Working languages:
English to Polish
German to Polish
French to Polish


Krakow, Malopolskie, Poland
Local time: 01:58 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Polish Native in Polish, English Native in English
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Total: 33 entries
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law, economy, banking and administration, finance, management of information, insurance, loans and credits, enterprise, protection of property, trade, marketing, promotion and advertising;
spatial planning, architecture, construction and related areas, cement plants, heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology, interior decoration, piping, glass, ceramics;
road and bridge engineering, traction, motor industry, transport and forwarding, city transportation, atlases, maps and communications catalogues;
electric, electrical engineering and EDP sectors, IT, computers - hardware and software, communications and telecommunications, satellite technology, sound engineering, tele-audio-video technology, musical instruments;
geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, maps and atlases;
machine and construction engineering, welding, automatic control engineering, robotics, pneumatics and hydraulics, measurement and control technology, mechanics, precision engineering, designs, standards;
equipment, machinery and tools for processing materials on an industrial scale and for domestic use - operating manuals, descriptions etc..
food industry, food processing, catering and hotel industry;
textile and clothing industry, fashion;
natural science, agriculture, animal husbandry and veterinary science, horticulture, forestry, tobacco industry, environmental engineering, ecology, timber, pulp and paper industry, geography, climatology, geology;
medicine, medical technology and equipment, pharmacy, toxicology, alternative medicine, homeopathy, dowsing;
psychology, sociology, philosophy, religious sciences;
tourist industry, sports and leisure;
literature, history and art, music, conservation of historic monuments, photography;
education, training techniques and courses;
oil, gas and mineral mining, steel industry and metallurgy, heavy industry, aviation and shipbuilding;
power engineering, fuel industry, renewable sources of energy, lighting systems;
chemistry, synthetic plastics, chemical technology, cosmetics, fertilisers and pesticides, household chemistry, packaging technology;
physics, optics, astronomy;
Keywords: law, economy, banking and administration, finance, management of information, insurance, loans and credits, enterprise, protection of property, trade. See, economy, banking and administration, finance, management of information, insurance, loans and credits, enterprise, protection of property, trade, marketing, promotion and advertising; spatial planning, architecture, construction and related areas, cement plants, heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology, interior decoration, piping, glass, ceramics; road and bridge engineering, traction, motor industry, transport and forwarding, city transportation, atlases, maps and communications catalogues; electric, electrical engineering and EDP sectors, IT, computers - hardware and software, communications and telecommunications, satellite technology, sound engineering, tele-audio-video technology, musical instruments; geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, maps and atlases; machine and construction engineering, welding, automatic control engineering, robotics, pneumatics and hydraulics, measurement and control technology, mechanics, precision engineering, designs, standards; equipment, machinery and tools for processing materials on an industrial scale and for domestic use - operating manuals, descriptions etc., food industry, food processing, catering and hotel industry; textile and clothing industry, fashion; natural science, agriculture, animal husbandry and veterinary science, horticulture, forestry, tobacco industry, environmental engineering, ecology, timber, pulp and paper industry, geography, climatology, geology; medicine, medical technology and equipment, pharmacy, toxicology, alternative medicine, homeopathy, dowsing, psychology, sociology, philosophy, religious sciences; tourist industry, sports and leisure, literature, history and art, music, conservation of historic monuments, photography;education, training techniques and courses, oil, gas and mineral mining, steel industry and metallurgy, heavy industry, aviation and shipbuilding; power engineering, fuel industry, renewable sources of energy, lighting systems; chemistry, synthetic plastics, chemical technology, cosmetics, fertilisers and pesticides, household chemistry, packaging technology; physics, optics, astronomy; And OTHERS. See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 9, 2013

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