Translation glossary: Financial Terms

Showing entries 251-300 of 2,176
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base (sur une) cumulée depuis le début de l'exercice jusqu'à une date intermédiaireyear-to-date basis (on a) 
French to English
base de donnéesdatabase 
French to English
base fiscaletax base 
French to English
base raisonnable et permanentereasonable and consistent basis 
French to English
French to English
bénéficeprofit (uk) / income (us) 
French to English
bénéfice mondialconsolidated profit 
French to English
bénéficiaires de trusts ou de patrimoinesbeneficiaries of a trust or estate 
French to English
b�n�fice imposabletaxable profit 
French to English
French to English
besoin de fonds de roulementrequired working capital 
French to English
besoin en fonds de roulement (bfr)working capital requirement 
French to English
beta sectorielindustry risk coefficient 
French to English
bien en concessionconcession asset 
French to English
bien hors concessionnon-concession asset 
French to English
bien informéknowledgeable 
French to English
biensassets / goods 
French to English
biens fongiblesinterchangeable goods / fungible goods 
French to English
biens immobiliersproperty 
French to English
bilanbalance sheet 
French to English
bilan consolidéconsolidated balance sheet 
French to English
bilan socialsocial balance sheet 
French to English
billet à ordretrade bill 
French to English
billets de tr�sorerietreasury notes 
French to English
bon à moyen terme négociable (bmtn)medium term note (mtn) 
French to English
bon d'interventionjob sheet 
French to English
bon de caissecorporate notes 
French to English
bon de commandeorder form 
French to English
bon de souscription d'actionsshare purchase warrant (uk) / stock purchase warrant (us) 
French to English
bon de trésortreasury stock (uk) 
French to English
bons de caissecash certificates 
French to English
bons de souscriptionsubscription warrant 
French to English
bonus or réduction pour non déclaration de sinistreno-claims bonus (or discount) 
French to English
bordereau de ventesales order 
French to English
branche d'activit�business sector (uk) / business segment (us) 
French to English
French to English
btp (bâtiment et travaux publics)civil engineering / public works 
French to English
bulletin de paiepay slip (uk) / pay check (us) 
French to English
bureau d'étudesproject engineer 
French to English
cac (compagnie des agents de change)french institute of stockbrokers 
French to English
cadeau publicitairegiveaway 
French to English
cadre comptableaccounting regulatory environment / accounting rules 
French to English
cadre de directionexecutive officer 
French to English
cadre supérieurcompany officer 
French to English
cahier des chargesspecifications 
French to English
caissepetty cash 
French to English
caisse d'épargnesavings bank 
French to English
caisse de retraitepension funds 
French to English
calcul de la charge d'impôtcomputing income tax expense 
French to English
calcul simplifi�computational shortcuts 
French to English
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