Translation glossary: SueEd

Showing entries 51-67 of 67
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promotiongraduation year, intake 
French to English
Répresentative du Conseil d'AdministrationChairman of the Board 
French to English
relevés de notesstudent transcript 
French to English
relevés de notesstudents transcript 
French to English
remise à niveaurefresher course 
French to English
Satisfaire aux conditions du règlement d'étudesafter satisfying the academic regulations and course requirements 
French to English
Satisfaire aux conditions du règlement d'étudesafter satisfying the academic regulations and course requirements 
French to English
French to English
French to English
services générauxancillary services 
French to English
statut d'associationnon-profit educational organisation, non-profit-making educational institution 
French to English
to inform the development of a frameworkcontribuer au débat visant au développement d'un cadre 
English to French
travail pédagogiqueteaching programme/coursework 
French to English
tuteur/maîtretutor/learning supervisor 
French to English
un co-référentco-advisor/co-supervisor 
French to English
Validation des acquis de l'expérience (VAE)APEL (accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) 
French to English
widely publishedl'auteur de nombreuses publications scientifiques/ses travaux/recherches ont donné lieu a de nombreuses publications 
English to French
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