Translation glossary: Financial Terms

Showing entries 1-50 of 2,176
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"garanties, caution et avals"guarantees and endorsements 
French to English
"gaz ""coussin"""cushion gas 
French to English
"gaz ""utile"""working gas 
French to English
"nature, étendue et calendrier""nature, extent and timing" 
French to English
"op�rations ""parasites"""ancillary activities 
French to English
"positions ouvertes, en trésorerie ou en titres"open cash or security positions 
French to English
"premier entré, premier sorti""fifo (first in, first out)" 
French to English
� l'encontreagainst / contrary to 
French to English
� termerepayable at maturity 
French to English
abandon de créanceforgiveness of debt 
French to English
abandonner (par cession ou liquidation)discontinue 
French to English
abondon d'activit�sdiscontinuing operations 
French to English
aborder (traiter)address (to) 
French to English
abris fiscauxtax haven 
French to English
French to English
abstenir (s')refrain 
French to English
accepter un départ volontaireaccept voluntary redundancy 
French to English
French to English
accord à taux différédelayed rate settlement (drs) 
French to English
accord contractuelcontractual arrangement 
French to English
accord de référencementlisting agreement 
French to English
accord de taux futur (atf)future rate agreement (fra) 
French to English
accord irrévocablebinding agreement 
French to English
achat à termeforward purchase 
French to English
achat à terme de devisesforward currency purchase 
French to English
French to English
achats et ventes � termes secssimple purchases and sales 
French to English
acomptepayment on account 
French to English
acompte de versementsdeposit account/credit account 
French to English
acompte sur dividendesinterim dividend 
French to English
French to English
French to English
acquisition d'immobilisationscapital addition 
French to English
acquisition d'investissementscapital expenditure 
French to English
acquisition en location-financementleasing acquisition 
French to English
acquisition transfrontali�recross-border acquisition 
French to English
acquitter sur l'encaissementpaid on collection 
French to English
actes de notoriétépromotional events 
French to English
actes légauxlegal formalities 
French to English
French to English
French to English
actif éventuelcontingent asset 
French to English
actif circulantcurrent asset 
French to English
actif courantcurrent asset 
French to English
actif dépréciéimpaired asset 
French to English
actif dérivéderivative asset 
French to English
actif de gestionservicing asset 
French to English
actif dont le prix est fixé au prix du marchéasset repriced at market 
French to English
actif financierfinancial asset 
French to English
actif immobiliséfixed asset 
French to English
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