Translation glossary: SueEd

Showing entries 1-50 of 67
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"Diplôme Brevet de maitrise de cuisine"(Advanced diploma in professional cookery) 
French to English
Analyser pour mieux réagirAnalysis as a key to insight 
French to English
French to English
annalespast exam papers 
French to English
apprentissagelearning process 
French to English
APTE - CCFContinuous assessment (CA) 
French to English
automatiquecontrol engineering 
French to English
autorité chargée de la délivrance des certificatscertifying authority 
French to English
équipes pédagogiqueteaching staff 
French to English
bilans de compétencesskills assessment 
French to English
c'est à l'occasion de mes deux années de BTSduring my 2-year BTS (undergraduate) programme 
French to English
Ce qui est intéressant pour l’enseignant...Teachers will find it useful/it is useful for teachers 
French to English
child-centred practiceapproche centrée sur l'enfant 
English to French
co-développementco-learning/team learning 
French to English
compétences acquiseslearning outcomes 
French to English
compétences acquiseslearning outcomes 
French to English
contrat d'étudeslearning agreement 
French to English
contrat d'étudeslearning contract/agreement 
French to English
conventionnementagreement, grant offer letters 
French to English
corps professoralacademic staff, (teaching) faculty 
French to English
cours intensifcrash course 
French to English
cours magistrallecture 
French to English
dégager du cas sa spécificitédefine/extract the salient features of each case 
French to English
dépôt du dossierapplication 
French to English
deuxieme sessionsecond session (of exams) 
French to English
directeur de recherchesresearch superviser 
French to English
dossier d’étudework experience report 
French to English
dossier scolaireschool/academic record (British), student file (Am) 
French to English
Ecole des Cadres / CadreManagement School 
French to English
fall term (US), autumn term (Brit.)premier trimestre de l'année scolaire 
English to French
feuilles d’émargementsign-in sheets 
French to English
fonds d'amorçageseed funds 
French to English
formation permanentelifelong learning 
French to English
inscritregistered, enrolled 
French to English
juryassessment panel, examination board, selection panel 
French to English
Jury de diplôme(Degree) examing board/ examination board 
French to English
French to English
learning outcomesrésultats de la formation, acquis de compétences et de connaissances), acquis de savoir 
English to French
les jeunes diplomésyoung graduates, alumni 
French to English
les organismes d’aide à la création d’entreprisebusiness start-up support organisations 
French to English
médecin diplômé degraduate of Beirut Medical School 
French to English
médecin diplômé degraduate of X Medical School 
French to English
modalites de depot, signalement et reproduction des thesessubmission, description and reproduction of the theses 
French to English
niveau de compétencelevel of proficiency 
French to English
organisme de certificationawarding body 
French to English
ouvrage de synthèse (monographie)monograph 
French to English
pôle d'excellencecentre of excellence 
French to English
poste d'acceuilguest researcher (fixed-contract position) 
French to English
Préparation en collaboration avec Madame yy de l’ouvrage suivant :the following book, prepared in collaboration with ... 
French to English
programme scolairecurriculum 
French to English
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