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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Let's network!

April 17, 2010, 4:00 pm
GermanyFreiburg Im BreisgauIn personEnglish
Venue: Ganter Brauereiausschank, Münsterplatz 18-20

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Interested members (7) / Confirmed: 1 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
peiling  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Siegfried Armbruster   I'll come, Freiburg is always worth a trip  
Lisa Ritchie  \"Photographer\" I'll come too. Never been to a powwow before - nor Freiburg!  
Movagali   Hi, I'd like to come too.  
Gillian Scheibelein   Sorry, something has cropped up. Maybe next time  n
Hermeneutica   Could be a nice weekend in my old Alma Mater town!  y
Felipe Gútiez Velasco   I would like so much going, but I will probably not, sorry. Freiburg is really nice.  m

Postings about this event

Powwow: Freiburg Im Breisgau - Germany
peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:44
Chinese to English
+ ...
Location Apr 7, 2010

First off, thanks for signing up, everyone! I really appreciate that.

Second, I'm thinking if the weather's warm enough, we can meet at the biergarten of Feierling (Gerberau 46, 79098 Freiburg; Any other suggestions on a suitable venue is most welcome!

I look forward to meeting you!

Hermeneutica  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:44
Dutch to English
+ ...
Feierling Apr 13, 2010

Hi there, their website says the Biergarten is open from May onwards ... otherwise there is always that nice place on the Muensterplatz ...

peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:44
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+ ...
Muensterplatz Apr 13, 2010

Do you have the name of the café‎ you have in mind, Hermeneutica? I know there are a few there with nice outdoor seating but I've never tried the café‎ there yet.

Hermeneutica  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:44
Dutch to English
+ ...
Muensterplatz Apr 14, 2010

Hiya, I think I mean Oberkirch or, from memory and positioning in regard to the Muenster tower, what is now Ganter ... which, surprisingly to me, has good reviews anyway ...

peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:44
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+ ...
Ganter Brauereiausschank Apr 14, 2010

Thanks for the recommendation, Hermeneutica. I think it'll make a fine Powwow venue. Let's do this, then.

Hermeneutica  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:44
Dutch to English
+ ...
Ganter v. Feierling Apr 15, 2010

Don't get me wrong, Feierling is very nice too, we used to go there a lot in my student days, it's just if we want to be seated outside ... Anyway we are a small group so come what may weather- or otherwise we'll find a nice place!

peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:44
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Weather Apr 15, 2010

No problem. I'm also interested in trying out a different brewery and the location of Ganter is quite strategic. If it turns chilly etc we can always move indoors or even proceed to Feierling... we have a backup.icon_smile.gif

peiling  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:44
Chinese to English
+ ...
A sunny 15°C Apr 16, 2010

is forecasted for Freiburg tomorrow! Don't forget our get-together at 2pm at Ganter's.


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