Translation glossary:

Showing entries 1-50 of 62
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a descătuşato release (the potential) 
Romanian to English
a parcurge drumul întâlnirii dintre credinţă şi raţiuneto walk the road where faith and reason meet 
Romanian to English
acordarea cuvantului pe fondpasar a decidir sobre el fondo 
Romanian to Spanish
analize nepartinitoareanálisis imparciales 
Romanian to Spanish
English to Spanish
argint patinatpatinated silver 
Romanian to English
Romanian to English
con el hocico en altoperceiving myself with the snout thrust upward, as if trying to sniff the arrival of spring 
Spanish to English
condensador de 4 bulbos4-bulb condenser 
Spanish to English
continúa vigente la necesidad de los mismos, aplicando, en su caso, las penasthat the need for services stays in force, applying, as appropriate, the corresponding conventional 
Spanish to English
contorului aferent parterului clădiriielectric meter installed on the ground floor of the building 
Romanian to English
cum tranzactionam?¿cómo negociamos? 
Romanian to Spanish
dealer spreadsdiferencia entre el precio de oferta y el de demanda de los comerciantes/vendedores 
English to Spanish
defense stocksacciones de defensa 
English to Spanish
desaduanarclear customs 
Spanish to English
Dispone el testador que subsista dicha voluntadThe testator states that the mentioned will remain in force should the beneficiary.... 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
eje de abatimientobending axle 
Spanish to English
enfoques sectorialessector-wide approaches 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
field testscuestionario de influencia alcoholica 
English to Spanish
foam padded handlesborde protegido con almohadilla de hule espuma 
English to Spanish
Romanian to Spanish
giros de bancos hipotecariosdrafts of mortgage banks 
Spanish to English
has devolved reporting and risk assessment processesha delegado/transferido los procesos de información y evaluación de riesgos 
English to Spanish
in dauna si prejudiciereato the detriment and prejudice of X 
Romanian to English
incidir enan incision is made into it 
Spanish to English
ingradit/neingraditcercado/no cercado, vallado/no vallado 
Romanian to Spanish
knife gate valvevana glisanta (cu cutit) 
English to Romanian
mixer working liningcăptuşeală anti-uzură malaxor 
English to Romanian
mlastini oligotrofepantano oligotrófico 
Romanian to Spanish
no refund dueno hay reembolso pendiente 
English to Spanish
pajisteprado / pradera 
Romanian to Spanish
penalitati de intarzieredelayed payment penalty 
Romanian to English
plata sumei asiguratepayment of the insured amount 
Romanian to English
procedura de citaresummoning procedure 
Romanian to English
pull down force rated machinesmaquinaria con fuerza de demolición 
English to Spanish
qfto.quirofanito - small OR 
Spanish to English
reporting organizationsorganizaciones informadoras / notificadoras 
English to Spanish
Respondent therein declined to plead and consented that ...el aquí demandado se negó a hacer alegaciones y acordó que 
English to Spanish
sablatorsandblast operator 
Romanian to English
salary statementstat de plata 
English to Romanian
semneaza la vederesigns the present agreement... at sight 
Romanian to English
senior unsecured basiscrédito prioritario sin garantía 
English to Spanish
Socio de ImplementaciónImplementation Partnet 
Spanish to English
solicitaciones mecánicasmechanical stress 
Spanish to English
spatiubusiness premises 
Romanian to English
English to Romanian
subject childniño-testigo 
English to Spanish
tack-down stitchhilvanado, hilván 
English to Spanish
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