Translation glossary: EN-DE Dictionary of Colours and Colour Related Terms

Showing entries 401-450 of 1,365
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dead colourtote Farbe 
English to German
English to German
deepdunkel werden 
English to German
deep brownDunkelbraun 
English to German
deep carmineDunkelkarmin 
English to German
deep carmineKarmin 
English to German
deep carmineTiefkarmin 
English to German
deep greenDunkelgrün 
English to German
deep orangeTieforange 
English to German
deep pinkTiefrosa 
English to German
deep redPurpurrot 
English to German
deep redTiefrot 
English to German
deep roseDunkelkarmin 
English to German
deep roseKarmin 
English to German
deep roseRötlichkarmin 
English to German
deep roseTrübkarmin 
English to German
deep skyblueTiefes Himmelblau 
English to German
deep violetViolett Tief 
English to German
deepest shadowKernschatten 
English to German
degree of brightnessHelligkeitsgrad 
English to German
delft blueDelftblau 
English to German
English to German
English to German
density rangeDichteumfang 
English to German
depth of fieldSchärfentiefe 
English to German
English to German
diffuse color (US)diffuse Farbe 
English to German
diffuse color (US)diffuser Farbanteil 
English to German
diffuse color portion (US)diffuse Farbe 
English to German
diffuse color portion (US)diffuser Farbanteil 
English to German
diffuse colourdiffuse Farbe 
English to German
diffuse colourdiffuser Farbanteil 
English to German
diffuse colour portiondiffuse Farbe 
English to German
diffuse colour portiondiffuser Farbanteil 
English to German
digital printingDigitaldruck 
English to German
dim grayMattes Grau 
English to German
dim grey (US)Mattes Grau 
English to German
discoloration (US)Farbänderung 
English to German
English to German
English to German
distant blueFernblau 
English to German
dodger blueDodger-blau 
English to German
dove colored (US)Taubengrau 
English to German
dove colouredTaubengrau 
English to German
English to German
drum scannerTrommelscanner 
English to German
dull blackMattschwarz 
English to German
dull blueMattblau 
English to German
dull carmineKarmin 
English to German
dull carmineLebhaftlilakarmin 
English to German
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