chemical and physical structures and properties approved by international
classification societies (Lloyd's Register, Germanischer Lloyd, BV, NKK, etc.), referring to shipbuilding
*health effects in shipbuilding industry
*environmental assessments and ecological risks
* Quality System Management; ISO 9002* (Project translated for Adriatic Shipyard Bijela,
Serbia & Montenegro; 2000)
and many more...
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