cisural cissural / incisional / fissural
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Language pair: | Spanish to English |
Definition / notes: | Se practica linfadenectomía de los hiliares: - 2 cisurales - 1 mediastino superior Answerer: I think the word in English is this, it refers to the fissure between the lobes, in the lungs, the brain, etc. In reference to the brain : A good exercise to precisely recognize cerebral lobes on SPECT images is the identification of cissures separating them, using an atlas as a guide. Although indirect signs of cerebral atrophycan be identified in the SPECT images, such as a marked separation between hemispheres caused by interhemispheric cissure enlargement,..... Other: cisura = incision, cleft or fissure I would go for incision if referring to surgery. Though in the brain cisurales are "sulci" (sulcus in the singular) |
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