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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Translation Memory Tools, TRADOS

January 28, 2006, 12:00 am
IndiaNew DelhiIn personEnglish

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Interested members (17) / Confirmed: 9 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Ravi Kumar  \"Organizer\" ...  y
C.M. Rawal   It is a timely support. Indeed, it will be a real help to the translators' community.  y
selvan_tamil   Hi, I am sure that we can discuss about the improvements that are needed to be incorporated in the available CAT tools.  y
Jaspreet Kaur   It will be nice to be a part of powwow.  y
Sanjay Ray   Yes, I would like to know about use of Trados for Indian languages. I want to attend.  y
Rajan Chopra   Great opportunity to learn about this innovation.  
jaswinder singh  \"Reporter\" I understand that we all are going to discuss about Trados, But what I fail to understand, who in capacity of initiating a debate will talk authenticately about it. I would like to know and come. Please can you inform on email.  
Rajinder Arora   ...  m
Naveen Dhiman   It will be a nice platform to clear the issues on CAT tools. I'm looking forward to attend it.  y
Raghunathan Rajagopalan   I will certainly attend. I look forward to this event.  y
bishan sharma   Let's see what 's in the basket!  m
Srikanth Ayathil   I would like to know how the software will be useful in languages where the noun form will change during translation. For eg. to raman will be ramanu in malayalam and ramanukku in tamil. I would like to know this will be solved in software.  
Roomy Naqvy   Trados supports Hindi and it supports Gujarati as well now. It is a computer aided translation tool [a translation memory] tool.  y
Anurag Kumar   ...  
Mrudula Tambe  \"Photographer\" Sorry friends, Delhi bahot door hai...  n
Deependra Pandey   Where are the email circulations and pre-powow meetings? Please update all on the status.  y
Ritu Bhanot   I'd like to know more.  

Postings about this event

Powwow: New Delhi - India
Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:32
Member (2005)
Hindi to English
+ ...
Invitation Nov 29, 2005

Dear Members,

We welcome you to a talk on Translation Memory Tools, with a focus on TRADOS. Inputs and contributions shall be highly appreciated.

Hope to see you soon.

Contact Address:

Ravi Kumar
Allied Modlingua Services Pvt. Ltd.
K-5/B, Lower Ground Floor,
Kalkaji, New Delhi -110019
Tel: 011-26291676 Fax: 011-51675530

Rajan Chopra
Rajan Chopra  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:32
Member (2008)
English to Hindi
+ ...
I am just curious to know..... Dec 20, 2005

....whether Trados supports Hindi?

What are the basic functions of Trados?

How does Trados help in translating.



Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:32
Member (2005)
Hindi to English
+ ...
Trados Dec 21, 2005


Mr. Tamil Selvan is the best person to answer question related to Trados. We welcome others to please add your experience with us.

Ravi Kumar

Roomy Naqvy
Roomy Naqvy  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:32
English to Hindi
+ ...
trados Jan 13, 2006

trados does not help in translating. It will not translate anything for you. But it will save you a lot of time in technical/repetitive translations where you will have a TM [translation memory] and you can keep on feeding translations you do into it. Once you have built a good amount of translation memories, you just need to find matches and copy required strings and paste them. That way, your time for future translations could be saved. At the same time, it would help you in technical consiste... See more
trados does not help in translating. It will not translate anything for you. But it will save you a lot of time in technical/repetitive translations where you will have a TM [translation memory] and you can keep on feeding translations you do into it. Once you have built a good amount of translation memories, you just need to find matches and copy required strings and paste them. That way, your time for future translations could be saved. At the same time, it would help you in technical consistency, which is very important in certain types of translations such as airline menus, medical and mobile telephony. It would also be very helpful in engineering and highly technical translations.Collapse

Mrudula Tambe
Mrudula Tambe  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:32
English to Marathi
+ ...
currency difference Jan 21, 2006

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm from India and would like to be your platinum member but the problem is that the lowest plat-membership costs $120. The american $ is 50 times higher than Indian Rupee. So for US citizen it costs only 120 units of currency while for us it is 120 x 50 units.

Also the jobs we are getting is paid w.r.t. Indian Rupee value. No one approves higher quotation.

So I appeal to the to authorities to take money keeping the currency difference in
... See more
Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm from India and would like to be your platinum member but the problem is that the lowest plat-membership costs $120. The american $ is 50 times higher than Indian Rupee. So for US citizen it costs only 120 units of currency while for us it is 120 x 50 units.

Also the jobs we are getting is paid w.r.t. Indian Rupee value. No one approves higher quotation.

So I appeal to the to authorities to take money keeping the currency difference in mind.



Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:32
Member (2005)
Hindi to English
+ ...
Venue and Timings Jan 23, 2006

Dear Members

Please note the venue for scheduled powwow on January 28, 2006 shall be

Allied Modlingua Services Pvt. Ltd.
K-5/B, Lower Ground Floor,
Kalkaji, New Delhi -10019
Tel : 0091-11-26291676 Fax: 0091-11-41675530

Timings: 1100 Hrs to 1600 Hrs
Entry Fees: Rs.100/- only ( for snacks and refreshments)


Ravi Kumar
M: 0091-9810268481

Roomy Naqvy
Roomy Naqvy  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:32
English to Hindi
+ ...
Success Jan 28, 2006

The Powwow was a great success and I would like to thank Mr. Ravi Kumar for the show.

Roomy Naqvy

Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:32
Member (2005)
Hindi to English
+ ...
Thanks for your cooperation Jan 29, 2006

Dear Participants

Please accept our sincere thanks for your gracious present during the powwow meet on January 28, 2006 in New Delhi.

It was nice to meet highly enthusiastic team of translators with great interest in Translation tools. The event started with a very informal presentation of a translation tool called “GlobalLink – Machine Translator” by undersigned “Ravi Kumar” followed by discussion on usage of “ wordfast” by Mr. C.M Rawal, and later a trainin
... See more
Dear Participants

Please accept our sincere thanks for your gracious present during the powwow meet on January 28, 2006 in New Delhi.

It was nice to meet highly enthusiastic team of translators with great interest in Translation tools. The event started with a very informal presentation of a translation tool called “GlobalLink – Machine Translator” by undersigned “Ravi Kumar” followed by discussion on usage of “ wordfast” by Mr. C.M Rawal, and later a training session on use of Trados by Mr. Tamil Selvan.

Mr. Tamil Selvan showed us the way to use TRADOS in different foreign languages, and later upon request from participants (specially Mr. Roomy Naqvy and Mr. C.M Rawal) Mr. Selvan reinstalled the TRADOS to provide demo and training for using it with Indian languages with focus on Hindi.

During the meet it was also decided to frequently convene such meetings which would promote development of close bonding amongst fellow translators and inter-exchange of ideas. It was also decided to organize a meet for discussing areas related to use of CAT tools in Indian languages with a focus on Hindi and Gujrati.

Please once gain accept our sincere thanks for your continued support.

Ravi Kumar
Allied Modlingua Services Pvt. Ltd.
K-5/B, Lower Ground Floor, Kalkaji,
New Delhi -110019
Tel : 0091-11-26291676 Fax: 0091-11-41675530
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