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English to German: Introduction Letter Sample General field: Other
Source text - English Dear Professor Morrissey:
Please allow me to introduce the bearer of this letter, Ms. Catherine Nasslund. Catherine is the architect that I spoke to you about last week when we talked on the phone.
As I explained, I am working on a feasibility study for one of the university programs here in Montreal that is considering the development of an Executive Management Training Center. Part of my study involves having to estimate the possible fit-up costs for the proposed new center.
The client is intent on making sure they get a "state-of-the-art" executive training facility. Naturally, I thought of my alma mater at the Ottawa U. Executive MBA Center, as the perfect example.
As we discussed, if you would be kind enough to have one of the staff members there spend about one hour giving Catherine a tour of your facilities there, I would very much appreciate it. Catherine tells me that it is important that she take the tour when the classroom and case rooms will not be in use, since she will need to take various measurements.
As you suggested, Catherine contacted Sharon Hudson of your staff to make sure that she would be traveling there at a time when it would be possible to do everything she needs to do.
Thanks so much Professor Morrissey. I really appreciate your co-operation on this.
Translation - German Sehr geehrter Professor Morrissey,
Gestatten Sie mir, die Überbringerin dieses Briefes, Frau Catherine Nasslund, vorzustellen. Catherine ist die Architektin, über die ich letzte Woche mit Ihnen am Telefon gesprochen habe.
Wie ich bereits erklärt habe, arbeite ich an einer Machbarkeitsstudie für eines der Universitätsprogramme, dass die Entwicklung eines Executive Management Centers hier in Montreal in Erwägung zieht. Ein Teil meiner Studie befasst sich damit, die möglichen Errichtungskosten für das vorgeschlagene neue Center zu schätzen.
Die Klienten sind sehr darauf bedacht sicherzustellen dass sie eine "dem neuesten Stand der Technik " entsprechende Executive Trainingseinrictung erhalten. Verständlicherweise dachte ich an das Executive MBA Center meiner Alma Mater der Ottawa U., als das perfekte Beispiel.
Wie wir bereits besprochen haben, wäre ich sehr dankbar,wenn sie so freundlich wären , einen der dortigen Mitarbeiter für eine Stunde zur Verfügung zu stellen, um Catherine eine Führung durch die Einrichtung zu geben. Catherine sagt mir, dass es wichtig ist, dass sie die Führung unternimmt, wenn die Klassenzimmer und Gepäckräume nicht benutzt werden, weil sie verschiedene Messungen durchführen muß.
Catherine hat, wie sie vorgeschlagen haben, Ihre Mitarbeiterin Sharon Hudson kontaktiert, um sicherzustellen, dass sie zu einem Zeitpunkt anreisen würde, wenn es möglich wäre, alles, was sie tun muss durchzuführen.
Vielen Dank Professor Morrissey. Ich bin Ihne für Ihre Zusammenarbeit in dieser Angelegenheit wirklich sehr dankbar.
German to English: Marketing Flyer XY Company General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - German Forschung und Beratung für Handel und Konsum (alternativ die Konsumgüterindustrie)
XY – der richtige Partner für Sie!
Als Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis bietet das XY seit 1929
fundierte Analysen und Strategieberatung für Handel und Konsum.
Ob individuelle Fragestellungen oder bewährte Branchen-Insights – unsere umfassenden Datenbanken sowie maßgeschneiderten Projekte helfen Ihnen, Ihre Managemententscheidungen vorzubereiten und abzusichern. Dabei greifen wir auf bewährte Methoden der Marktforschung und Strategieberatung zurück.
Händler, Hersteller, Dienstleister, Verbände und öffentliche Institutionen vertrauen auf XY als unabhängigen Partner. Unsere Kunden profitieren von branchenspezifischer Forschung und Beratung und praxisrelevantem Wissen in den dynamischen Feldern des stationären Handels. Unsere Online-Experten des E-Commerce-Center (ECC) analysieren seit 1999 Fragestellungen rund um das Thema E-Commerce.
Translation - English Research and Consultancy for Commerce and Consumer Affairs (alternatively the Consumer Goods Industry)
XY – The Right Partner for You!
As interface between science and practice XY has been offering sound analyses and strategy consulting for commerce and consumer affairs since 1929.
Whether you are interested in individual issues or seasoned industry insights – our comprehensive data bases as well as our customized projects will help you to prepare and hedge your management decisions. We draw on seasoned methods of market research and strategy consultation in doing so.
Retailers, manufacturers, service providers, associations and public institutions put their trust in XY as their independent partner. Our customers benefit from industry specific research and consultation and practice-relevant knowledge in the dynamic fields of brick-and mortar retailing. Our online-experts at the E-Commerce-Center (ECC) have been analyzing issues involving all aspects of e-commerce since 1999.
How can we support you?
- Analyses - Market Due Diligence
- Segmentation - Expansion Strategies
- Potential - Analyses of Local Conditions
wegen Scheidung und Folgesachen erscheinen bei Aufruf der Sache:
Für den Antragsteller Herr Rechtsanwalt Dr. Name,
die Antragsgegnerin in Person in Begleitung von Frau Rechtsanwältin Name
Sodann schließen die Beteiligten auf Vorschlag des Gerichts nachfolgenden Widerrufsvergleich:
1. Der Antragsteller verpflichtet sich, ab Rechtskraft der
Scheidung fur seine Tochter
Vorname Nachname, geb. am 11.08.2008 ..
einen monatlichen , monatlich jeweils zum 15. eines jeden Monats zahlbaren Kindesunter halt i. H. v. 100% des Mindestunterhalts der jeweiligen Altersstufe, abzgl. hälftigem Kinder geldes für ein erstes Kind, derzeit 225,00 Euro zu bezahlen.
2. Die Beteiligten erklären , dass sie im Übrigen wechselseitig
auf jede Form von Nachscheidungsunterhalt , auch für den Fall
der Not, verzichten und den Verzicht des anderen jeweils
wechselseitig annehmen .
3. Die Kosten des Verfahrens werden gegeneinander
4. Dieser Vergleich ist für beide Beteiligten widerruflich bis
Donnerstag, den 28. Juli 2011.
vorgespielt und genehmigt.
Translation - English Enforceable Copy
District Court Mannheim
Recorded in the closed session of the District Court Mannheim on Thursday, 14.07.2011 in Mannheim.
District Court Judge Doe
In accordance with §§ 113 FamFG (German Family Law), section 159 ZPO (Code of civil procedure) a court recorder was not present.
In the family law case
First name, Last Name, born on 24.04.1975, 18 Street, CDN-T1K2B3 Edmonton, Canada
Legal Representative:
Attorney Dr. First Name Last Name, Name- Street 13, 68165 Mannheim, Ref. No.: Dr.W.-H.Fl./Ve.
First Name Last Name, born on 11.12.1976, Name-Street 25, 68309 Mannheim
Legal Representative:
Attorney First Name Last Name Namestreet 11, 68309 Mannheim, Ref. No.: 254/08W02 wö/alt
for divorce proceedings and ancillary matters
appear at the calling of the case:
For the petitioner, attorney Dr. Name; the respondent in person accompanied by her attorney, Ms. Name.
Thereupon the parties thereto, upon recommendation of the court, conclude the following Revocation Settlement:
1. The petitioner undertakes , as of this decision becoming final,
to pay for his daughter
First Name Last Name, born 11.08.2008
monthly child support, monthly at the 15th of each month in the amount of 100% of the minimum child support of the according age group, less half the amount of child-care benefits for a first child, which is currently 225,00 Euro.
2. The parties thereto declare that apart from that, they mutually
waive any form of after-divorce support, even in case of
need, and that they mutually accept the other’s waiver.
3. Each party shall bear the cost of their own representation;
court costs shall be equally divided.
4. This settlement can be revoked by both parties until
Thursday, the 28th day of July 2011
played and approved.
German to English: Third Party Diagnosis Letter MRI General field: Medical
Source text - German Nachfolgend erhalten Sie das Ergebnis der Fremdbefundung:
Fremdbefundung MRT-Schulter
Relatives subakromiales lmpingement, der Subakromialraum beträgt cc 4 mm.
Konsekutiv T2-Signalsteigerung der distalen Supraspinatussehne mit transmuraler Ruptur am Sehnenansatz. lnfraspinatussehne und Subskapularissehne intakt.
Lange Bizepssehne intakt. Kein Hinweis für SLAP-Läsion. V. a. partieller Buford Komplex. Keine höhergradige Omarthrose. Keine höhergradige AC-Gelenkarthrose. Flüssigkeitseinlagerung in der Bursa subdeltoidea. Keine suspekten Knochenläsionen. Kein Hinweis für etwaige suspekte weichteilige Läsionen.
Bei relativem subakromialen lmpingement Tendinopathie der Supraspinatussehne mit transmuraler Ruptur am Sehnenansatz. Begleitende, diskrete Bursitis subdeltoidea.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Translation - English Below you will find the result of your third-party diagnosis.
Third-Party Diagnosis MRI Shoulder
Relative subacromial impingement, the subacromial space is cc 4 mm.
Consecutive T2 increase in signal intensity of the distal supraspinatus tendon with transmural rupture at tendon insertion. Infraspinatus tendon and subscapularis tendon intact. Long biceps tendon intact. No evidence of SLAP-lesion. Suspected partial Buford-Complex. No high-grade omarthrosis. No high-grade AC-joint arthrosis. Fluid retention in the subdeltoid bursa. No evidence of suspect bone lesions. No evidence of possible suspect soft tissue lesions.
Tendinopathy of the supraspinatus tendon with relative subacromial impingement and transmural rupture at tendon insertion. Accompanying discrete subdeltoid bursitis.
Kind regards,
Translation education
Other - Global Translation Institute
Years of experience: 39. Registered at Mar 2009. Became a member: Nov 2010.
Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
I am an English/German, German/English translator based in Cape Coral, Florida, USA. My specializations include general/conversational, business, and medical/pharmaceutical translations;
I can offer translation of business documents, such as marketing texts, brochures, communications, newsletters, web content or presentation materials.
In the medical field I have experience in translating medical reports, medical/pharmaceutical market research interviews and respective templates, as well as practice form tha need to be filled in by patients. I received a Medical Transcriptionist Certificate from Fayetteville Technical Community College, attending their online Career Step Medical Transcription Program, and I am confident in the usage of medical terminology.
Not only am I a native speaker of German, since I grew up in Germany and had the opportunity to collect professional experience in the area of banking/finance, non-profit, and retail accounting.
My English language skills can also be considered native, which I have proven by successfully obtaining my GED, graduating from an American college certification program and several professional online classes. Please refer to my resume for further information.
I feel that I have found my professional niche in the translation industry. I wouldn't want to do anything else, as I love my work.
My home office equipment includes a laptop with a high speed internet connection, all-in-one printer and Fax. I can work with files created with all main MS Office programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher and complex PDF.
To make myself available at all times I also work with an Ipad and Iphone.
For each freelance project I undertake, I guarantee high quality work delivered on deadline.
As an accomplished professional I am aware how important attention to detail, responsiveness, communication skills, and reliability are, and I take these trades very serious.
Throughout my career, I have consistently met and exceeded all organizational goals and targets.
I am a creative, down-to-earth, people oriented individual, driven to seek growth, and perform beyond expectations.
Flexibility and the absolute will to succeed, paired with the ability to think outside the box are only a view of the trades that made me successful as a freelance translator and small business owner.
Keywords: english-german translator, german-english translator. General translations, medical translations, medical/pharmaceutical market research. website translations. general/conversational translation, technical translation.