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Filter definition not found: SDL Trados Word 2007 Filter
Thread poster: Lourdes Díaz
María Fernanda Pignataro
María Fernanda Pignataro  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:40
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It didn't work for me :-( Jul 26, 2011

Hi everyone,

I get this message when trying to clean up a file in Tag Editor (Trados 7.0 FL)

(-2147467259): Filter definition not found: SDL Trados Word 2007 Filter
File skipped!

I cannot clean the file.

I use Word 2003. OS: Windows XP.

Like most of you, I received the annoying messages during translation about the filters, but somehow I managed to finish the translation.

Now, I have read all the thread o
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Hi everyone,

I get this message when trying to clean up a file in Tag Editor (Trados 7.0 FL)

(-2147467259): Filter definition not found: SDL Trados Word 2007 Filter
File skipped!

I cannot clean the file.

I use Word 2003. OS: Windows XP.

Like most of you, I received the annoying messages during translation about the filters, but somehow I managed to finish the translation.

Now, I have read all the thread on this issue, and followed Neil's instructions to Lourdes. In the beginning it seemed the trick was going to work, but when I opened the apparently cleaned file in Word... I found the source text! (it cleaned the target text).

I have to deliver the job tomorrow. Fortunately, a good friend of mine (and a colleague) cleaned the file for me, but I want to solve this issue as soon as possible.

Any piece of advise or ideas?

Thanks a lot!


Laura Diaconu
Laura Diaconu
Local time: 22:40
German to Romanian
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God bless you, Neil! Apr 30, 2012

Thank you sooooo much! It was driving me crazy and killing my neurons!! Thank you very much!

KMarkiewicz  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:40
French to Polish
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Similar problem in Trados 2011 Jun 13, 2012

Hi everyone,

I seem to have a similar problem in Trados 2011.

I have a text that was apparently created in Word 2007. I converted it into a ttx file, edited it in Trados 2011, saved as ttx and at the end of work, I am unable to save it back to Word file.

The error message states the following: "Failed to save target content: Cannot find file type definition with id Word 2007 v"

I work on Trados 2011 Freelance and I have Office 2010 sui
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Hi everyone,

I seem to have a similar problem in Trados 2011.

I have a text that was apparently created in Word 2007. I converted it into a ttx file, edited it in Trados 2011, saved as ttx and at the end of work, I am unable to save it back to Word file.

The error message states the following: "Failed to save target content: Cannot find file type definition with id Word 2007 v"

I work on Trados 2011 Freelance and I have Office 2010 suite.

I tried to apply the solution found in the present string, but there seems to be no "SDL Trados Word 2007 Filter" or anything similar in the ttx file (edited in WordPad).

Does anyone have an alternative solution I might try out?

I am supposed to deliver the translation by Friday and the document is circa 120 pages long.

Thank you in advance for any useful advice!



Patrick Barbarin
Patrick Barbarin  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:40
Member (2007)
English to French
Great - Thanks :-) Sep 6, 2012

Great - Thanks

Italian to English
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Any suggestions for Trados Studio 2011? Mar 18, 2013


I thought I'd use this conversation to ask if anyone has suggestions for a similar issue with Trados Studio 2011?

When I try to re-open a file that I have been working on recently, I get the message "Dependency file not found". If I wish to continue with my work I have to cancel the search for this file and pick up from a much earlier stage, or start a new project each time I load Trados, based on the old project with the updated translation memories.

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I thought I'd use this conversation to ask if anyone has suggestions for a similar issue with Trados Studio 2011?

When I try to re-open a file that I have been working on recently, I get the message "Dependency file not found". If I wish to continue with my work I have to cancel the search for this file and pick up from a much earlier stage, or start a new project each time I load Trados, based on the old project with the updated translation memories.

Similarly, if I try to save the target text, I get the message "Trados 2007 Filter Definition file not found" and I am unable to save the target text.

I'm going crazy trying to sort this, as it is causing me serious delays. Any help or suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


RWS Community
RWS Community
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:40
Working with TTX in Studio Mar 18, 2013

Hi William,

When you work on a TTX in Studio you can take a TTX and translate it, even with these messages, but you won't be able to save the original format before it became a TTX without them. You could save the TTX, but not the xml file file if it was something.xml.ttx.sdlxliff for example.

You'd also need these dependency files to save the original format from
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Hi William,

When you work on a TTX in Studio you can take a TTX and translate it, even with these messages, but you won't be able to save the original format before it became a TTX without them. You could save the TTX, but not the xml file file if it was something.xml.ttx.sdlxliff for example.

You'd also need these dependency files to save the original format from T2007. So your options are these:

1. Save the TTX and send it to your client for them to convert
2. Locate the dependency file when asked and do what you need

Sometimes just placing the dependency files into the same folder as the TTX will do the trick without you having to dig around for it... it all depends where the files were when the TTX was created.



Konstantin Chernoukhov
Konstantin Chernoukhov  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 22:40
Member (2008)
English to Russian
Excel Jun 29, 2013

Great thanks Neil! I have resolved the same problem with Excel. First, I replace "SDL Trados Excel 2007 Filter" with "Trados Excel Filter". But it didn't work. Then I took a look at ttx resulted from Excel 2003. The string was "TRADOS Excel Filter" (TRADOS in upper case and 2 instead of 1). I put it in my ttx xlsx and everything is working now! So easy and effective!

it happens when I clean up ttx file. How should I deal wtih it then? Sep 15, 2013

Neil Cross wrote:

Hi Lourdes,

Here's what I do when this happens:

1. Open the TagEditor (ttx) file in a text editor, such as WordPad.

2. Find the text string "SDL Trados Word 2007 Filter" in the file (minus the quotation marks, of course).

3. Very carefully, change this string to "TRADOS Word Filter" (with TRADOS all in upper case). Save the file and exit the text editor.

4. Open the file in TagEditor and edit it as normal.

5. When you have finished editing the file, remember to change the text string "TRADOS Word Filter" back to "SDL Trados Word 2007 Filter" (again in a text editor) before sending the file to the client.

All being well, that should work!

Good luck


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Local time: 22:40
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All in all Sep 4, 2014

Yes, but as I get it, it does not solve the problem in general. It works just for each separate file.

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Filter definition not found: SDL Trados Word 2007 Filter

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