Translation glossary: English - German Dictionary

Showing entries 101-150 of 420
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for the attention of (attn.)zu Händen von 
English to German
English to German
General delivery (US)Postlagernd 
English to German
gentlemen’s outfitterHerrenausstatter 
English to German
Handle With Care!Vorsicht, zerbrechlich! 
English to German
English to German
have many outfitsviel anzuziehen haben 
English to German
have statutory effectGesetzeskraft haben 
English to German
hold goodweiterhin gelten 
English to German
I’ll agree to that!das lasse ich gelten! 
English to German
if need beallenfalls 
English to German
If undelivered, please return to (sender)Falls unzustellbar, bitte zurück an (Absender) 
English to German
in agreement withim Einvernehmen mit 
English to German
in forcegeltend 
English to German
in no uncertain termsunmissverständlich 
English to German
in terms ofwas ... betrifft 
English to German
in terms of moneyfinanziell gesehen 
English to German
in the long termauf lange Sicht 
English to German
in the respective current versionin der jeweils geltenden Fassung 
English to German
in the respectively applicable versionin der jeweils geltenden Fassung 
English to German
in the short termauf kurze Sicht 
English to German
in this case it shall applyso gilt 
English to German
in this case it shall be effectiveso gilt 
English to German
in this case it shall be in forceso gilt 
English to German
in this case it shall be validso gilt 
English to German
in this case it shall be worthso gilt 
English to German
interior outfitterInnenausstatter 
English to German
International Reply CouponInternationaler Antwortschein 
English to German
it is necessary for ... to (+ infinitive)es gilt zu 
English to German
it seems certain thates gilt als sicher, dass 
English to German
it shall applyes gilt 
English to German
it shall be effectivees gilt 
English to German
it shall be in forcees gilt 
English to German
it shall be valides gilt 
English to German
it shall be worthes gilt 
English to German
It’s a deal!es gilt 
English to German
leave to s.o.’s discretionin jemandens Ermessen stellen 
English to German
letter of indemnityKonnossementsgarantie 
English to German
live in perfect amityim bestem Einvernehmen leben 
English to German
live in perfect amityin gutem Einvernehmen leben 
English to German
Luftschallemission [DIN EN 60704-1:2010-12 ]airborne acoustical noise [EN 60704-2-10] 
English to German
maintaingeltend machen 
English to German
men’s outfitterHerrenausstatter 
English to German
my offer still standsmein Angebot gilt noch 
English to German
English to German
negotiation aboutVerhandlung über 
English to German
negotiation forVerhandlung über 
English to German
negotiation onVerhandlung über 
English to German
net priceGestehungskosten 
English to German
Not known at this addressEmpfänger unbekannt 
English to German
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