B ( ej. lóbulo) Basal (eg. lobe)

Language pair:Spanish to English
Definition / notes:Localización: B Pulmón
B ganglio linfático

En el lóbulo basal del pulmón. Cada lóbulo tiene sus ganglios correspondientes.

We evaluated postmortem diffusion of gastric drug residue into tissues and blood in eight suicidal overdoses. Analyses were performed on liver (five sites), lung (four sites), spleen, psoas muscle and kidney (left and right), blood (peripheral and torso), vitreous, pericardial fluid, bile and, urine as well as residual gastric contents. Standard analytical techniques ----- These case studies confirm previous studies of an animal and human cadaver model of gastric diffusion, in that in several instances there was drug accumulation in the left posterior margin of the liver and, to a lesser extent, the left **basal lobe** of the lung.
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