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Off topic: Quick game..
Thread poster: Francesca Battaglia
Valentina Parisi
Valentina Parisi  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
English to Italian
+ ...
mmm May 1, 2007

...I don't think I'm a genius, but I swear I counted 6 at first reading.

Local time: 02:33
French to English
+ ...
odder May 1, 2007

I got 5...

Henrik Pipoyan
Henrik Pipoyan  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:33
Member (2004)
English to Armenian
Hi Fran May 1, 2007

I didn't get six at the second reading, but rather at two readings (three each time), so I am with the rest.

On the other way, I found the shortest way for an average professional to become a genius. As we know, genius is a person who looks at things differently. Here's the key – try reading the text backwards, and you won't miss a single "F".

Jennifer Forbes
Jennifer Forbes  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:33
French to English
+ ...
In memoriam
True genius, Henrik May 1, 2007

Henrik Pipoyan wrote:

I didn't get six at the second reading, but rather at two readings (three each time), so I am with the rest.

On the other way, I found the shortest way for an average professional to become a genius. As we know, genius is a person who looks at things differently. Here's the key – try reading the text backwards, and you won't miss a single "F".

Now that idea is true genius, Henrik!
I got 4 first time, so am clearly odd. I knew it!

Nadine Kahn
Nadine Kahn  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
English to German
+ ...
Shame on me May 1, 2007

I sort of knew this game and yet counted three.... *hides under a rock*

It's always comforting to know there are others who are blockheaded, isn't it?

Emanuela Clodomiro
Emanuela Clodomiro  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
Member (2007)
English to Italian
+ ...
grrrr May 1, 2007

I counted 3!

Daniel Bird
Daniel Bird  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:33
German to English
Five May 1, 2007

...missed the initial F believe it or not

Language Aide Pvt. Ltd. - Translation & Interpreting Agency
Language Aide Pvt. Ltd. - Translation & Interpreting Agency
Local time: 06:03
English to Hindi
+ ...
oh I counted 3.... :( May 1, 2007


I counted two times.... both the times wrong....

But how does it happen? Any psychologist cum translator's comment available for this

Language Aide

Francesca Battaglia
Francesca Battaglia
Local time: 02:33
English to Italian
+ ...
reading backwards! May 1, 2007

eading backwards! It's true!!! It really works! You totally deserve a six, Henrik! So funny, tho..I really can't find any logical explanation..


Joy Navarro
Joy Navarro  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:33
Tagalog to English
+ ...
I got "3" too.. May 1, 2007

at first, I counted "three"...

then, I counted "five"...


Speranza  Identity Verified

Local time: 02:33
Spanish to Russian
+ ...
Three here May 1, 2007

soooo weird!

JaneTranslates  Identity Verified
Puerto Rico
Local time: 20:33
Spanish to English
+ ...
Don't do this to me! May 1, 2007

francesca battaglia wrote:

Hi, I'm so glad you all liked my little game, here! Maybe tomorrow I'll post another one which is even crazier since you need to make some quick additions and then think to a word and everyone seems to think the same word..


I'm dying to see the new game! And in a couple of hours I'm leaving on a trip and may not have Internet access for a couple of days!

For the record, I'm no genius, but I did see all 6. And I suspect Henrik's method works because the mind subconsciously tries to make sense of what we're reading, even when we tell it to just count f's. Going forwards, the brain identifies "of" as an "unimportant" word; going backwards, it doesn't.

Does that make any sense?


Manuela Ferrari
Manuela Ferrari  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:33
English to Italian
+ ...
average + odd May 1, 2007

3 the first time
4 the second

never got the six Fs... I am totally hopeless!!

(but I am looking forward to the next game!)

Sabina Moscatelli
Sabina Moscatelli
Local time: 02:33
Member (2004)
German to Italian
+ ...
I found only 3 May 1, 2007

with the quick reading and finally six with the backward reading

Maria Ondarcuhu
Maria Ondarcuhu
Local time: 21:33
English to Spanish
+ ...
quick game May 1, 2007

I found three!!!! luckily I`m normal.
I got six after reading Francesca explanation
Guauuuu... amazing

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Quick game..

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