Translation glossary: EN-DE Dictionary of Metrology

Showing entries 51-100 of 138
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integrating instrumentintegrierendes Messgerät 
English to German
integrating measuring instrumentintegrierendes Messgerät 
English to German
international measurement standardinternationales Normal 
English to German
international standardinternationales Normal 
English to German
International System of Units, SIInternationales Einheitensystem, SI 
English to German
intrinsic error (of a measuring instrument)Eigenabweichung (eines Messgerätes) 
English to German
limiting conditionsGrenzbedingungen 
English to German
limits of permissible error (of a measuring instrument)Grenzwerte für Messabweichungen (für ein Messgerät) 
English to German
linear scalelineare Skala 
English to German
material measureMaßverkörperung 
English to German
maximum permissible errors (of a measuring instrument)Grenzwerte für Messabweichungen (für ein Messgerät) 
English to German
measurable quantitymessbare Größe, Größe 
English to German
English to German
English to German
measurement procedureMessverfahren 
English to German
measurement signalMesssignal 
English to German
measurement standardNormal 
English to German
measuring chainMesskette 
English to German
measuring instrumentMessgerät 
English to German
measuring range, working rangeMessbereich 
English to German
measuring systemMesseinrichtung 
English to German
measuring transducerMessumformer 
English to German
method of measurementMessmethode 
English to German
English to German
multiple of a unit (of measurement)Vielfaches einer Einheit (einer Messung) 
English to German
national measurement standardnationales Normal 
English to German
national standardnationales Normal 
English to German
nominal rangeNennbereich 
English to German
nominal valueNennwert 
English to German
nonlinear scalenichtlineare Skala 
English to German
numerical value (of a quantity)Zahlenwert (einer Größe) 
English to German
off-system unit (of measurement)Systemfremde Einheit (einer Messung) 
English to German
primary standardPrimärnormal 
English to German
principle of measurementMessprinzip 
English to German
quantitymessbare Größe, Größe 
English to German
quantity of dimension oneGröße der Dimension 1 
English to German
random errorzufällige Messabweichung 
English to German
range of indicationAnzeigebereich 
English to German
rated operating conditionsBemessungsbedingungen 
English to German
recording deviceRegistriereinrichtung 
English to German
recording instrumentregistrierendes Messgerät 
English to German
recording measuring instrumentregistrierendes Messgerät 
English to German
reference conditionsReferenzbedingungen 
English to German
reference material (RM)Referenzmaterial (RM) 
English to German
reference standardBezugsnormal 
English to German
reference-value scaleReferenzwertskala 
English to German
relative errorrelative Messabweichung 
English to German
repeatability (of a measuring instrument)Wiederholpräzision (eines Messgerätes) 
English to German
repeatability (of results of measurements)Wiederholpräzision (von Messergebnissen) 
English to German
reproducibility (of results of measurements)erweiterte Vergleichspräzision (von Messergebnissen) 
English to German
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