Update on progress of Translators4Kids
Thread poster: Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:23
English to German
Feb 16, 2005

Dear all,

I would like to update you on recent developments of Translators4Kids, a charitable idea that was born on ProZ.com. For those of you who haven't heard about it before, check http://proz.com/topic/27354 and http://www.proz.com/topic/27479

- call for volunteers to be on the management
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Dear all,

I would like to update you on recent developments of Translators4Kids, a charitable idea that was born on ProZ.com. For those of you who haven't heard about it before, check http://proz.com/topic/27354 and http://www.proz.com/topic/27479

- call for volunteers to be on the management board of our own charity: close to 40 (!) questionnaires have come in as of today; that's a tremendous feedback rate of roughly 60 percent!!!

- Those data have been (and new are constantly being) added to our existing data base of volunteers so that they can be evaluated in detail (in order to form the best teams possible / to see what resources we have / to see what we lack etc)

- We have established direct communication with the volunteers who have sent in their questionnaire

- We are now going to form the teams and start the "real" work

- The teamwork will take place via email lists as well as in a dedicated private forum on ProZ.com

- We have developed basic working guidelines

- We have developed a priority list in order to maintain focus and work efficiently: setting up the teams; legal set-up of HQ (France; additional associations to found in other countries); develop outline of project; find publisher annex partner

- We have developed basic ideas for organigram, project outline, logo etc

And of course: We will keep you informed!

If you would like to participate - as translator and/or member and/or board member:

Simply download the questionnaire: www.copywriting.de/Yourname_YourProZ-ID.doc, fill it out, then send it back to me at [email protected]

A few enlightening notes:

- The questionnaire is comprehensive; this was done purposefully, enabling us to proceed more quickly and create the best possible teams.

- Please save the document under a new document name, using your last name & ProZ ID number, for example: Schimmelpfennig_1550.doc. This is important as we will be able to ID your file once you send it back.

- Please do not change the formatting or structure of this file, i.e. do not add or delete columns or rows. Put your answer(s) only in the respective column and/or row. We plan to convert the data to a database. Changes to the format or structure would make this impossible.

Since discussions pertaining to Translators4Kids are now being held by the board members in a private forum on ProZ.com, I will lock all but this thread in this forum.

Kind regards

[Edited at 2005-02-16 12:37]

Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:23
English to German
The real work has begun - more volunteers are welcome! Feb 24, 2005

Dear all,

During the last week, we have created The Teams Team in order to help build the most urgent teams which are now in place and working. We decided on co-leadership to avoid difficulties resulting from time constraints. The teams are likely to change and evolve after initial setup. The Teams Team will now develop tools and guidelines as well as an overall structure including other teams not created yet but needed in the future. These are the current teams:

1) The
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Dear all,

During the last week, we have created The Teams Team in order to help build the most urgent teams which are now in place and working. We decided on co-leadership to avoid difficulties resulting from time constraints. The teams are likely to change and evolve after initial setup. The Teams Team will now develop tools and guidelines as well as an overall structure including other teams not created yet but needed in the future. These are the current teams:

1) The Strategy Team, headed by Natalia Eklund and Marion Schimmelpfennig. This team will take care of Mission Statement, validation, project outline, project development. We are now working on the Mission Statement so that everyone knows about the why, what, how, when and where.

2) The Legal Team, headed by Natalia Eklund and Pierre Grabowski. This team will take care of Laws/bylaws, Code of conduct, legalizing and founding process. We are now working on the Laws/Bylaws in order to get the founding process in France going.

3) The Headquarters Team, headed by Beth Fagnant Garcia and Natalia Eklund. This team will take care of coordination / administration / accounts / secretary etc.

4) The Sponsoring Team, headed by Heloisa Ferdinandt and Wout-Jan Koridon. This team will look for sponsors after legal, project outline, website has been taken care of.

5) The Communications Team, headed by Balaban Cerit and Marion Schimmelpfennig. This team, for the time being, will ensure communication to board members, members, contributors, ProZ.com community; later: advertising, PR, HR etc.

6) The Publishing Team, headed by Nanette McGuiness and Wout-Jan Koridon. This team will search for possible publishers, present project outline, start negotiations.

7) The Creative Team, headed by Paula Dana Szabados and Wout-Jan Koridon. This team will take care of Web design, logo, web content etc; not the book at this stage.

8) The Web Team, headed by Adriana Julian and Sonya Mountford. This team will program / set up websites & maintenance, enable web based teams communication and file-sharing etc.

If you would like to contribute to one of those teams (or other teams needed in the future), please contact The Communications Team leader Marion Schimmelpfennig at [email protected]

[Edited at 2005-02-25 12:06]

Natalia Eklund
Natalia Eklund  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:23
French to English
+ ...
T4K is getting there - Update on works in progress Mar 9, 2005

Dear all,

Before I start talking about what we've been doing, we would like to thank Henry, Proz's founder, who continues to feature T4K in the ProZ.com newsletter.
Thanks to you, Henry, new volunteers continue to come in every day!

As of March 7, 56 of our translator colleagues have sent in their questionnaires, and even more offered to help this cause as a translator for our first project, the children's book.
This is great news! We
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Dear all,

Before I start talking about what we've been doing, we would like to thank Henry, Proz's founder, who continues to feature T4K in the ProZ.com newsletter.
Thanks to you, Henry, new volunteers continue to come in every day!

As of March 7, 56 of our translator colleagues have sent in their questionnaires, and even more offered to help this cause as a translator for our first project, the children's book.
This is great news! We are so excited with this continued interest.

Some of you may be thinking now, "Ok, I'm interested, but nothing seems to be happening." But, T4K is a lot like the beginning of a theatrical play. The curtain is down, the orchestra just finished playing, and all the cast and crew are busy running around like crazy backstage getting ready for the show!

To make sure all of you stay updated on our progress, I will regularly post on this thread. So feel free to check back here from time to time for the Grand Opening!


OK, so what's happening now, and what will happen next?

Although we are now more than 20 board members, it is not easy to get everything organized quickly with people living all over the world and in different time zones.

We have established the most urgent teams, and many of them are already working feverishly.

For example, we have the Legal Team which has been preparing the laws/bylaws and the legal setup in France. We have been taking care to explore the possible future legal issues, because it's best to get it done correctly from the start.

Also, the Communications Team has been ensuring communication to and between volunteers, members and board members. We are working hard on establishing an efficient way of informing and involving everyone who expressed their willingness to help.
Now, this might sound easy, but it's hard work because we have to create a practical database first. And what a database it's turning out to be!

Never mind the difficulty of our tasks. We're doing this because we want to and we believe in T4K.

We are also doing all this on our free time, so it's hard to make things happen overnight, and the whole process is very similar to the foundation of a company!

Of course, we could always use more help. We need:
People willing and able to take the initiative,
People who can get things done quickly, and
People with specialized skills,
for example web design, web hosting, programming, database, legal matters and so on.

Today's Frequently Asked Question:

About the questionnaire-
What's the difference between being a board member, a member and an active contributor?

Well, being a board member means helping shape and lead the charity with many responsibilities involved; being a member means
actively contributing in the working processes (with the right to vote in general meetings, of course); being a contributor means contributing in the project work with no other obligations and rights in the charity.

Want to join us? Simply fill out the questionnaire at
http://www.copywriting.de/Yourname_YourProZ-ID.doc and send it back to the Team Leader of the Teams Team, Beth, at [email protected] or Marion at [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon!


[Edited at 2005-03-09 00:42]

Natalia Eklund
Natalia Eklund  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:23
French to English
+ ...
T4K Status March Update Mar 30, 2005

Hello Everyone,

Although we all have businesses and families to tend to, T4K has managed further leaps to a functioning non-profit association. Here is what we have accomplished during the last few weeks since my last update:

1) All volunteers who expressed their willingness to participate in one way or another but have not sent in their questionnaire yet have been contacted by T4K and asked to submit the questionnaire. The forms are already coming in and we hope to rec
... See more
Hello Everyone,

Although we all have businesses and families to tend to, T4K has managed further leaps to a functioning non-profit association. Here is what we have accomplished during the last few weeks since my last update:

1) All volunteers who expressed their willingness to participate in one way or another but have not sent in their questionnaire yet have been contacted by T4K and asked to submit the questionnaire. The forms are already coming in and we hope to receive more in the next days and weeks. Remember: It is never too late to join us!

2) We created a "Code of Conduct" to make it clear that integrity is most important to us.

3) The Web Team is working on the structure and layout of our future website, and the Creative Team is working on a logo. Looks very promising so far!

4) The Legal Team has been finishing up the legal setup and we plan to have our association registered in France within the next month!

5) In due course, we will have a central database with all volunteer information which will make communication and management much easier.

6) Hopefully, within the next days or so, we will have an efficient means to contact and inform all volunteers who want to be either a normal member or an active contributor without membership (as opposed to board member).

7) For the transition into becoming a true non-profit, we formed a temporary Executive Committee to meet the urgent needs for coordination and management.
All the Committe members were nominated from among our team leaders. They consist of the following: Marion Schimmelpfennig, Nanette McGuiness, Natalia Eklund, Pierre Grabowski and Wout-Jan Koridon.
To speed things up, the Executive Committee will be meeting in person in Germany on April 8 - 10.

T4K - Translators for Kids is getting going!

Want to join us? Simply fill out the questionnaire at
http://www.copywriting.de/Yourname_YourProZ-ID.doc and send it back to the Team Leader of the Teams Team, Beth, at [email protected] or Marion at [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon!


Claudia Papurello
Claudia Papurello
Local time: 12:23
English to Spanish
+ ...
what's new May 17, 2005

Hi, what's new in the project. I've sent my questionnaire but haven't heard from you since. I'm still interested though.Claudia

Francina  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 11:23
Dutch to English
+ ...
Update May 17, 2005

Thank you for asking Claudia. Sometimes we get so busy that we forget that the groundwork currently being worked on is not visible to everyone.

Please know that a lot of work is being done and we are getting closer to our goal of being "up and running".

A newsletter is coming out in due course with all the latest developments and information pertaining to T4K.

Thank you for your interest and continued support,


Natalia Eklund
Natalia Eklund  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:23
French to English
+ ...
T4K Status July Update - Sponsors galore Jul 19, 2005

Hellooooo Everyone!!!

Oof! It's been a while since our last public forum update, and I'd like to apologize to those of you who've been waiting with bated breath.

We've had quite a few major developments since the last few months and along with the warm weather, and vacation days, time has slipped by.
Below I'll give you an overview of what's been going on, but if you'd like to know more or receive more regular updates, just sign up for our regular newsletter! (see
... See more
Hellooooo Everyone!!!

Oof! It's been a while since our last public forum update, and I'd like to apologize to those of you who've been waiting with bated breath.

We've had quite a few major developments since the last few months and along with the warm weather, and vacation days, time has slipped by.
Below I'll give you an overview of what's been going on, but if you'd like to know more or receive more regular updates, just sign up for our regular newsletter! (see thread http://www.proz.com/topic/32441)

Major developments
1) Sponsored bank account - yes, that's right. Thanks to the help of our volunteers, we've negotiated a fee-free bank account.
2) Regular newsletter - as you've probably figured out now, we are keeping all our volunteers updated with e-newsletters. Find out what's being done, who's doing it, and how to help!
3) Donations - a big thank you to those who have pledged even a small amount, bit by bit we'll be able to accomplish large things.
4) Service sponsors - web designers, artists, writers, tax specialists, accountants etc. We have been flattered by their exuberance in working with us. They have donated a lot of time and services to get us looking and working professionally.
5) PROZ! - "Henry the Great" and his loyal Proz team have been so completely supportive, not only have they pledged a beautiful donation, they'll be hosting our website free of charge!

Coming(very)soon - Translators4Kids website!!!!!!!!

Karine J.
Karine J.
Local time: 17:23
French to German
+ ...
Count on me Aug 31, 2005

Hello Marion,

I´m new by Proz.com and just read this forum for the first time.
I do not know if German-French pair will be needed but if yes, I would be much obliged to help you. Please contact me!!

Monika Coulson
Monika Coulson  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:23
Member (2001)
English to Albanian
+ ...
Great progress Sep 10, 2005

Wow! Totally impressed! I visited the T4Kids forum today, after a long time of absence, and I am impressed with the progress done. Great job everyone. I am still here and ready to help (and I would like to apologize for my absence.)

Keep it up,


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Update on progress of Translators4Kids

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