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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Fellowship and Professional Development

April 30, 2005, 12:00 am
ColombiaBogotáIn personEnglish
Date: Saturday, April 30
Time: 10:00am - 2:30pm
Location: My home
Address: Cra. 54 #99a-43 (Barrio Nuevo Monte Rey)
Teléfono: 253 6180 Cel: 300 282 8203

See note posted on Monday, April 25. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions.

Note: Due to the small number of participants who have positively confirmed their participation, the atmosphere of the meeting will be casual. The previously posted schedule should no longer be considered valid.

10:00 a.m. Meet at my place for coffee and bread and interesting conversation focused on (but not limited to) the work of professional translators.

Parque del Café
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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (12) / Confirmed: 5 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Pantoglot  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I look forward to meeting everyone.  y
Ricardo Posada Ortiz  \"Reporter\" Ricardo Posada. Espero poder asistir esta vez.  n
Jorge Payan   ¡ A ver si esta vez sí se puede!
  What are these?
Lorianne Weston   I would like to try and make it, preferably Saturday, rather than Friday. Why not advertise with the Colegio Colombiano de Traductores and ForoActi as well?  y
Felipe Vallejo   I would love to go... no problem with dates. Felipe Vallejo.  y
silviaJuliana   looking forward to my first powwow!!  m
XSergio Cortes (X)   Sorry, but unfortunately I have class from 8:30 to 11:30 am and I don't have the possibility to postpone it or cancell it.  n
conniep   Sorry, I can't make it on Saturday. I'd prefer this kind of meetings to be organzed on weekdays. Constanza Posada  n
Alberto Orjuela  \"Photographer\" I'll be there with a couple of interesting ideas  y
Jaime Castro   I am visiting Bogota this weekend. I'd like to meet you.  y
Xalvaro bernal   alvaro bernal  
Paolo Tufano   Me gustaría participar, espero no tener inconvenientes de última hora.
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Postings about this event

Powwow: Bogotá - Colombia   What are these?
Jorge Payan
Jorge Payan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 05:30
Member (2002)
German to Spanish
+ ...
Veo difícil que sea en un viernes Feb 24, 2005

Porque estoy seguro que se toma al menos 5 horas. Yo propondría el sábado 30 de Abril.
  What are these?

Pantoglot  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
Spanish to English
+ ...
sounds good! Feb 24, 2005

thank you jorge for the wise input.

since there are currently only three (counting me) who have confirmed attendance, changing the date should not be a problem. ricardo, is saturday april 30 good for you also? if yes, i will go ahead and change the suggested date.

jorge, i hadn't previously reviewed the powwow history for bogotá. tonight i did, and it looks like you held a very successful event on july 5, 2003. i would like very much to talk to you about that powwow an
... See more
thank you jorge for the wise input.

since there are currently only three (counting me) who have confirmed attendance, changing the date should not be a problem. ricardo, is saturday april 30 good for you also? if yes, i will go ahead and change the suggested date.

jorge, i hadn't previously reviewed the powwow history for bogotá. tonight i did, and it looks like you held a very successful event on july 5, 2003. i would like very much to talk to you about that powwow and get all your suggestions for the upcoming one. thanks!

  What are these?

Pantoglot  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
Spanish to English
+ ...
Theme Feb 24, 2005

i am interested to hear suggestions for expanding the theme of this powwow.

Ricardo Posada Ortiz
Ricardo Posada Ortiz
United States
Local time: 06:30
Spanish to English
+ ...
Not attending Mar 27, 2005

W. Andrew: Por razones de trabajo debo resignarme a no asistir a la reunion. Estaba esperanzado en poder ir pero me cambiaron mi horario de Abril y voy a estar por fuera desde el 23 hasta Mayo. Me disculpo con todos.

Sergio Cortes (X)
Sergio Cortes (X)
Local time: 05:30
English to Spanish
Depending on the time Apr 1, 2005

Please, tell me by E-mail the time and the place of the meeting. My attendance depends on that information.

Pantoglot  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
Spanish to English
+ ...
animo Apr 19, 2005

hello everyone. please take a look at the powwow's web page. i placed general information for where, when, etc. i also placed a proposed schedule. if anyone else is willing to share with the group about any professional point of interest, that would be great. i'm am certainly willing to share what i know about using the web to market your business. also, i think it is only fitting that we take some time to discuss best practices for getting the most out of proz. anyone willing to take on ... See more
hello everyone. please take a look at the powwow's web page. i placed general information for where, when, etc. i also placed a proposed schedule. if anyone else is willing to share with the group about any professional point of interest, that would be great. i'm am certainly willing to share what i know about using the web to market your business. also, i think it is only fitting that we take some time to discuss best practices for getting the most out of proz. anyone willing to take on that spot please let me know. i look forward to meeting all who attend.Collapse

Pantoglot  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
Spanish to English
+ ...
potential professional discussions Apr 19, 2005

it would be great if anyone is interested in sharing about any of the following topics during the powwow:

- CAT tools
- Marketing to agencies
- Localization
- Certification
- or anything else that pertains to the translation industry

Alberto Orjuela
Alberto Orjuela
Local time: 05:30
English to Spanish
+ ...
Great to get everyone together (again) Apr 20, 2005

I'll be there with some interesting ideas to share with evryone.

Pantoglot  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
Spanish to English
+ ...
Directions to my neighborhood. Apr 25, 2005

Following you will find directions to my home. My wife wrote them up so they are in Spanish, which I think is better. When you arrive, please come to my home. Once everyone is here we will relocate to the neighborhood's 'salon comunal'. I look forward to seeing you all. If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me.


Teléfono: 253 6180 Cel: 300 282 8203
Carrera 54 # 99A-43, Barrio Nuevo Monterrey, los barrios vecinos son: Pontevedra, Santa
... See more
Following you will find directions to my home. My wife wrote them up so they are in Spanish, which I think is better. When you arrive, please come to my home. Once everyone is here we will relocate to the neighborhood's 'salon comunal'. I look forward to seeing you all. If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me.


Teléfono: 253 6180 Cel: 300 282 8203
Carrera 54 # 99A-43, Barrio Nuevo Monterrey, los barrios vecinos son: Pontevedra, Santa Rosa y la Clinica Shaio.

Si viene por la Avenida Boyacá, subir por la calle 116, tomar la primera cuadra a mano derecha, luego la primera cuadra a mano izquierda, luego seguir derecho hasta encontrar la señal de PARE, luego girar a la izquierda 2 cuadras y luego a la derecha volteando por la lavandería LUCITEX mas o menos 4 cuadras hasta llegar a un parque.

Si viene por la autopista bajar por la calle 116 directo, pasar la avenida suba y seguir bajando hasta encontrar una estación de gasolina TEXACO, (es una cuadra después de la avenida suba), girar a la izquierda y seguir derecho hasta salir a una avenida principal que es la transversal 49, girar a la derecha y seguir derecho hasta llegar a un edificio blanco de tres pisos (a mano izquierda hay una compañia de seguros MAPFRE); ahí girar a la derecha hasta la señal de PARE, luego girar a la izquierda, luego a la derecha 1 cuadra y luego a la derecha. (Hacer lo mismo si se viene por la avenida Suba)

Si viene por la avenida 68, tomar el carril sentido oriente a oxidente y en la calle 99a girar a la derecha, seguir derecho hasta encontrar la transversal 49, luego girar a la derecha hasta llegar a un edificio blanco de tres pisos que esta ubicado a mano izquierda de la 49 (allí cerca encontrará una compañia de seguros MAPFRE), luego ahí girar a la izquierda hasta la señal de PARE, luego girar a la izquierda, luego a la derecha 1 cuadra y luego a la derecha.

  What are these?

Lorianne Weston
Lorianne Weston
Local time: 05:30
French to English
+ ...
see you there! Apr 29, 2005

Thanks Andrew...see you tomorrow!
Lori Peckel

Alberto Orjuela
Alberto Orjuela
Local time: 05:30
English to Spanish
+ ...
Cannot Attend Apr 29, 2005

Due to unavoidable last minute work issues, I will be unable to attend the PowWow. Sorry for any inconvenience caused and hope everyone benefits greatly from the gathering.


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