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October 8, 2011, 2:00 pm
United KingdomCardiffIn personEnglish
Hi everyone!

How about tapas at Pica Pica on Westgate St. this time? Once I know how many are likely to come along I'll book a table next week.
Hope to see as many old and new faces there as can make it - everyone will be more than welcome!

Look forward to seeing you soon,


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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (10) / Confirmed: 6 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Victoria Porter-Burns  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Emily Phillips   ...  y
Alexandra Chapman   ...  y
Lowri Lewis   Can't make this date. Hope to see you all next time though  n
Trinidad Clares Flores   ...  y
RS Translations   Hi guys. It's Karolina. I hope to make it...I haven't seen you all for a long time now...  m
Thomas Forycki   ...  m
Charlotte R   ...  y
Kate Figueredo   Sorry for the late notice, I wasn't sure if I'd be about this weekend, but it turns out I am so I'd love to come. Is that still OK?  y
Jeff Boycott   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Cardiff - United Kingdom
Victoria Porter-Burns
Victoria Porter-Burns  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:39
Member (2007)
French to English
+ ...
Confirmation of attendance Sep 26, 2011

Hi all,

I'm going to call Pica Pica on Friday to book our table so if those of you who haven't yet signed up or given a definite response could do so by Thursday/Friday so I can include you in the numbers that would be great.

Many thanks,


Chloe Pellegrin
Chloe Pellegrin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:39
Member (2013)
English to French
Soz Oct 4, 2011

Sorry Vicky can't make it this time Chloe xx


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