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November 4, 2004, 12:00 am
SwitzerlandGenevaIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (17) / Confirmed: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Patrick Lehner  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
cjperera  \"Photographer\" will be in london on nov 4th, unfortunately. maybe next time!  n
Sophie Lufkin  \"Photographer\" ...  
VBaby   Unfortunately, too many things have come up. Have a good time!  n
HarrisK   ...  
XDiane Howard   ...  
Julie Draper-Duruz   pretty new to all of this but been translating awhile...would like to know more! thanks  
Corinne Rubin   Hurray! An event in Geneva! Great idea. : ) Alas, can't make it this time. Let's do this again, though.  n
Jacob Hoegh   Sorry, too many things have turned up. Won't be able to attend anyhow.  n
Mari Luz Ponce   It´ll be my first powwow, can you give me more info?? I´d love to go!
  What are these?
Madeleine van Zanten   Madeleine van Zanten  
Xvera_ (X)   I would be interested in this powwow as it will be my first one, please tell me more about this event!  
Urs Wolffers   I will come. Urs  y
Maya Jurt   Thanks. Staying for lunch.  y
KMtraductions  \"Host\" En tant récemment diplômée de l'ETI et en stage de termino, je voudrais bien venir, mais mon stage est à Munich...
  What are these?
Cyril Bel-Ange   Cyril Bel-Ange  
BeniMuller   Ca seras pour une autre fois inch alla.  n

Postings about this event

Powwow: Geneva - Switzerland
Urs Wolffers
Urs Wolffers  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
English to German
+ ...
I will come to Geneva Oct 26, 2004


Diane Howard
Diane Howard  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
Japanese to English
+ ...
November 4 powwow Oct 26, 2004

I will attend.

Diane Howard

Diane Howard
Diane Howard  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
Japanese to English
+ ...
next Thursday Oct 29, 2004


Thanks for doing the organizing. I am planning to stay for lunch.

Best regards,


Diane Howard
Diane Howard  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
Japanese to English
+ ...
apologies Nov 3, 2004

I have to finish a rush job tomorrow and won't be able to come. My apologies.


Jacob Hoegh
Jacob Hoegh  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
English to Danish
+ ...
Apologies - too Nov 3, 2004

I won't be able to come. Too many things have turned up this week. My apologies.

Patrick Lehner
Patrick Lehner
Local time: 02:12
English to French
+ ...
Well, the four of us? Nov 3, 2004

So, shall we be 4? Cyril, what did you decide?

Mari Luz Ponce
Mari Luz Ponce  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
English to Spanish
+ ...
Is there anyone going, then? Nov 3, 2004

So how many people are going in the end?? Is it still on??

Maya Jurt
Maya Jurt  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
French to German
+ ...
Cyril's attendance Nov 3, 2004

Cyril may not be at his computer right now, but he confirmed in a private message to me. He will attend.

Patrick Lehner
Patrick Lehner
Local time: 02:12
English to French
+ ...
So, last count for tonight: at least 5! Nov 3, 2004

Well, so I can count on:
- Cyril
- Maya
- Marie Luz
- Urs
- Patrick

All the others still pending, let's see tomorrow what happens. Remember: 11.00 at FER-GE, 98 rue de St Jean, 1201 Geneva, 1st floor, Meeting Fédération d'Informatique. I'll be there at 10.45. See you!

  What are these?


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