Translation glossary: bus / finance

Showing entries 1-30 of 30
aplicar descuentoapply/give a discount 
Spanish to English
capacity, output, production, productivity, throughput, turnover or work output?output 
comité integrado por personas de prestigio y reconocidas en el medio financieroa committee of prestigious members who are well known in financial circles 
Spanish to English
COMPANY FAIR TREATMENT POLICYpolítica de trato justo/imparcial de la compañía 
English to Spanish
direccion facultativaSupervision team 
Spanish to English
drawn upestructurados, organizados, clasificados 
English to Spanish
EK/FKstockholders equity/capital, // borrowed capital 
German to English
empresa ejecutora del préstamothe company receiving the loan 
Spanish to English
Estados proforma mensuales del 2002proforma monthly balance sheets for 2002 
Spanish to English
Forbidden Content of CommunicationsContenidos Censurados/Prohibidos de Comunicación 
English to Spanish
gone from strength to strengthuna empresa que ha tenido un éxito tras otro 
English to Spanish
GRPsGRP Gross Rating Points (advertising delivery) 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
ilícitos administrativosmanagerial wrong-doing 
Spanish to English
Impositivamente, no existiría ningún efecto adverso por tratarse de deudas comercialesThere are no adverse tax implications because/since/as this is a matter of trade receivables / we're dealing with commercial deb 
Spanish to English
imputadocharged / appropriated / ASSIGNED, ALLOCATED / declared, assigned 
Spanish to English
IPOoferta pública inicial 
English to Spanish
juntas quincenales de seguimientobi-monthly (fortnight) follow-up meetings 
Spanish to English
last but certainly not leastFinalmente, pero no por eso menos importante, 
English to Spanish
Les agradecería que me enviasen información técnica y/o catálogos de sus productos.I would be grateful if you could send me technical information and/or a catalogue of your products 
Spanish to English
make-or-break factorsfactores determinantes 
English to Spanish
non-collectible accountcuenta incobrable 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
target ratetasa meta / esperada / calculada / tope 
English to Spanish
Ver nuestras Condiciones Generales de Compra que se les adjuntan on el primer padido. Si no las tuvieran en su poder se las volvSee the General Terms of Purchase enclosed with the first order [pedido, I assume]. If you do not... 
Spanish to English
working capital requirementcapital de trabajo necesario 
English to Spanish
world class cash costsCostos en efectivo de clase mundial 
English to Spanish
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