This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Mikulášska

December 3, 2004, 6:00 pm
Czech RepublicPrahaIn personEnglish
Thanks to Jirka Klima !
He suggested Pizzeria La Romantica located at the corner of Londynska and Bruselska in Prag 2.
We have a reservation for the extra room (very nice space).

Public transport:
1) Metro A - nam. mírù a cca. 5 min. bìžky (po Rumunské ul. dolu až k Londýnské a do leva až k Bruselské)
2) Metro C - I. P. Pavlova a cca. 5 min. bìžky (po Jugoslavské ul. nahoru až k Londýnské, odpoèit do prava a dal až k Bruselské)
3) Tramvaje - 11 (stanice Bruselská), 16, 22, 23, 24 (jestli se nepletu!) Stanice IP Pavlova nebo nam. miru (je to jedno)

Autem: to asi bude horší, moc parkovacich mist tam asi nebude (já to pøesto riskuji).
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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (23) / Confirmed: 18 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Helga Humlova  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Jaromir Masa   Member a couple of days only. If alive, I'll come. Sorry, there is no number in the street.  y
Judy Yeaton   Let me know if you need help.  
Sarka Rubkova   If in Prague I'll come  y
Ian Roley  \"Photographer\" I'm interested in attending.  y
Marek Buchtel   I'm new to, and I'll be happy to meet you all in Prague.  y
Xfnadge (X)   I sure would like to come. and if help is needed let me know.  y
ELC GROUP   ed and bill who wanted to attend are coming back to Prague on Dec2. Hope they will attend. Should confirm it as soon as they are back on December 2.  m
Ing. Jiri Klima   I can't miss meeting you!  y
Vladimir Suda  \"Photographer\" Looks like I am making it!  y
astrit disha  \"Reporter\" Ok cekam na dalsi spravy Helga.  y
Daniel Meier  \"Host\" ...  m
Martin Janda   No jo, to vis ze prijdu. Jako by se to neobeslo bez techhle formalit :-)  y
Jan Kolbaba   Hello  m
Jaroslav Suchánek   Snad mi to letos vyjde.  y
William Kratzer Jr.  \"Photographer\" Providing I don't have any unexpected delays, I should be able to attend. This will be the first attendance for me. I just moved to the Czech Republic. I look forward to being there.  y
Jan Zeman   Super nápad, rád poznám spríznené duše:-)
  What are these?
Laura Genescu (Briciu)  \"Photographer\" It's the first powwoww I attend outside Romania and I can't wait to meet you all!  y
skrivos   Pavel Skrivanek - Tesim se na setkani  y
Xremoved profile (X)   I'm in Prague that day (from Oxford) ... new to Proz. Will try to come. Sue  y
George Griffis   Talk a little shop, drink a beer... What could be better?  y
Hynek Palatin   Rad prijdu.  y
Charlotte Blank   maybe :)  m

Postings about this event

Powwow: Praha - Czech Republic
Helga Humlova
Helga Humlova  Identity Verified
Member (2003)
English to German
+ ...
Mikulašská Nov 1, 2004

M I K U L A Š S K A neni název ulice ale "Titulek" naseh setkani!!!!
Misto a adressu dodam, jakmile jsem nasla ten "spravny" podnik.

astrit disha
astrit disha  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:33
English to Albanian
+ ...
Mikulašská Nov 1, 2004

ok cekam na dalsi spravy

Ian Roley
Ian Roley
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:33
+ ...
ID Verification? Nov 2, 2004

I'm in Krakow. Will certainly attend. Can I use this powwow for someone to verify my ID in ProZ?

Helga Humlova
Helga Humlova  Identity Verified
Member (2003)
English to German
+ ...
ID Verification Nov 2, 2004

I'v forwarded this question to a Proz leader and will get back to you as soon as I get an answer.

Ian Roley
Ian Roley
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:33
+ ...
ID verification Nov 2, 2004


Vladimir Suda
Vladimir Suda  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 06:33
English to Czech
+ ...
spravny podnik Nov 2, 2004

HELGO, PODÍVEJ SE DO BARU TÁGO MÁGO NA ZDERAZE (je to 100 m od Vltavy paralelně s Resslovou ulicí). Má fantistickou atmosféru a obsluhu, pojme určitě 40 lidí a připraví nám na objednání cokoliv. Znám je, mohu pomoci. Vladimír (zavolej mi 602202542)

Helga Humlova
Helga Humlova  Identity Verified
Member (2003)
English to German
+ ...
VENUE for 3/12/04 Nov 19, 2004

So, jetzt hab ich´s: Pizzeria La Romantica - Prag 2. Siehe Powwow-Seite.

Ted to mam - Pizzerie La Romantica na Praze 2 - viz Powwow stranky!


Ing. Jiri Klima
Ing. Jiri Klima  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 06:33
English to Czech
Transport options to Powwow Nov 20, 2004

Helga forgot to specify all transport options: walk; stretches; wheel chair; friend's back; bicycle; taxi cab; horse...

Helga Humlova
Helga Humlova  Identity Verified
Member (2003)
English to German
+ ...
ID Verifications - POSSIBLE Nov 25, 2004

Hi everyone,
I have good news for those of you who would like to get their IDs verified.
The ProZ leaders just informed me, that I am admitted tothe team of people being allowed to verify IDs of other members.
So, who ever would like to have his/her ID identified, pls bring a photo ID with you to our meeting and pls do not forget your ProZ Member number. Also pls be informed that I can only verify the ID of colleagues who appear under their real name on ProZ. If you appear under a
... See more
Hi everyone,
I have good news for those of you who would like to get their IDs verified.
The ProZ leaders just informed me, that I am admitted tothe team of people being allowed to verify IDs of other members.
So, who ever would like to have his/her ID identified, pls bring a photo ID with you to our meeting and pls do not forget your ProZ Member number. Also pls be informed that I can only verify the ID of colleagues who appear under their real name on ProZ. If you appear under a nick name I will not be able to verify you.

Martin Janda
Martin Janda  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 06:33
Member (2003)
English to Czech
Ja bych to nechal, jak to bylo. Jan 17, 2005


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